the night before oor Latyn

the night before

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One such omen was a vivid dream Caesar had the night before his assassination.
Qui aservitiis puerisque qui in castris erant, lapidibus pilisque prohibiti terram attingere rursus se in oppidum receperunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the night before he died, Jesus instituted the Eucharist and at the same time established the priesthood of the New Covenant.
Postquam id Labienus animadvertit, quo celerius iis auxilium ferret, ex acie instructa equitatus sui prope totum dextrum cornu avertit atque suis fugientibus suppetias ire
Daniel Van Alphen, Clark's drinking companion the night before, testified that they went to a local pub and returned to Clark's home at midnight to watch a video.
ubi ad Helvidium Priscum praetorem designatum ventum, prompsit sententiam ut honorificam in bonum principem, * * * falsa aberant, et studiis senatus attollebatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Goldberg's win over Saturn was his 74th consecutive without a loss, and the next night on Nitro he challenged Raven for the United States Heavyweight Championship that Raven had won the night before at Spring Stampede.
Indictis inter se principes Galliae conciliis silvestribus ac remotis locis queruntur de Acconis morte; posse hunc casum ad ipsos recidere demonstrant: miserantur communem Galliae fortunam: omnibus pollicitationibus ac praemius deposcunt qui belli initium faciant et sui capitis periculo Galliam in libertatem vindicent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For the harshest expressions of the soldiers in general did not proceed from the Marsi and Peligni, as those which passed in the tents the night before; and some of their fellow soldiers heard them with displeasure.
Si pedites suis auxilium ferant atque in eo morentur, iter facere non posse; si, id quod magis futurum confidat, relictis impedimentis suae saluti consulant, et usu rerum necessariarum et dignitate spoliatum iri.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There never failed the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, before the people.
illic sua manu, reliqui mutuis ictibus occidere: incensa super villa omnis cremavit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The words of the priestly prayer of Jesus "Holy Father keep them . . . that they maybe one" (Jn 17:11) were such that from then on they could never escape from the memory of the disciples and followers of him who had uttered them the night before he died on the Cross.
at nunc versos casus: iturum Tiridaten ostentui gentibus, quanto minus quam captivum?
We arrived at the city before night.
laudavimus nuper ut miram et eximiam Vespasiani liberalitatem, quod quingenta sestertia Basso donasset.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Vercingetorix adopts the design of sending away all his cavalry by night, before the fortifications should be completed by the Romans.
Id si fieret, intellegebat magno cum periculo provinciae futurum ut homines bellicosos, populi Romani inimicos, locis patentibus maximeque frumentariis finitimos haberet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The unforgettable Pope John XXIII set out the problem of Christian unity with evangelical clarity as a simple consequence of the will of Jesus Christ himself, our Master, the will that Jesus stated on several occasions but to which he gave expression in a special way in his prayer in the Upper Room the night before he died: "I pray...
Id silentio noctis conati non magna iactura suorum sese effecturos sperabant, propterea quod neque longe ab oppido castra Vercingetorigis aberant, et palus, quae perpetua intercedebat, Romanos ad insequendum
So the presents went before him, but himself lodged that night in the camp.
neque aciem aut proelium dici decuerit in quo semermi ac palantes trucidati sunt sine nostro sanguine.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The night following, Fabius sent his horse before him, with orders to engage the enemy, and delay their march till he himself should come up.
Tabulae testamenti unae per legatos eius Romam erant allatae, ut in aerario ponerentur (hic cum propter publicas occupationes poni non potuissent, apud Pompeium sunt depositae), alterae eodem exemplo relictae atque obsignatae Alexandriae proferebantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
So she slept at his feet till the night was going off. And she arose before men could know one another, and Boaz said: Beware lest any man know that thou camest hither.
et Nymphidius quidem in ipso conatu oppressus, set quamvis capite defectionis ablato manebat plerisque militum conscientia, nec deerant sermones senium atque avaritiam Galbae increpantium.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
To attack them by surprise, Afranius set out in the beginning of the night, with all his cavalry and three legions, and sent the horse on before, to fall on them unawares; but the Gallic horse soon got themselves in readiness, and attacked them.
Care must be taken to prevent this loss of function.latin-ancient latin-ancient
After a few days, he placed a party of horse in ambush in the night, where our men had usually gone to forage for several days before.
simul adnectebat, si foret adhuc bellandum, relinqueret materiem Drusi fratris gloriae, qui nullo tum alio hoste non nisi apud Germanias adsequi nomen imperatorium et deportare lauream posset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar could not double the cape with the same wind, but keeping the sea at anchor all night, appeared early next morning before Adrumetum. He set fire to all the transports without Cothon, and took what galleys he found there, or forced them into the harbor; and having waited some time to offer the enemy battle, returned again to his camp.
