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the next day

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The next day is the consular election on the Field of Mars.
His temporibus Scipio detrimentis quibusdam circa montem Amanum acceptis imperatorem se appellaverat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Accordingly, setting out the next day from Utica with his cavalry, he directed his march toward the kingdom.
Nec quicquam ultra formidinis: vacua castella, senum coloniae, inter male parentis et iniuste imperantis aegra municipia et discordantia.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And the next day Moses sat to judge the people, who stood by Moses from morning until night.
et patrum favor aderat: multi voluntate, effusius qui noluerant, medii ac plurimi obvio obsequio, privatas spes agitantes sine publica cura.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The next day Petreius went out privately with a few horse to reconnoitre the country.
aderant Valens et Caecina, monstrabantque pugnae locos: hinc inrupisse legionum agmen, hinc equites coortos, inde circumfusas auxiliorum manus: iam tribuni praefectique, sua quisque facta extollentes, falsa vera aut maiora vero miscebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The next day Comcast apologized.
Unde causa et origo peregrino sacro parum comperi, nisi quod signum ipsum, in modum liburnae figuratum, docet advectam religionem.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The next day Curio resolved to besiege Utica, and to draw lines about it.
nec proinde periculum aut metus quampudor ac dedecus obstupefecerat, attonitis etiam victoribus, qui vocem precesque adhibere non ausi lacrimis ac silentio veniam poscebant, donec Cerialis mulceret animos, fato acta dictitans quae militum ducumque discordia vel fraude hostium evenissent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Cassius, provoked at these mutinies, decamped, and the next day came to Segovia, upon the river Xenil.
His rebus permotus Quintus Titurius, cum procul Ambiorigem suos cohortantem conspexisset, interpretem suum Gnaeum Pompeium ad eum mittit rogatum ut sibi militibusque parcat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Massilians made the same attempt the next day, having got such another storm.
ubi ventum ad aggerem, dum missilibus certabatur, plus vulnerum in nos et pleraeque caedes oriebantur: postquam facta testudine rudes et informes saxorum compages distractae parque comminus acies, decedere barbari in iuga montium.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It happened the next day.
iam Misenensem classem et pulcherrimam Campaniae oram descivisse, nec plus e toto terrarum orbe reliquum Vitellio quam quod inter Tarracinam Narniamque iaceat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The next day, Caius Fabius came to join him with his forces, and took upon him the siege of one side.
Memento mori.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He applauded the forward, and secured their votes for the next day; the more moderate he reproved and excited against Caesar.
"Id cum essent plerique admirati, ""scio me,"" inquit, ""paene incredibilem rem polliceri; sed rationem consilii mei accipite, quo firmiore animo in proelium prodeatis."latin-ancient latin-ancient
His coaching philosophy involves athletes training hard every day as if the next day they would be competing in an event.
de percussore non satis constat: quidam Terentium evocatum, alii Laecanium; crebrior fama tradidit Camurium quintae decimae legionis militem impresso gladio iugulum eius hausisse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This matter being brought to a council, when he discovered that all thought the same thing, he appointed the next day for the fight.
Sed transeo ad Latinos oratores, in quibus non Menenium, ut puto, Agrippam, qui potest videri antiquus, nostrorum temporum disertis anteponere soletis, sed Ciceronem et Caesarem et Caelium et Calvum et Brutum et Asinium et Messallam: quos quid antiquis potius temporibus adscribatis quam nostris, non video.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And going out the next day, he saw two Hebrews quarrelling: and he said to him that did the wrong: Why strikest thou thy neighbour?
validiorque in dies Tigellinus et malas artes, quibus solis pollebat, gratiores ratus, si principem societate scelerum obstringeret, metus eius rimatur; compertoque Plautum et Sullam maxime timeri, Plautum in Asiam, Sullam in Galliam Narbonensem nuper amotos, nobilitatem eorum et propinquos huic Orientis, illi Germaniae exercitus commemorat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The next day, early in the morning, he sent both foot-soldiers and horse in three divisions on an expedition to pursue those who had fled.
His constitutis rebus probatisque consiliis ex perfugis quibusdam oppidanis audit Iubam revocatum finitimo bello et controversiis Leptitanorum restitisse in regno, Saburram, eius praefectum, cum mediocribus copiis missum Uticae appropinquare.latin-ancient latin-ancient
After much arguing on both sides, Monobazus of the Adiabeni was called the next day to be a witness to the stipulations into which they had entered.
Has munitiones insequentibus auxit diebus, ut pro muro obiectas haberet neu dimicare invitus cogeretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Gauls having tried every expedient, as nothing had succeeded, adopted the design of fleeing from the town the next day, by the advice and order of Vercingetorix.
nec iam sisti poterat, cum Senecae ac Burro visum, ne utraque pervinceret, alterum concedere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The next day, they left a guard in the camp, and led out all their forces to water: but not a person was sent to look for forage.
Neque hunc meum sermonem sic accipi volo, tamquam eos, quibus natura sua oratorium ingenium denegavit, deterream a carminibus, si modo in hac studiorum parte oblectare otium et nomen inserere possunt famae.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On the next day of the Senate's meeting much was said against the luxury of the country by Quintus Haterius, an ex-consul, and by Octavius Fronto, an ex-praetor.
Eodem tempore tertiam aciem Caesar, quae quieta fuerat etse ad id tempus loco tenuerat, procurrere iussit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Lord therefore did this thing the next day: and all the beasts of the Egyptians died, but of the beasts of the children of Israel there died not one.
Equites tamen et auxiliarios pedites in omnes partes mittit quascumque petisse dicebantur hostes; nec frustra: nam plerumque magna praeda potiti nostri revertuntur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The next day the 14th legion was sent into the Upper Province to join Gallus Annius. The 10th, which had arrived from Spain, supplied its place in the army of Cerialis.
Ac revera quomodo fiat, ut Aeternus Pater sui ipsius Filii rogatus verbis, non nobis auxilio succurrat?latin-ancient latin-ancient
We had soon a proof of the truth of what they had advanced; for the next day a great many soldiers of these legions, mentioned by the Getulians, deserted to Caesar's camp.
Ibi vadis repertis partem suarum copiarum traducere conati sunt eo consilio ut, si possent, castellum, cui praeerat Q. Titurius legatus, expugnarent pontemque interscinderent; si minus potuissent, agros Remorum popularentur, qui magno nobis usui ad bellum gerendum erant, commeatuque nostros prohiberent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On the next day, our cavalry pursued those who were employed in carrying provisions from the town to Pompey's camp, almost to the very walls of Corduba, and took fifty prisoners besides horses.
Pecunias, quas erant in publicum Varroni cives Romani polliciti, remittit; bona restituit eis, quos liberius locutos hanc poenam tulisse cognoverat. Tributis quibusdam populis publicis privatisque praemiis reliquos in posterum bona spe complet biduumque Cordubae commoratus Gades proficiscitur; pecunias monumentaque, quae ex fano Herculis collata erant in privatam domum, referri in templum iubet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He was conveyed back to his house, where, seemingly by way of preparing his defence for the next day, he wrote a few words, sealed the paper and handed it to a freedman.
Temptaverunt hoc idem Massilienses postero die.latin-ancient latin-ancient
After these transactions, Curio returned to his camp to Bragada; and by a general shout of the whole army was saluted imperator. The next day he led his army to Utica, and encamped near the town.
Id oppidum C. Considius Longus unius legionis praesidio tuebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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