stored oor Latyn


Simple past tense and past participle of store.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


noun particle
Piotr Szelma

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

store|box|vault for silver
kept in store
series of store-rooms
department store
emporium · pantopolium
relating to|connected with a store-room
cellariarius · cellariensis · cellaris · cellarius
apotheco · cella · cellarium · compono · condo · confisco · conloco · conpono · conveho · copia · entheca · facultas · horreum · instrumentum · materia · materies · officium · onero · partus · quaesitus · repono · servo · taberna · thesaurus
contained|stored in amphora|jars
store room
apotheca · promptuarium
place for storing hay


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I will buy a watch at the store.
has ad copias nequaquam Vitellianis paris (quippe tres adhuc legiones erant) misit epistulas Caecina, temeritatem victa arma tractantium incusans.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Then began a controversy. The one spoke of the greatness of Rome, the resources of Caesar, the dreadful punishment in store for the vanquished, the ready mercy for him who surrenders, and the fact that neither Arminius's wife nor his son were treated as enemies; the other, of the claims of fatherland, of ancestral freedom, of the gods of the homes of Germany, of the mother who shared his prayers, that Flavus might not choose to be the deserter and betrayer rather than the ruler of his kinsfolk and relatives, and indeed of his own people.
Iam cum non amplius passus md inter hostium aciem suasque munitiones esse animadvertisset intellexissetque ad impediendos milites suos et ab opere depellendos hostem propius accedere et necesse haberet legiones a munitionibus deducere, imperat turmae Hispanorum ut ad proximum collem propere accurrerent praesidiumque inde deturbarent locumque caperent, eodemque iubet levis armaturae paucos consequi subsidio.latin-ancient latin-ancient
22) For, as the enemies of the Catholic name, when about to attack religion, are in the habit of borrowing their weapons from the arguments of philosophers, so the defenders of sacred science draw many arguments from the store of philosophy which may serve to uphold revealed dogmas.
ita consilia Tiridati in contrarium vertebant, mittebatque oratores, qui suo Parthorumque nomine expostularent, cur datis nuper obsidibus redintegrataque amicitia quae novis quoque beneficiis locum aperiret, vetere Armeniae possessione
Those, on the other hand, who thought that he ought to wait at home, though their opinion of him was the same, hinted that mockeries and insults were in store for him.
quidam Cecropem Atheniensem vel Linum Thebanum et temporibus Troianis Palamedem Argivum memorant sedecim litterarum formas, mox alios ac praecipuum Simoniden ceteras repperisse.latin-ancient latin-ancient
She sells out of her flagship store in Tel Aviv and in 75 boutiques internationally.
Vulgo totis castris testamenta obsignabantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The next day (as there remained in all only two day's space [to the time] when he must serve out the corn to his army, and as he was not more than eighteen miles from Bibracte, by far the largest and best-stored town of the Aedui), he thought that he ought to provide for a supply of corn; and diverted his march from the Helvetii, and advanced rapidly to Bibracte.
Nullum intercedebat tempus, quin extremi cum equitibus proeliarentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
From the ancient Christian documents, from prayers of the liturgy, from the innate piety of the Christian people, from works of art, from every side We have gathered witnesses to the regal dignity of the Virgin Mother of God; We have likewise shown that the arguments deduced by Sacred Theology from the treasure store of the faith fully confirm this truth.
sic primus quaestionis dies
They sell meat in this store.
Advertit ea res Vespasiani animum ut vexillarios e legionibus ducemque Virdium Geminum spectatae militiae deligeret.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
John Chrysostom states: "When you see It [the Body of Christ] exposed, say to yourself: Thanks to this body, I am no longer dust and ashes, I am no more a captive but a freeman: hence I hope to obtain heaven and the good things that are there in store for me, eternal life, the heritage of the angels, companionship with Christ; death has not destroyed this body which was pierced by nails and scourged, . . . this is that body which was once covered with blood, pierced by a lance, from which issued saving fountains upon the world, one of blood and the other of water. . .
adsultare ex diverso Tiridates, non usque ad ictum teli, sed tum minitans, tum specie trepidantis, si laxare ordines et diversos consectari
She bought this pen at that store.
Lacedaemonii primum corpora exercuerunt ut tempore belli melius pugnarent, cum Athenienses artem studiumque rei militaris anteponerent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Now learn, how best to compass my design. / To Tyrian Carthage hastes the princely boy, / prompt at the summons of his sire divine, / my prime solicitude, my chiefest joy, / fraught with brave store of gifts, saved from the flames of Troy."
apud Romanos omnia proelio apta: Sarmatae dispersiaut cupidine praedae graves onere sarcinarum et lubrico itinerum adempta equorum pernicitate velut vincti caedebantur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The store is closed.
Hoc idem visum ex superioribus quibusdam castellis confirmaverunt.tatoeba tatoeba
The hardware store is near the park.
Isdem diebus Sex. Papinius consulari familia repentinum et informem exitum delegit, iacto in praeceps corpore.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
At the end of the Jubilee, as we go back to our ordinary routine, storing in our hearts the treasures of this very special time, our gaze is more than ever firmly set on the face of the Lord.
datae e classe Misenensi duae triremes ad prosequendum, cum quibus Cythnum insulam tenuit: nec defuere qui trierarchos nomine Neronis
The store is having a sale on summer goods.
Hanc si nostri transirent hostes expectabant; nostri autem, si ab illis initium transeundi fieret, ut impeditos adgrederentur, parati in armis erant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I want to go to the store.
Iamque cum procul hostis conspici posset, milites in campo iubet galeari et ad [eam] pugnam parari; quorum omnino numerus fuit XXX cohortium cum equitibus CCCC, sagittariis CL.tatoeba tatoeba
GUM (department store)
The most frequent complication of this type of fracture is loss of function and pain of the ankle joint.langbot langbot
He was at the store.
igitur accitum eum Caesar operae prioris admonet: solum incolumitati principis adversus insidiantem matrem subvenisse; locum haud minoris gratiae instare, si coniugem infensam depelleret.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
As bees in early summer swarm apace / through flowery fields, when forth from dale and dell / they lead the full-grown offspring of the race, / or with the liquid honey store each cell, / and make the teeming hive with nectarous sweets to swell. / These ease the comers of their loads, those drive / the drones afar. The busy work each plies, / and sweet with thyme and honey smells the hive.
His rebus confectis, cum fides tota Italia esset angustior neque creditae pecuniae solverentur, constituit, ut arbitri darentur; per eos fierent aestimationes possessionum et rerum, quanti quaeque earum ante bellum fuisset, atque hac creditoribus traderentur.tatoeba tatoeba
Their chief freight is wine, stored in casks made of the wood of the palm-tree.
Non erat Othonis mollis et corpori similis animus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I go into the store.
restringitur vinclis venaeque eius per omnes artus exsolvuntur; et quia pressus pavore sanguis tardius labebatur, praefervidi balnei vapore enecatur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Did you go to the store?
Tunc infensos Batavis deos, cum obsiderentur legiones, interficerentur legati, bellum uni necessarium, ferale ipsis sumeretur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The store sells fruits and vegetables.
Dux bello peritissimus, civis in toga.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I went to the book store.
Ab his complures de improviso vulnerati proelio excedebant.tatoeba tatoeba
118 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.