taken prisoner oor Latyn

taken prisoner

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


adjective noun
Charlton T. Lewis

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In that battle, Drapes himself was taken prisoner.
quae oblitterari non sinebat Capito Cossutianus, praeter animum ad flagitia praecipitem iniquus Thraseae quod auctoritate eius concidisset, iuvantis Cilicum legatos dum Capitonem repetundarum interrogant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It turned around and was ambushed by Chechen anti-tank gunners; only 13 soldiers survived to be taken prisoner.
diurna populi Romani per provincias, per exercitus curatius leguntur, ut noscatur quid Thrasea non fecerit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tullius Flavianus, commanding a squadron, was taken prisoner; the rest fled in disgraceful confusion, but the victors did not continue the pursuit beyond Fidenae.
Quam ad rem primo animadvertendum est pietatem, aeque ac amorem, quamvis creberrime subinde eadem verba geminent, non idipsum tamen iterare, sed aliquid perpetuo novum, ex novo videlicet caritatis sensu depromptum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
A cohort of Pannonians had been taken prisoners at Cremona, a hundred cavalry, and a thousand of the levies from the fleet intercepted between Placentia and Ticinum.
Vitellianus miles socordi custodia clausos circumdedit; eoque concubia nocte suos liberos Sabinus et Domitianum fratris filium in Capitolium accivit, misso per neglecta ad Flavianos duces nuntio qui circumsideri ipsos et, ni subveniretur, artas res nuntiaret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In the field indeed they had secured no plunder; their rustic adversaries were poor, and their arms worthless; nor could they be taken prisoners, for they were swift of foot, and knew the country well.
Ita re male gesta Cn.Pompeius filius naves inde avertit neque postea litus adtigit classemque ad insulas Baleares versus convertit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Desclot indicates that 860 prisoners were taken in the battle.
igitur Pharasmanes iuvenem potentiae promptum et studio popularium accinctum, vergentibus iam annis suis metuens, aliam ad spem trahere et Armeniam ostentare, pulsis Parthis datam Mithridati a semet memorando: sed vim differendam et potiorem dolum quo incautum opprimerent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Cneius Magius, from Cremona, engineer-general to Pompey, was taken prisoner on the road and brought to Caesar, but sent back by him to Pompey with this message: ""As hitherto he had not been allowed an interview, and was now on his march to him at Brundusium, that it deeply concerned the commonwealth and general safety that he should have an interview with Pompey; and that the same advantage could not be gained at a great distance when the proposals were conveyed to them by others, as if terms were argued by them both in person."""
quantum insularum mari cingitur, et parando interim bello secundum tutumque ipsum mare.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Rodriguez overpowers her and she is taken captive by the police in a prison bus.
In opera horum duorum Sanctorum fldelitas erga perenne Evangelii nuntium etobservatio agri, qui semen accipit, arte copulantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the time when the troops of the Russian emperor had invaded Poland many churches of the Ruthenian rite were taken away from the Catholics by force of arms; the priests who refused to abjure their faith were put in chains, insulted, scourged and cast into prison, where they suffered cruelly from hunger, thirst and cold.
audiebatque referentis nihil de immortalitate animae et sapientium placitis, sed levia carmina et facilis versus.vatican.va vatican.va
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