the elite oor Latyn

the elite

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Piotr Szelma

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The elitism which had characterized the ancients' search for truth was clearly abandoned.
Octavius contra modo conqueri, modo minitari, famam perditam, pecuniam exhaustam obtestans, denique salutem, quae sola reliqua esset, arbitrio eius
The first stage takes place in autumn of the previous year, while the elite round is played in spring.
de mathematicis Italia pellendis factum senatus consultum atrox et inritum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To these forces were added the elite of the marines of the Ravenna fleet, who demanded permission to serve in the legions.
Si testes desiderantur, quos potiores nominabo quam apud Graecos Demosthenem, quem studiosissimum Platonis auditorem fuisse memoriae proditum est? Et Cicero his, ut opinor, verbis refert, quidquid in eloquentia effecerit, id se non rhetorum [officinis], sed Academiae spatiis consecutum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The rivalry between this organization and a coalition of the elite and the military defined Peruvian politics for the following three decades.
saevam vim morbi augebat persuasio veneni a Pisone accepti; et reperiebantur solo ac parietibus erutae humanorum corporum reliquiae, carmina et devotiones et nomen Germanici plumbeis tabulis insculptum, semusti cineres ac tabo obliti aliaque malefica quis creditur animas numinibus infernis sacrari.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Civilis, who occupied the centre of the army with the elite of the Batavian troops, wishing to add a new terror to his demonstration, covered both banks of the Rhine with columns of his German allies, while his cavalry galloped about the plains.
ille gnarus primis eventibus metum aut fiduciam gigni, citas cohortis rapit et caesis qui restiterant, disiectos consectatus, ne rursus conglobarentur infensaque et infida pax non duci, non militi requiem permitteret, detrahere arma suspectis cunctaque castris Avonam [inter] et Sabrinam fluvios cohibere parat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Fischer rejected the then popular argument in Germany that Nazi Germany had been the result of the Treaty of Versailles, and instead argued that the origins of Nazi Germany predated 1914, and were the result of long-standing ambitions of the German power elite.
igitur centurio, ubi effugia villae clausit, iussa imperatoris Ostorio aperit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The story of Apollo falling in love with the eponymous nymph, Daphne, the opera was written for an elite circle of humanists in Florence, the Florentine Camerata, between 1594 and 1597, with the support, and possibly the collaboration, of the composer and patron Jacopo Corsi.
Caesar eodem vento promunturium superare non potuit atque in salo in ancoris ea nocte commoratus prima luce Hadrumetum accedit ibique navibus onerariis quae erant extra cothonem incensis omnibusque reliquis ab eis aut subductis aut in cothonem compulsis paulisper commoratus, si forte vellent classe dimicare, rursus se recepit in castra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The following years, the team had some successful performances but after 1987, it ceded completely from Europe's elite events.
excessit Fronto ac postulavit modum argento, supellectili, familiae: erat quippe adhuc frequens senatoribus, si quid e re publica crederent, loco sententiae promere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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