Dies quo reliquiae tumulo Augusti inferebantur modo per silentium vastus, modo ploratibus inquies; plena urbis itinera, conlucentes per campum Martis faces.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There was a hill opposite the town, at the very foot of that mountain, strongly fortified and precipitous on every side (which if our men could gain, they seemed likely to exclude the enemy from a great share of their supply of water, and from free foraging; but this place was occupied by them with a weak garrison): however, Caesar set out from the camp in the silence of night, and dislodging the garrison before succor could come from the town, he got possession of the place and posted two legions there, and drew from the greater camp to the less a double trench twelve feet broad, so that the soldiers could even singly pass secure from any sudden attack of the enemy.
eadem rursus numina, eadem fata ruptores foederum expectarent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And the Lord went before them to shew the way, by day in a pillar of a cloud, and by night in a pillar of fire; that he might be the guide of their journey at both times.
erat in civitate Sabina Poppaea, T. Ollio patre genita, sed nomen avi materni sumpserat, inlustri memoria Poppaei Sabini consularis et triumphali decore praefulgentis; nam Ollium honoribus nondum functum amicitia Seiani pervertit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Caesar had now continued a day and a night before the town, without receiving any answer from Considius; the rest of the forces were not yet arrived; his cavalry was not considerable; he had not sufficient troops with him to invest the place, and these were new levies: neither did he think it advisable, upon his first landing, to expose the army to wounds and fatigue; more especially, as the town was strongly fortified, and extremely difficult of access, and a great body of horse was said to be upon the point of arrival to succor the inhabitants; he therefore thought it advisable not to remain and besiege the town, lest while he pursued that design, the enemy's cavalry should come behind and surround him.
habitune et incessu an illo muliebri ornatu mereretur imperium? falluntur quibus luxuria specie liberalitatis imponit: perdere iste sciet, donare nesciet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He, having issued from the camp at the first watch, and having almost completed his march a little before the dawn, hid himself behind the mountain, and ordered his soldiers to refresh themselves after their labor during the night.
quippe hiantis in magna fortuna amicorum cupiditates ipsa Galbae facilitas intendebat, cum apud infirmum et credulum minore metu et maiore praemio peccaretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He therefore marched to that bridge with his army, and ordered his cavalry to advance no farther before the legions than that they could return to the same camp at night, without fatiguing their horses.
Hic Sueviae finis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When the battle was going on in every direction, the rest of the night being now spent, and fresh hopes of victory always arose before the enemy: the more so on this account because they saw the coverings of our towers burnt away, and perceived, that we, being exposed, could not easily go to give assistance, and they themselves were always relieving the weary with fresh men, and considered that all the safety of Gaul rested on this crisis; there happened in my own view a circumstance which, having appeared to be worthy of record, we thought it ought not to be omitted.
In variis vero supplicationibus, quae utiliter Deiparae Virgini admoventur, Mariale Rosarium peculiarem ac praecipuum obtinere locum nemo est e christifidelibus qui ignoret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The fleet was on mid ocean; land no more / was visible, naught else above, before / but sky and sea, when overhead did loom / a storm-cloud, black as heaven itself, that bore / dark night and wintry tempest in its womb, / and all the waves grew rough and shuddered with the gloom.
Itaque cohortatus Aeduos de supportando commeatu praemittit ad Boios qui de suo adventu doceant hortenturque ut in fide maneant atque hostium impetum magno animo sustineant.tatoeba tatoeba
The fleet was on mid ocean; land no more / was visible, naught else above, before / but sky and sea, when overhead did loom / a storm-cloud, black as heaven itself, that bore / dark night and wintry tempest in its womb, / and all the waves grew rough and shuddered with the gloom.
Quorum litteras Caesar oppidanis obiecit et qui vitam sibi peteret, iussit turrem ligneam oppidanorum incendere; id si fecisset, ei se promisit omnia concessurum.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
As guardian of the mystery "hidden for ages in the mind of God," which begins to unfold before his eyes "in the fullness of time," Joseph, together with Mary, is a privileged witness to the birth of the Son of God into the world on Christmas night in Bethlehem.
Vercingetorix ab radicibus collis suos intra munitiones
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