the day after oor Latyn

the day after

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tomorrow (1)
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the day after tomorrow
on the day after to-morrow
festival on the day after a wedding
held on the fifth day after the ides
quinquatris · quinquatrus
holiday of the Falisci ten days after the ides
on the day after
held on the ninth day after a person's death


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The Day After Tomorrow
Chariovaldadiu sustentata hostium saevitia, hortatus suos ut ingruentis catervas globo perfringerent, atque ipse densissimos inrumpens, congestis telis et suffosso equo labitur, ac multi nobilium circa: ceteros vis sua aut equites cumStertinio Aemilioque subvenientes periculo exemere.langbot langbot
The Day After
Armis obsidibusque acceptis, Crassus in fines Vocatium et Tarusatium profectus est.langbot langbot
On 28 November, the day after Scottish referees went on strike, McDonald retired.
Hoc decreto interposito cohortatus Aeduos, ut controversiarum ac dissensionis obliviscerentur atque omnibus omissis his rebus huic bello servirent eaque quae meruissent praemia ab se devicta Gallia exspectarent equitatumque omnem et peditum milia decem sibi celeriter mitterent, quae in praesidiis rei frumentariae causa disponeret, exercitum in duas partes divisit: quattuor legiones in Senones Parisiosque Labieno ducendas dedit, sex ipse in Arvernos ad oppidum Gergoviam secundum flumen Elaver duxit; equitatus partem illi attribuit, partem sibi reliquit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"When will you buy those things you've planned on?" "Tomorrow, I hope, or at the latest the day after tomorrow."
inde lapsus ignis in porticus adpositas aedibus; mox sustinentes fastigium aquilae vetere ligno traxerunt flammam alueruntque.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The day after, Juba ordered all the Numidians who had deserted their post and fled to their camp to be crucified.
Quod adeo neglegitur ab horum temporum disertis, ut in actionibus eorum huius quoque cotidiani sermonis foeda ac pudenda vitia deprehendantur; ut ignorent leges, non teneant senatus consulta, ius [huius] civitatis ultro derideant, sapientiae vero studium et praecepta prudentium penitus reformident.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Kenya - A colony of the United Kingdom at the time, Kenya joined on December 13, 1963, the day after its independence.
Quarum rerum magnam partem temporis brevitas et incursus hostium impediebat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The fifth day after that was appointed as the day of conference.
At Romae ruere in servitium consules, patres, eques.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On the day after the conclusion of the Council Pope Paul VI addressed the faithful in the following words: "The Church is a communion.
suscepit curam libens ut
"The first day after the downfall of a wicked Emperor is the best of opportunities."""
Caesar Pollionis ac Viniciani Scaurique causam ut ipse cum senatu nosceret distulit, datis quibusdam in Scaurum tristibus notis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The day after, Pompey's cavalry advanced, according to their usual custom, to our lines; for they only dared venture to draw up on equal ground.
opus nigrumlatin-ancient latin-ancient
The day after, Caesar, after breaking open the gates, which there was no one then to defend, and sending in our soldiers, sold the whole spoil of that town.
C. Laecanio M. Licinio consulibus acriore in dies cupidine adigebatur Nero promiscas scaenas frequentandi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
We move from the "Sabbath" to the "first day after the Sabbath", from the seventh day to the first day: the dies Domini becomes the dies Christi!
Hos continuo (in) itinere adorti omnibus impedimentis exuunt; repugnantes diem noctemque obsident; multis utrimque interfectis maiorem multitudinem armatorum
For this too we need witnesses—martyrs—who have given themselves totally, so as to show us the way—day after day.
discordiam erga Germanicum odio fortasse dignam, non poena; et ademptione provinciae satis factum
This is first a departure through the Cross, and later, forty days after the Resurrection, through his Ascension into heaven.
Ex eo die dies continuos V Caesar pro castris suas copias produxit et aciem instructam habuit, ut, si vellet Ariovistus proelio contendere, ei potestas non
