taken out oor Latyn

taken out

Past participle of take out

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Charlton T. Lewis

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that may be taken out


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And Adam said: This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.
Dixitque Adam: Hæc nunc os ex ossibus meis et caro de carne mea! Hæc vocabitur Virago, quoniam de viro sumpta est hæc.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Moreover, Scipio ordered the money formerly lodged in the temple of Diana at Ephesus, to be taken out with the statues of that goddess, which remained there.
Praeterea Ephesi a fano Dianae depositas antiquitus pecunias Scipio tolli iubebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In biblical language this name indicates her essential identity with regard to man - 'is-'issah - something which unfortunately modern languages in general are unable to express: "She shall be called woman ('issah) because she was taken out of man ('is)": Gen 2:23.
Hoc nomen in lingua biblica essentialem identitatem significat respectu viri: ‘iš-’iššah, quod nostrorum temporum linguae nequeunt quidem generaliter exprimere (“Vocabitur virago - ‘iššah, quoniam de viro - iš summota est haec” ).vatican.va vatican.va
The moral life presents itself as the response due to the many gratuitous initiatives taken by God out of love for man.
Vita moralis apparet veluti responsio debita gratuitis inceptis, quae Dei amor pro homine multiplicat.vatican.va vatican.va
But the main strength of the legions and cavalry was drafted from them, while the old glory of the Praetorian camp was destroyed by these 20,000 men indiscriminately taken rather than chosen out of the whole army.
nec deerant qui vellent, fessi morbis et intemperiem caeli incusantes; robora tamen legionibus alisque subtracta, convulsum castrorum decus, viginti milibus e toto exercitu permixtis magis quam electis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Responsible fatherhood and motherhood" express a concrete commitment to carry out this duty, which has taken on new characteristics in the contemporary world.
“Paternitatis maternitatisque ministerii conscientia” officium prae se fert, ut eiusmodi compleatur munus, quod nostra aetate notas peculiares suscipit.vatican.va vatican.va
In this way man, as dust, will "return to the ground, for out of it he was taken": "you are dust, and to dust you shall return" (cf.
Hoc modo homo, qua pulvis, “revertetur ad humum de qua sumptus est”: “pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris” (Cfr. ibid.vatican.va vatican.va
We ourself have taken care to point this out, by recalling that it is impossible to accept "that in evangelization one could or should ignore the importance of the problems so much discussed today, concerning justice, liberation, development and peace in the world.
Istud voluimus afferre, cum Lmonuimus non esse admittendum, in evangelizatione neglegi posse vel debere gravitatem maximam . . . illarum quaestionum, quae hodie tantopere agitantur et quae respiciunt iustitiam. liberationem, progressionem et pacem in mundo.vatican.va vatican.va
Each man's comrades gathered round him; from words they came to blows, and a fierce battle would have broken out, had not two Praetorian cohorts taken the side of the 14th, and given confidence to them, while they intimidated the Batavians.
nec diu in tantis armatorum odiis quies fuit: Augustae Taurinorum, dum opificem quendam Batavus ut fraudatorem insectatur, legionarius ut hospitem tuetur, sui cuique commilitones adgregati a conviciis ad caedem transiere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Without a single legate or tribune venturing to check them, for the darkness seems to have taken from them all sense of shame, they dragged him out of his bed and killed him.
eadem in Voculam parabantur, nisi servili habitu per tenebras ignoratus evasisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And the Lord God sent him out of the paradise of pleasure, to till the earth from which he was taken.
Emisit eum Dominus Deus de paradiso Eden, ut operaretur humum, de qua sumptus est.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, and thou shalt eat the herbs of the earth.In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return to the earth out of which thou wast taken: for dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return.
Spinas et tribulos germinabit tibi, et comedes herbas terræ; in sudore vultus tui vesceris pane, donec revertaris ad humum, de qua sumptus es, quia pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Therefore, it is on this path, taken by my Venerable Predecessors, that I also intend to set out, with the sole concern of proclaiming the living presence of Christ to the whole world.
Hanc eandem semitam, in qua Venerabiles Decessores Nostri ambularunt, calcare quoque Nos volumus, universo mundo praesentiae vivae Christi de proclamatione tantummodo solliciti.vatican.va vatican.va
