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T. Vinius was for Marcus Otho, Laco and Icelus agreed, not indeed in supporting any particular individual, but in striving for some one else.
Vinius pro M. Othone, Laco atque Icelus consensu non tam unum aliquem fovebant quam alium.


Consequently it was decided to procure a confession from some one on whom could also be fastened a charge of revolutionary designs.
ergo confessionem alicuius quaeri placet, cui rerum quoque novarum crimen adfingeretur.
Charlton T. Lewis


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Charlton T. Lewis


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T. Vinius was for Marcus Otho, Laco and Icelus agreed, not indeed in supporting any particular individual, but in striving for some one else.
Vinius pro M. Othone, Laco atque Icelus consensu non tam unum aliquem fovebant quam alium.
Piotr Szelma

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Consequently it was decided to procure a confession from some one on whom could also be fastened a charge of revolutionary designs.
ductae tamen publicae exequiae laudavitque ipse apud rostra formam eius et quod divinae infantis parens fuisset aliaque fortunae munera pro virtutibus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
T. Vinius was for Marcus Otho, Laco and Icelus agreed, not indeed in supporting any particular individual, but in striving for some one else.
Turmae interim equitum quae pro vallo in stationibus esse solebant [ab utrisque ducibus], cotidie minutis proeliis inter se depugnare non intermittunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It may be that I do not satisfy you; you may fall back on other legates or tribunes, on some centurion, even on some common soldier.
Tandem omnibus rebus obsessi, quartum iam diem sine pabulo retentis iumentis, aquae, lignorum, frumenti inopia colloquium petunt et id, si fieri possit, semoto a militibus loco.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Are there some cats on the desk?
is Paelignus auxiliis provincialium contractis tamquam reciperaturus Armeniam, dum socios magis quam hostis praedatur, abscessu suorum et incursantibus barbaris praesidii egens ad Radamistum venit; donisque eius evictus ultro regium insigne sumere cohortatur sumentique adest auctor et satelles.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Are there some cats on the desks?
ita rogati sententiam patres Zmyrnaeos praetulere.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Some feed on dicotyledon species.
Quod ubi Caesar animadvertit, CCC quos ex legionibus habere expeditos consuerat, ex legione quae proxima ei proelio in acie constiterat, iubet equitatui succurrere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
28] To blame population growth instead of extreme and selective consumerism on the part of some, is one way of refusing to face the issues.
id senatus consultum varie iactatum et, prout potens vel inops reus inciderat, infirmum aut validum, retinebat adhuc [aliquid]
True to this plot, many of the fighters are based on actual historical figures, while some are fictional ones.
Isdem temporibus deum aedis vetustate aut igni abolitas coeptasque ab Augusto dedicavit, Libero Liberaeque et Cereri iuxta circum maximum, quam A. Postumius dictator voverat, eodemque in loco aedem Florae ab Lucio et Marco Publiciis aedilibus constitutam, et Iano templum, quod apud forum holitorium C. Duilius struxerat, qui primus rem Romanam prospere mari gessit triumphumque navalem de Poenis meruit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many of the men had their limbs frost-bitten through the intensity of the cold, and some perished on guard.
Itaque ex eius patientia in magnum timorem coniecti ex Gaetulis duos quos arbitrabantur suis rebus amicissimos, magnis praemiis pollicitationibusque propositis pro perfugis speculandi gratia in castra Caesaris mittunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Claudius had returned home to an early banquet; then, in softened mood, when the wine had warmed him, he bade some one go and tell the ""poor creature"" (this is the word which they say he used) to come the morrow and plead her cause."
etenim expers coniurationis erat, quamvis super eo crimine Nero vetus adversum insontem odium expleverit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Then he was dragged along by a fetter, an extreme degradation to a barbarian; and soon the common people, whom he had held under a harsh sway, heaped insults on him with menacing gestures, though some, on the contrary, pitied such a reverse of fortune.
Hae ad insulam, quae est contra Massiliam, stationes obtinebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
As I am about to relate the last days of a famous city, it seems appropriate to throw some light on its origin.
Hora circiter tertia ab antecursoribus de Crassi adventu certior factus eo die milia passuum XX pro cedit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
She decided on some rare compound which might derange his mind and delay death.
unde metus et ex metu consilium, posse imputari Vespasiano quae apud Vitellium excusanda erant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And sitting down to eat bread, they saw some Ismaelites on their way coming from Galaad, with their camels, carrying spices, and balm, and myrrh to Egypt.
