strangeness oor Latyn


(uncountable) The state or quality of being strange, odd or weird.

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[ īnsolentia ]
Charlton T. Lewis



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wonderful! strange!
it is strange how
very strange
admirabilis · advena · adventicius · alienigena · alienus · allophylus · ammirabilis · barbaricus · barbarus · disiunctus · exter · externus · exterus · extraneus · extrarius · hospitus · ignarus · ignotus · inauditus · insolitus · insuetus · inusitatus · invisitatus · longinquus · mirabilis · mirandus · mirificus · mirus · monstrificus · monstruosus · novus · peregrinus · proselytus · remotus
sojourn in a strange land
of strange speech
Strange Wave
Idaea laevigata
strangely. epistulae scriptae
strange ways


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Strangely enough they make games of hazard a serious occupation even when sober, and so venturesome are they about gaining or losing, that, when every other resource has failed, on the last and final throw they stake the freedom of their own persons.
Aleam, quod mirere, sobrii inter seria exercent tanta lucrandi perdendive temeritate, ut, cum omnia defecerunt, extremo ac novissimo jactu de libertate ac de corpore contendant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The controversial is assigned to riper scholars, and, good heavens! what strange and astonishing productions are the result! It comes to pass that subjects remote from all reality are actually used for declamation.
Ex his suasoriae quidem etsi tamquam plane leviores et minus prudentiae exigentes pueris delegantur, controversiae robustioribus adsignantur, -- quales, per fidem, et quam incredibiliter compositae! sequitur autem, ut materiae abhorrenti a veritate declamatio quoque adhibeatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
My name is "The Strange One".
Nomen mihi est "Ille Inusitatus."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Then Dido, struck with wonder at the sight / of one so great and in so strange a plight, / "O Goddess-born! what fate through dangers sore, / what force to savage coasts compels thy flight?"
Obstupuit primo adspectu Sidonia Dido, / casu deinde viri tanto, et sic ore locuta est: / "Quis te, nate dea, per tanta pericula casus / insequitur? Quae vis immanibus applicat oris?"Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Who is that strange presence up above?
Quid est tam secundum naturam quam senibus emori?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.
Non habebis deos alienos coram me.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And, strange to relate, two columns of the enemy fled in opposite directions, that, which had occupied the wood, rushing into the open, those who had been drawn up on the plains, into the wood.
mirumque dictu, duo hostium agmina diversa fuga, qui silvam tenuerant, in aperta, qui campis adstiterant, in silvam ruebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
So they gave him all the strange gods they had, and the earrings which were in their ears: and he buried them under the turpentine tree, that is behind the city of Sichem.
Dederunt ergo ei omnes deos alienos, quos habebant, et inaures, quæ erant in auribus eorum; at ille infodit ea subter Quercum, quæ est prope urbem Sichem.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"'Tis war thou bringest us," Anchises cries, / strange land! For war the mettled steed they train, / and war these threaten. Yet in time again / these beasts are wont in harness to obey, / and bear the yoke, as guided by the rein. / Peace yet is hopeful."
Et pater Anchises: "Bellum, o terra hospita, portas; / bello armantur equi, bellum hæc armenta minantur. / Sed tamen idem olim curru succedere sueti / quadrupedes, et frena jugo concordia ferre; / spes et pacis," ait.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The hypothetical person lacking a sense of humour would likely find the behaviour inducing it to be inexplicable, strange, or even irrational.
Ei systemata fidei saepe detrectant quae ei putant idiosyncratica, bizarre, vel irrationalia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The result was an alternation of outbreaks and executions, and a strange mixture of obedience and frenzy, which made it impossible to restrain the men whom it was yet possible to punish.
haud dubie gregarius miles Vitellio fidus, splendidissimus quisque in Vespasianum proni: inde scelerum ac suppliciorum vices et mixtus obsequio furor, ut contineri non possent qui puniri poterant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Strange news we hear: A Trojan Greeks obey, / Helenus, master of the spouse and sway / of Pyrrhus, and Andromache once more / has yielded to a Trojan lord.
Hic incredibilis rerum fama occupat aures, / Priamiden Helenum Graias regnare per urbes, / conjugio Aeacidæ Pyrrhi sceptrisque potitum, / et patrio Andromachen iterum cessisse marito.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
When Caesar observed this, he ordered the ships of war, the appearance of which was somewhat strange to the barbarians and the motion more ready for service, to be withdrawn a little from the transport vessels, and to be propelled by their oars, and be stationed toward the open flank of the enemy, and the enemy to be beaten off and driven away, with slings, arrows, and engines: which plan was of great service to our men; for the barbarians being startled by the form of our ships and the motions of our oars and the nature of our engines, which was strange to them, stopped, and shortly after retreated a little.
