take comfort oor Latyn

take comfort

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Piotr Szelma

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Let all souls consecrated to the contemplative life therefore take comfort, since the Church and the world which she must evangelize receive much light and strength from the Lord thanks to their hidden life of prayer. And following the examples of humility, hiddenness and continual communion with God given by the Handmaid of the Lord, may they grow in love for their vocation as souls dedicated to contemplation.
Se igitur consolentur omnes qui vitae contemplativae se voverunt, quandoquidem Ecclesia itemque mundus, qui est eidem evangelizandus, non modicum excipiant lumen et robur a Domino, per eorum absconditam et orantem vitam; persequentes pariter Ancillae Domini humilitatis, solitudinis perpetuaeque communionis cum Deo exempla, in amore crescant vocationis suae, animarum contemplationi deditarum.vatican.va vatican.va
"But if any thing very severe from Caesar should befall him [Dumnorix], no one would think that it had been done without his consent, since he himself held such a place in Caesar's friendship: from which circumstance it would arise, that the affections of the whole of Gaul would be estranged from him."" As he was with tears begging these things of Caesar in many words, Caesar takes his right hand, and, comforting him, begs him to make an end of entreating, and assures him that his regard for him is so great, that he forgives both the injuries of the republic and his private wrongs, at his desire and prayers."
Quod si quid ei a Caesare gravius accidisset, cum ipse eum locum amicitiae apud eum teneret, neminem existimaturum non sua voluntate factum; qua ex re futurum uti totius Galliae animi a se averterentur. Haec cum pluribus verbis flens a Caesare peteret, Caesar eius dextram prendit; consolatus rogat finem orandi faciat; tanti eius apud se gratiam esse ostendit uti et rei publicae iniuriam et suum dolorem eius voluntati ac precibus condonet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The castellan comforting him with kind words, he replied, that "the great do not make each other prisoners to let them go again; and that those whom it is proper to take, it is not well to set free."
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