taking oor Latyn


adjektief, naamwoord, werkwoord
alluring; attractive.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis


Piotr Szelma


verb noun
The Germans retreat, after slaying many and taking several horses.
Multis interfectis, compluribus equis captis Germani sese recipiunt.
Piotr Szelma

En 3 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

perceptio · possessio · sumptio

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Soortgelyke frases

take in addition
take by surprise
taking joint oath
supernumeraries held in waiting to take the place of soldiers who may fall
take hold of
take away entirely
to take away
taking part in
take final leave


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
take out, extract
Ipsam Rheni ripam haud dubie Germanorum populi colunt, Vangiones, Triboci, Nemetes.langbot langbot
Give orders also that they take wagons out of the land of Egypt, for the carriage of their children and their wives; and say: Take up your father, and make haste to come with all speed.
Hos certo signo revocare constituit, cum omnes milites naves conscendissent, atque eis expedito loco actuaria navigia relinquit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Such remuneration can be given either through what is called a family wage-that is, a single salary given to the head of the family fot his work, sufficient for the needs of the family without the other spouse having to take up gainful employment outside the home-or through other social measures such as family allowances or grants to mothers devoting themselves exclusively to their families. These grants should correspond to the actual needs, that is, to the number of dependents for as long as they are not in a position to assume proper responsibility for their own lives.
Nullum ex muro, nullum a nostris mittitur telum; ut re confecta omnes curam et diligentiam remittunt.vatican.va vatican.va
Francis helps us to see that an integral ecology calls for openness to categories which transcend the language of mathematics and biology, and take us to the heart of what it is to be human.
et posse ab exercitu principem fieri sibi ipse Vitellius documento, nullis stipendiis, nulla militari fama, Galbae odio provectus.vatican.va vatican.va
Or is it like, you can take other language like Spanish or something like that?
Otacilius sibi timens ex oppido fugit et ad Pompeium pervenit.QED QED
Whereas, on the other hand, if men be of sound mind and take their stand on true and solid principles, there will result a vast amount of benefits for the public and private good.
Vitellium infestis mucronibus coactum modo erigere os et offerre contumeliis, nunc cadentis statuas suas, plerumque rostra aut Galbae occisi locum contueri, postremo ad Gemonias, ubi corpus Flavii Sabini iacuerat, propulere.vatican.va vatican.va
Since that pontificate lasted barely 33 days, it falls to me not only to continue it but in a certain sense to take it up again at the same starting point.
Hoc eum idcirco existimo recepisse ut maritima oppida post se ne vacua relinqueret praesidioque firmata ad classis receptacula muniret.vatican.va vatican.va
At rural affairs and union meetings, the farm women would bring "suppers" and would vie with each other to see who could feed the troupe most, and after the affair the farmers would have earnest discussions about who would have the honor of taking them home for the night.
prorumpunt quintani ante alios et acri pugna hoste pulso recipiunt cohortis alasque fessas vulneribus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"If, therefore, now that fortune has put you in our power, you will take this opportunity to unite with the good citizens, in the defense of the commonwealth, I am determined to give you life and money: therefore speak openly your sentiments."""
invenit aemulos etiam infelix nequitia: quid si floreat vigeatque? et quem adhuc quaestorium offendere non audemus, praetorium et consularem ausuri sumus? an Neronem extremum dominorum putatis? idem crediderant qui Tiberio, qui Gaio superstites fuerunt, cum interim intestabilior et saevior exortus est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And so, by taking "to his own home" the Mother who stood beneath her Son's cross, he also made his own all that was within her on Golgotha: the fact that she "suffered grievously with her only-begotten Son, uniting herself with a maternal heart in his sacrifice, and lovingly consenting to the immolation of this victim that she herself had brought forth."
tunc milites ad caedem missi invenere in prominenti litoris nihil laetum opperientem.vatican.va vatican.va
Consequently, it is from this threefold unity that our sharing in Christ's mission and office takes its origin.
tunc tractatae Massiliensium preces probatumque P. Rutilii exemplum; namque eum legibus pulsum civem sibi Zmyrnaei addiderant.vatican.va vatican.va
But the Rhine takes its source among the Lepontii, who inhabit the Alps, and is carried with a rapid current for a long distance through the territories of the Sarunates, Helvetii, Sequani, Mediomatrici, Tribuci, and Treviri, and when it approaches the ocean, divides into several branches; and, having formed many and extensive islands, a great part of which are inhabited by savage and barbarous nations (of whom there are some who are supposed to live on fish and the eggs of sea-fowl), flows into the ocean by several mouths.