Quod ubi Caesar animadvertit, naves longas, quarum et species erat barbaris inusitatior et motus ad usum expeditior, paulum removeri ab onerariis navibus et remis incitari et ad latus apertum hostium constitui atque inde fundis, sagittis, tormentis hostes propelli ac submoveri iussit; quae res magno usui nostris fuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Strange as this story was, it derived credibility from the fact that Gaetulicus alone of all connected with Sejanus lived in safety and in high favour, Tiberius bearing in mind the people's hatred, his own extreme age how his government rested more on prestige than on power.
haec, mira quamquam, fidem ex eo trahebant quod unus omnium Seiani adfinium incolumis multaque gratia mansit, reputante Tiberio publicum sibi odium, extremam aetatem magisque fama quam vi stare res suas.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Divine Julius once quelled an army's mutiny with a single word by calling those who were renouncing their military obedience 'citizens.' The Divine Augustus cowed the legions who had fought at Actium with one look of his face. Though I am not yet what they were, still, descended as I am from them, it would be a strange and unworthy thing should I be spurned by the soldiery of Spain or Syria.
divus Iulius seditionem exercitus verbo uno compescuit, Quirites vocando qui sacramentum eius detrectabant: divus Augustus vultu et aspectu Actiacas legiones exterruit: nos ut nondum eosdem, ita ex illis ortos si Hispaniae Syriaeve miles aspernaretur, tamen mirum et indignum erat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
You have a strange idea of happiness.
Inusitate laetitiae consideras.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Though at the moment provoked, he only called on the tribunes of the people to support his insulted authority, and then, when his friends, who feared his resentment was deeper than it appeared, sought to appease him, he replied that it was nothing strange that two senators in a Commonwealth should disagree: he had himself been in the habit of opposing Thrasea.
commotus primo Vitellius, non tamen ultra quam tribunos plebis in auxilium spretae potestatis advocavit; mox mitigantibus amicis, qui altiorem iracundiam eius verebantur, nihil novi accidisse respondit quod duo senatores in re publica dissentirent; solitum se etiam Thraseae contra dicere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
44] A strange distortion of St. Jerome's words!
In quo mirum quantum ad sua commenta detorquent verba
At the same time, Domitius arrived in Macedonia: and when numerous embassies had begun to wait on him from many of the states, news was brought that Scipio was approaching with his legions, which occasioned various opinions and reports; for in strange events, rumor generally goes before.
Eodemque tempore Domitius in Macedoniam venit; et cum ad eum frequentes civitatum legationes convenire coepissent, nuntiatum est adesse Scipionem cum legionibus, magna opinione et fama omnium; nam plerumque in novitate rem fama antecedit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He who is rightly disposed and ordered within careth not for the strange and perverse conduct of men.
Qui intus bene dispositus est et ordinatus, non curat mirabiles et perversos hominum gestus.Literature Literature
One avows that the camp is already taken, another maintains that, the enemy having destroyed the army and commander-in-chief, are come hither as conquerors; most form strange superstitious fancies from the spot, and place before their eyes the catastrophe of Cotta and Titurius, who had fallen in the same fort.
Alius iam castra capta pronuntiat, alius deleto exercitu atque imperatore victores barbaros venisse contendit; plerique novas sibi ex loco religiones fingunt Cottaeque et Tituri calamitatem, qui in eodem occiderint castello, ante oculos ponunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Tom speaks strangely.
Thomas insolite loquitur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And Jacob having called together all his household, said: Cast away the strange gods that are among you, and be cleansed, and change your garments.
Iacob vero, convocata omni domo sua, ait: Abigite deos alienos, qui in medio vestri sunt, et mundamini ac mutate vestimenta vestra.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Isn't that strange that we've met after you know, you came more that 12 hours in the plane, get here wow!
Non mirum, postquam convenisset ut weve scitis autem et vos horae plus XII Planum, consectetuer adipiscing elit WOW!QED QED
It was strange To write in this red muck Of things from my heart. — Stephen Crane Crane's poems, which he preferred to call "lines", are typically not given as much scholarly attention as his fiction; no anthology contained Crane's verse until 1926.
Poemata Craneiana, quorum versus (eos Anglice lines appellare malebat), tantum academicam animi attentionem quam fictio non usitate receperunt; nulla quidem anthologia eius versus usque ad 1926 continuit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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