Nomen sedemque Caesaris Domitianus acceperat, nondum ad curas intentus, sed stupris et adulteriis filium principis agebat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Nevertheless it will be serviceable to throw some light on these two points, that thus the reason may become clearer why some fall short of the ideal of a good preacher.
Datum ex Arce Gandulphi, prope Romam, die XXIX mensis Septembris, in festo Dedicationis S. Michaëlis Archangeli, anno MDCCCCXXXVII, Pontificatus Nostri decimo
The people of Temnus, Philadelpheia, Aegae, Apollonis, the Mostenians, and Hyrcanian Macedonians, as they were called, with the towns of Hierocaesarea, Myrina, Cyme, and Tmolus, were; it was decided, to be exempted from tribute for the same time, and some one was to be sent from the Senate to examine their actual condition and to relieve them.
et viso Corbulone rex prior equo desiluit; nec cunctatus Corbulo, et pedes uterque dexteras miscuere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
So, while they dropped hints among themselves or among their friends about the emperor's crimes, the approaching end of empire, and the importance of choosing some one to rescue the State in its distress, they associated with them Tullius Senecio, Cervarius Proculus, Vulcatius Araricus, Julius Augurinus, Munatius Gratus, Antonius Natalis, and Marcius Festus, all Roman knights.
Civilis opperiendas Transrhenanorum gentis, quarum terrore fractae populi Romani vires obtererentur: Gallos quid aliud quam praedam victoribus? et tamen, quod roboris sit, Belgas secum palam aut voto stare.latin-ancient latin-ancient
A centurion, Insteius, sent perhaps by Ummidius on some previous occasion, received them after an interview with the king.
Duces vero ii deliguntur qui una cum Q. Sertorio omnes annos fuerant summamque scientiam rei militaris habere existimabantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
A similar fate befell Trebellienus Rufus and Sextius Paconianus. Trebellienus perished by his own hand; Paconianus was strangled in prison for having there written some lampoons on the emperor.
Nam et frumentum ex agris cotidie in castra conferebat et, quae gravissime adflictae erant naves, earum materia atque aere ad reliquas reficiendas utebatur et quae ad eas res erant usui ex continenti comportari iubebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But he now fell back on those idle and often ridiculed professions about restoring the republic, and the wish that the consuls or some one else might undertake the government, and thus destroyed belief even in what was genuine and noble. The same honours were decreed to the memory of Drusus as to that of Germanicus, and many more were added.
haec ferociter locutus, postquam perstare in perfidia Classicum Tutoremque videt, verso itinere Novaesium concedit: Galli duum milium spatio distantibus campis consedere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
While these and like topics were discussed, the infirmities of Augustus increased, and some suspected guilt on his wife's part.
Ubi ea dies quam constituerat cum legatis venit et legati ad eum reverterunt, negat se more et exemplo populi Romani posse iter ulli per provinciam dare et, si vim facere conentur, prohibiturum ostendit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On some nights, there must be stars nowhere else above the planet because they all seem to be over Jaisalmer.
Q. Servaeus posthac et Minucius Thermus inducti, Servaeus praetura functus et quondam Germanici comes, Minucius equestri loco, modeste habita Seiani amicitia; unde illis maior miseratio.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Charles Darwin's views about common descent, as expressed in On the Origin of Species, were that it was probable that there was only one progenitor for all life forms: Therefore I should infer from analogy that probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from some one primordial form, into which life was first breathed.
plusque infamiae id incendium habuit, quia praediis Tigellini Aemilianis proruperat videbaturque Nero condendae urbis novae et cognomento suo appellandae gloriam quaerere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And when they began to be separated, some to be marched to one spot, and some to another, a thrill of terror ran through them all.
Transigite cum expeditionibus, imponite quinquaginta annis magnum diem, adprobate rei publicae numquam exercitui imputari potuisse aut moras belli aut causas rebellandi.'latin-ancient latin-ancient
That, if the Romans in the mean time came up by chance, they [the Gauls] should feel grateful to fortune; if invited by the information of some one they should feel grateful to him, because they were enabled to see distinctly from the higher ground the smallness of the number of their enemy, and despise the courage of those who, not daring to fight, retreated disgracefully into their camp.
Mox mitigavit ratio et aetas, retinuitque, quod est difficillimum, ex sapientia modum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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