According to the common witness of the Gospels, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead took place on "the first day after the Sabbath" (Mk 16:2,9; Lk 24:1; Jn 20:1).
principatum ei detulere qui ipsum non noverant: studia exercitus raro cuiquam bonis artibus quaesita perinde adfuere quam huic per
But fortune determined not to give such unalloyed joy to those engaged in war, for the day after, a party of horse, sent by Caesar to Leptis in quest of provisions, falling in unexpectedly with some Numidian and Getulian stragglers, killed or made prisoners about a hundred of them.
Multum, ut inter Germanos, rationis ac solertiae: praeponere electos, audire praepositos, nosse ordines, intelligere occasiones, differre impetus, disponere diem, vallare noctem, fortunam inter dubia, virtutem inter certa numerare: quodque rarissimum nec nisi ratione disciplinae concessum, plus reponere in duce, quam exercitu.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Christians' customary practice of gathering on the first day after the Sabbath to celebrate the resurrection of Christ – according to the account of Saint Justin Martyr(205) – is also what defines the form of a life renewed by an encounter with Christ.
An ille Ciceroni invideret, qui mihi videtur ne Caesari quidem invidisse? Quod ad Servium Galbam et C. Laelium attinet, et si quos alios antiquiorum [Aper] agitare non destitit, non exigit defensorem, cum fatear quaedam eloquentiae eorum ut nascenti adhuc nec satis adultae
Because the Third Commandment depends upon the remembrance of God's saving works and because Christians saw the definitive time inaugurated by Christ as a new beginning, they made the first day after the Sabbath a festive day, for that was the day on which the Lord rose from the dead.
Haec quo facilius certisque condicionibus fiant et iureiurando sanciantur, aut ipse propius accedat aut se patiatur accedere: fore uti per colloquia omnes controversiae
Two days were then assigned for the bringing forward of the charges, and after six days' interval, the prisoner's defence was to occupy three days.
Quaerit ex solo ea quae in conventu dixerat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This invitation to joy, which the Easter liturgy makes its own, reflects the astonishment which came over the women who, having seen the crucifixion of Christ, found the tomb empty when they went there "very early on the first day after the Sabbath" (Mk 16:2).
cum divus Augustus sibi atque urbi Romae templum apud Pergamum sisti non prohibuisset, qui omnia facta dictaque eius vice legis observem, placitum iam exemplum promptius secutus sum quia cultui meo veneratio senatus
Writing to the pagans, Saint Justin uses the language of the time to note that Christians gather together "on the day named after the sun",(30) but for believers the expression had already assumed a new meaning which was unmistakeably rooted in the Gospel.(
longinquae provinciae et quidquid armorum mari dirimitur penes Othonem manebat, non partium studio, sed erat grande momentum in nomine urbis ac praetexto senatus, et occupaverat animos prior
Who could personally examine the flow of information which comes day after day from all parts of the world and which is generally accepted as true?
cumque dirutis omnibus Aventicum gentis caput infesto agmine peteretur, missi qui dederent civitatem,et deditio
In August 1896, within days after the proposals, the "Independence Association" was founded.
Facilis procul dubio est, Venerabiles Fratres, omnibusque, vel rudibus et indoctis, accommodatus hic precandi modus, quem S.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kamanawa died twelve days after the first Hawaiian Constitution was signed.
Ubi ea dies quam constituerat cum legatis venit et legati ad eum reverterunt, negat se more et exemplo populi Romani posse iter ulli per provinciam dare et, si vim facere conentur, prohibiturum ostendit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Gauls, after the interval of a day and after making, during that time, an immense number of hurdles, scaling-ladders, and iron hooks, silently went forth from the camp at midnight and approached the fortifications in the plain.
adsultare ex diverso Tiridates, non usque ad ictum teli, sed tum minitans, tum specie trepidantis, si laxare ordines et diversos consectari posset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
189 sinne gevind in 22 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.