summoning oor Latyn


naamwoord, werkwoord
Present participle of summon.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma


[ ēvocātiō ]
Piotr Szelma

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Soortgelyke frases

summon away
summon again
summoning before a tribunal
summon forth
excieo · excio · excito
summon commit suicide
acceo · accieo · accio
summon for counsel
summon |deliver summons
accersio · accerso · accio · adhibeo · advocare · advoco · appello · arcersio · arcerso · arcessio · arcesso · arcessō · calo · cieo · cito · cogo · compello · concalo · concito · conclamo · convoco · educo · evoco · excieo · excio · indico · invito · kalo · postulo · provoco · summonio · vocare · voco · vocō
summons to return


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Having devastated the country in such a manner, Caesar leads back his army with the loss of two cohorts to Durocortorum of the Remi, and, having summoned a council of Gaul to assemble at that place, he resolved to hold an investigation respecting the conspiracy of the Senones and Carnutes, and having pronounced a most severe sentence upon Acco, who had been the contriver of that plot, he punished him after the custom of our ancestors.
Ad eas res conficiendas Orgetorix deligitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It was necessary to consult the cardinals first in this important matter, for they are joined to the ministry of the bishop of Rome by a close and most special bond and they "are also available to [him], either acting collegially, when they are summoned together to deal with questions of major importance, or acting individually, that is, in the offices which they hold in assisting [him] especially in the daily care of the universal Church."
Colunt discreti ac diversi, ut fons, ut campus, ut nemus
He charges him to visit the Remi and the other Belgians, and to keep them in their allegiance and repel the Germans (who were said to have been summoned by the Belgae to their aid,) if they attempted to cross the river by force in their ships.
Castra erant ad bellum ducendum aptissima natura loci et munitione et maris propinquitate et aquae et salis copia, cuius magna vis iam ex proximis erat salinis eo congesta.latin-ancient latin-ancient
I am well aware that it will seem a fable that any persons in the world could have been so obtuse in a city which knows everything and hides nothing, much more, that these persons should have been a consul-elect and the emperor's wife; that, on an appointed day, before witnesses duly summoned, they should have come together as if for the purpose of legitimate marriage; that she should have listened to the words of the bridegroom's friends, should have sacrificed to the gods, have taken her place among a company of guests, have lavished her kisses and caresses, and passed the night in the freedom which marriage permits.
sed praecipuum robur Rhenum iuxta, commune in Germanos Gallosque subsidium, octo legiones erant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Drusus, thinking that he ought to avail himself of this change in their temper and turn what chance had offered to a wise account, ordered the tents to be visited. Clemens, the centurion was summoned with all others who for their good qualities were liked by the common soldiers.
Rhodii quidam, plurimi Athenienses oratores extiterunt, apud quos omnia populus, omnia imperiti, omnia, ut sic dixerim, omnes poterant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The 14th legion was summoned from Britain, and the 6th and 10th from Spain.
Caesar in campis exercitum reficit, ne defessum proelio obiciat; rursus conantes progredi insequitur et moratur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When almost all the state had assembled there, and he was informed that one brother had been declared magistrate by the other, when only a few persons were privately summoned for the purpose, at a different time and place from what he ought, whereas the laws not only forbade two belonging to one family to be elected magistrates while each was alive, but even deterred them from being in the senate, he compelled Cotus to resign his office; he ordered Convictolitanis, who had been elected by the priests, according to the usage of the state, in the presence of the magistrates, to hold the supreme authority.
Non ad haec addebant non concursu acri facto, non proelio dimicatum, sibique ipsos multitudine atque angustiis maius attulisse detrimentum, quam ab hoste accepissent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Eporedirix, the Aeduan , a young man born in the highest rank and possessing very great influence at home, and, along with Viridomarus, of equal age and influence, but of inferior birth, whom Caesar had raised from a humble position to the highest rank, on being recommended to him by Divitiacus, had come in the number of horse, being summoned by Caesar by name.
protractum e tentorio, scissa veste, verberato corpore, quo pretio, quibus consciis prodidisset exercitum, dicere iubent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Although Caesar considered it ruinous to leave the war and the enemy, yet, being well aware what great evils generally arise from internal dissensions, lest a state so powerful and so closely connected with the Roman people, which he himself had always fostered and honored in every respect, should have recourse to violence and arms, and that the party which had less confidence in its own power should summon aid from Vercingetorix, he determined to anticipate this movement; and because, by the laws of the Aedui, it was not permitted those who held the supreme authority to leave the country, he determined to go in person to the Aedui, lest he should appear to infringe upon their government and laws, and summoned all the senate, and those between whom the dispute was, to meet him at Decetia.
Hic exitus viri haud sane spernendi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
First of the Greeks approaches, with a crowd, / Androgeus; friends he deems us unaware, / and thus, with friendly summons, cries aloud: / "Haste, comrades, forward; from the fleet ye fare / with lagging steps but now, while yonder glare / Troy's towers, and others sack and share the spoils?"