Hanc rursus XIII legionis cohortes exceperunt, quae ex castris minoribus eductae cum Tito Sextio legato ceperant locum superiorem.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Papal journeys have become a regular occurrence, taking in the particular Churches in every continent and showing concern for the development of ecumenical relationships with Christians of various denominations.
Caesar eo tempore cum legione una profectus ad recipiendasulteriores civitates et rem frumentariam expediendam, qua angusta utebatur,erat ad Buthrotum, oppidum oppositum Corcyrae.vatican.va vatican.va
There is a large variety of dishes that take into account the difference in regional climates.
Laeti tunc dies, festa loca, quaecumque adventu hospitioque dignatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We’re just four nice lads, the kind of people you could take home to your parents."
Haec dignitas, hae vires, magno semper electorum juvenum globo circumdari, in pace decus, in bello praesidium.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In an effort to encourage settlers to move west into the new territory, in 1787 the mother state of North Carolina ordered a road to be cut to take settlers into the Cumberland Settlements—from the south end of Clinch Mountain (in East Tennessee) to French Lick (Nashville).
sed Parthis mittendi secretos nuntios validissimus auctor fuit Sinnaces, insignifamiliaac perinde opibus, et proximus huic Abdus ademptae virilitatis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So the enemy, apprised of their heedlessness, prepared two detachments, one of which was to attack the plunderers, the other, to fall on the Roman camp, not with the hope of taking it, but to hinder the din of the other battle from being heard by our soldiers, who, with shouts and missiles around them, would be all intent on their own peril.
quis subactus miles, et quia pluris per provincias similia tolerabantur, componit occultas litteras nomine exercituum, precantium imperatorem, ut, quibus permissurus esset exercitus, triumphalia ante tribueret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In truth, the Virgin Mary, more than all the patriarchs and prophets, more than the "just" and "pious" Simeon awaited and implored "the consolation of Israel...the Christ of the Lord"(41) and then greeted His advent with the hymn of "Magnificat" when He descended into her most chaste womb to take on our flesh.
Constabat inter omnes, quod iam ipse Caesar per exploratores cognoverat, dorsum esse eius iugi prope aequum, sed hunc silvestrem et angustum, qua esset aditus ad alteram partem oppidi; huic loco vehementer illos timere nec iam aliter sentire, uno colle ab Romanis occupato, si alterum amisissent, quin paene circumvallati atque omni exitu et pabulatione interclusi viderentur: ad hunc muniendum omnes a Vercingetorige evocatos.vatican.va vatican.va
By taking this path they will come to know that life is ''something beautiful'' when it is given to others, following the example of Jesus.
Quadraginta armatorum milia inrupere, calonum lixarumque amplior numerus et in libidinem ac saevitiam corruptior.vatican.va vatican.va
The eightieth anniversary of the publication of the encyclical Rerum Novarum, the message of which continues to inspire action for social justice, prompts us to take up again and to extend the teaching of our predecessors, in response to the new needs of a changing world.
Per idem tempus Hispania ulterior missis ad senatum legatis oravit ut exemplo Asiae delubrum Tiberio matrique eius extrueret.vatican.va vatican.va
Each of the Cardinal electors, according to the order of precedence, will then take the oath according to the following formula:
flectere si nequedo superos, Acheronta movebo.vatican.va vatican.va
On this holy day, the liturgy takes us inside the Upper Room, where, with grateful heart, we set ourselves to listen to the words of the divine Teacher, words full of solicitude for every generation of bishops called, after the apostles, to take upon themselves care for the Church, for the flock, for the vocation of the whole People of God, for the proclamation of God's Word, for the whole sacramental and moral order of Christian living, for priestly and religious vocations, for the fraternal spirit in the community.
Ibi cognoscit LX naves, quae in Meldis factae erant, tempestate reiectas cursum tenere non potuisse atque eodem unde erant profectae revertisse; reliquas paratas ad navigandum atque omnibus rebus instructas invenit.vatican.va vatican.va
The lay faithful ought to be ever more convinced of the special meaning that their commitment to the apostolate takes on in their parish.
Eodem anno bellum inter Armenios Hiberosque exortum Parthis quoque ac Romanis gravissimorum inter se motuum causa fuit.vatican.va vatican.va
Take a knife from the kitchen.
agitur in exilium tamquam non siluisset quae viderat pertuleratque, proprio odio.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Man is understood in a more complete way when he is situated within the sphere of culture through his language, history, and the position he takes towards the fundamental events of life, such as birth, love, work and death.
nec procul seditione aberant cum Hordeonius Flaccus abire legatos, utque occultior digressus esset, nocte castris excedere iubet.vatican.va vatican.va
203 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.