Immediately after midnight, the cavalry are sent out and overtake the rear, a great number are taken or cut to pieces, the rest by flight escape in different directions to their respective states.
De media nocte missus equitatus novissimum agmen consequitur: magnus numerus capitur atque interficitur; reliqui ex fuga in civitates discedunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When our men had speedily taken up arms and had ascended the rampart, and sending out some Spanish horse on one side, had proved conquerors in a cavalry action, the enemy, despairing of success, drew off their troops from the assault.
Cum celeriter nostri arma cepissent vallumque adscendissent atque una ex parte Hispanis equitibus emissis equestri proelio superiores fuissent, desperata re hostes suos ab oppugnatione reduxerunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nevertheless, one must have the courage to set out on this path, and, where some steps have been taken or a part of the journey made, the courage to go on to the end.
Eiusmodi tamen iter oportet animose suscipiatur et, ubi aliqui gradus facti sunt vel spatii pars transmissa, ad finem usque perveniatur.vatican.va vatican.va
This kind of cooperation is carried out through that communion we spoke of at the beginning, namely of life, charity, and truth, for which the messianic people is set up by Christ Our Lord, taken up by Christ as an instrument of redemption, and sent out to the whole world as the light of the world and the salt of the earth.
Cuiusmodi cooperatio per illam communionem agitur, e qua exordium sumpsimus, scilicet vitæ, caritatis et veritatis, in quam Populus messianicus a Christo Domino est constitutus, ab Eoque ut redemptionis instrumentum assumitur et tamquam lux mundi et sal terræ ad universum mundum mittitur.vatican.va vatican.va
If any of the electors who are sick is unable to write, one of the three Infirmarii or another Cardinal elector chosen by the sick man, having taken an oath before the Infirmarii concerning the observance of secrecy, carries out the above procedure.
Quodsi quis infirmus scribere non valet, unus e tribus Infirmariis aut alius Cardinalis elector, ab infirmo deputatus, praestito de secreto servando in manibus ipsorum Infirmariorum iure iurando, praedicta faciat.vatican.va vatican.va
As soon as Caesar heard that Pompey was at Asparagium, he set out for that place with his army, and having taken the capital of the Parthinians on his march, where there was a garrison of Pompey's, he reached Pompey in Macedonia, on the third day, and encamped beside him; and the day following having drawn out all his forces before his camp, he offered Pompey battle.
Caesar, postquam Pompeium ad Asparagium esse cognovit, eodem cum exercitu profectus expugnato in itinere oppido Parthinorum, in quo Pompeius praesidium habebat, tertio die ad Pompeium pervenit iuxtaque eum castra posuit et postridie eductis omnibus copiis acie instructa decernendi potestatem Pompeio fecit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar, having taken a view of the town, and being deterred from besieging it by want of corn, set out immediately, and after a march of four miles, encamped near a river.
Caesar oppidi natura perspecta aquae inopia ab oppugnatione eius deterritus protinus profectus circiter milia passuum IIII ad aquam facit castra atque inde quarta vigilia egressus redit rursus ad ea castra quae ad Aggar habuerat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Why, he demanded of the legions of Pannonia, ""have you again taken up arms? Yonder is the field where you may wipe out the stain of past disgrace, and redeem your honour."" Then turning to the troops of Moesia, he appealed to them as the authors and originators of the war."
Igitur Antonius, ubi noscere suos noscique poterat, alios pudore et probris, multos laude et hortatu, omnis spe promissisque accendens, cur resumpsissent arma, Pannonicas legiones interrogabat: illos esse campos, in quibus abolere labem prioris ignominiae, ubi reciperare gloriam possent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Sedulius the general and chief of the Lemovices is slain; Vergasillaunus the Arvernian, is taken alive in the flight, seventy-four military standards are brought to Caesar, and few out of so great a number return safe to their camp.
Sedulius, dux et princeps Lemovicum, occiditur; Vercassivellaunus Arvernus vivus in fuga comprehenditur; signa militaria septuaginta quattuor ad Caesarem referuntur: pauci ex tanto numero se incolumes in castra recipiunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It is true that growth has taken place, and it continues to be a positive factor that has lifted billions of people out of misery — recently it has given many countries the possibility of becoming effective players in international politics.
Haud dubie progressio fuit et esse pergit positivum elementum quod a miseria eripuit innumerabilem hominum multitudinem, et novissimo tempore pluribus nationibus facultatem tribuit sese transformandi in efficaces operatores rei politicae internationalis.vatican.va vatican.va
42 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.