mox Numantina, prior uxor eius, accusata iniecisse carminibus et veneficiis vaecordiam marito, insons iudicatur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Vengeance summons his mystical bike but since the two were so far away from where they had been, it would take some time.
Datum ex Arce Gandulphi, prope Romam, die XXIX mensis Septembris, in festo Dedicationis S. Michaëlis Archangeli, anno MDCCCCXXXVII, Pontificatus Nostri decimo sexto.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In this case, the theologian is summoned not only to explain the concepts and terms used by the Church in her thinking and the development of her teaching, but also to know in depth the philosophical systems which may have influenced those concepts and terms, in order to formulate correct and consistent interpretations of them.
septem et triginta annos vitae, duodecim potentiae explevit, caniturque adhuc barbaras apud gentis, Graecorum annalibus ignotus, qui sua tantum mirantur, Romanis haud perinde celebris, dun vetera extollimus recentium
The Year of Faith, from this perspective, is a summons to an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord, the one Saviour of the world.
postquam id Romae compertum, M. Aponius Moesiam obtinens triumphali statua, Fulvus Aurelius et Iulianus Tettius ac Numisius Lupus, legati legionum, consularibus ornamentis donantur, laeto Othone et gloriam in se trahente, tamquam et ipse felix bello et suis ducibus suisque exercitibus rem publicam
Nevertheless Vitellius summoned auxiliary troops from Germany, Britain, and Spain, tardily, however, and with an attempt to conceal his necessities.
Posteriormente, en 1660, la especie fue reportada en la India con el nombre Malayalam.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Now learn, how best to compass my design. / To Tyrian Carthage hastes the princely boy, / prompt at the summons of his sire divine, / my prime solicitude, my chiefest joy, / fraught with brave store of gifts, saved from the flames of Troy."
Si esurierit inimicus tuus, ciba illum; et si sitierit, da ei aquam bibere – prunam enim congregabis super caput eius et Dominus reddet tibi.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
She was accordingly summoned before the Senate, and there they stood facing one another before the consuls' tribunal, the aged parent, and opposite to him the daughter, in the twentieth year of her age, widowed and forlorn, her husband Annius Pollio having lately been driven into banishment, without so much as a glance at her father, whose peril she seemed to have aggravated.
De media nocte missus equitatus novissimum agmen consequitur: magnus numerus capitur atque interficitur; reliqui ex fuga in civitates discedunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Two triremes from the fleet of Misenum were given him to pursue the adventurer: with these he reached the island of Cythnus. Persons were found to summon the captains in the name of Nero.
Iam castra in hostili solo molienti Corbuloni eae litterae redduntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But the full range of the apostolic summons needs to be accepted: far from trying to create a narrow "gift" mentality, Paul calls rather for a demanding culture of sharing, to be lived not only among the members of the community itself but also in society as a whole.
praecipuum pavorem intulit suspensum et nutans machinamentum, quo repente demisso praeter suorum ora singuli pluresve hostium sublime rapti verso pondere intra castra
Quadratus, learning that Mithridates had been betrayed and that his kingdom was in the hands of his murderers, summoned a council, and, having informed them of what had occurred, consulted them whether he should take vengeance.
Huc se referebant; hinc, si qua maior oppresserat vis, propugnabant; hinc ad repellendum et prosequendum hostem procurrebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Each family finds within itself a summons that cannot be ignored, and that specifies both its dignity and its responsibility: family, become what you are.
solacium proximi motus habebamus incruentam urbem et res sine discordia translatas: provisum adoptione videbatur ut ne post Galbam quidem bello locus esset.""
"When Caesar observed these things, having called a council, and summoned to it the centurions of all the companies, he severely reprimanded them, ""particularly, for supposing that it belonged to them to inquire or conjecture, either in what direction they were marching, or with what object."
Ita cum damna damnis continuarentur atque omnis annus funeribus et cladibus insigniretur, poscebatur ore vulgi dux Agricola, comparantibus cunctis vigorem, constantiam et expertum bellis animum cum inertia et formidine aliorum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Each, at his summons, stated his name, his rank, his birthplace, the number of his campaigns, what brave deeds he had done in battle, his military rewards, if any.
Nostri acriter in eos impetu facto reppulerunt neque finem sequendi fecerunt, quoad subsidio confisi equites, cum post se legiones viderent, praecipites hostes egerunt magnoque eorum numero interfecto neque sui colligendi neque consistendi aut ex essedis desiliendi facultatem dederunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
A great number of these having been collected, when Caesar was marching into the country of the Sequani, through the confines of the Lingones, in order that he might the more easily render aid to the province, Vercingetorix encamped in three camps, about ten miles from the Romans: and having summoned the commanders of the cavalry to a council, he shows that the time of victory was come; that the Romans were fleeing into the Province and leaving Gaul; that this was sufficient for obtaining immediate freedom; but was of little moment in acquiring peace and tranquillity for the future; for the Romans would return after assembling greater forces and would not put an end to the war.
Barba crescit, caput nescit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
East and West / he summoned to his throne, and thus his wrath expressed. / "What pride of birth possessed you, Earth and air / without my leave to mingle in affray, / and raise such hubbub in my realm?"
isque prisco instituto propinquis coram de capite famaque coniugis cognovit et insontem nuntiavit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
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