the vine oor Latyn

the vine

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Piotr Szelma

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fruit if the wild vine
produced from the vine
disease of the joints of vines
berry of the vine
of the vine
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I am the vine, you are the branches.
Seneca interim, durante tractu et lentitudine mortis, Statium Annaeum, diu sibi amicitiae fide et arte medicinae probatum, orat provisum pridem venenum, quo d[am]nati publico Atheniensium iudicio exstinguerentur, promeret; adlatumque hausit frustra, frigidus iam artus et cluso corpore adversum vim
The prophets in the Old Testament used the image of the vine to describe the chosen people.
Ipse Bibracte hiemare
I am the vine, you are the branches.
Ita petita pace ac dedita insula clarus ac magnus haberi Agricola, quippe cui ingredienti provinciam, quod tempus alii per ostentationem et officiorum ambitum transigunt, labor et periculum
Jesus continues: "I am the vine, you are the branches" (Jn 15: 5).
eduxitque eum
Next year the vines will produce many grapes.
ubi sumptibus exhaustus socordia insuper elanguerat, inops pro locuplete et iners pro strenuo in manipulum redibat, ac rursus alius atque alius, eadem egestate ac licentia corrupti, ad seditiones et discordias et ad extremum bella civilia ruebant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Was it not Jesus Himself who told us that He was the vine and we the branches?
nec quisquam defendere audebat, crebris multorum minis restinguere prohibentium, et quia alii palam facies iaciebant atque esse sibi auctorem vociferabantur, sive ut raptus licentius exercerent seu
The fig tree hath put forth her green figs: the vines in flower yield their sweet smell.
neque enim multo post vim sibi attulit, minore quam ceteri miseratione, quia proditam G. Caesari coniurationem ab eo meminerant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
We can bear this fruit only if we remain in him: in the vine (cf.
Facta potestate
The fig tree hath put forth her green figs: the vines in flower yield their sweet smell.
nec Galliae cunctabantur.tatoeba tatoeba
The branch, engrafted to the vine which is Christ, bears its fruit in every sphere of existence and activity.
Quod ubi legiones Scipionis quae pro castris erant instructae animum adverterunt, metu ac terrore obcaecatae omnibus portis in sua castra fugere
25. "Whatever Christian community were to do this, would lose its vitality as the branch cut from the vine (Cf.
gnarum id Caesari; neque multo post extincto Maximo, dubium an quaesita morte, auditos in funere eius Marciae gemitus semet incusantis, quod causa exitii marito
As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.
Cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore
Again we take up the image from the gospel: the fruitfulness and the growth of the branches depends on their remaining united to the vine.
We return to the biblical image of the vine and the branches, which immediately and quite appropriately lends itself to a consideration of fruitfulness and life.
circumdata hinc regi specie honoris valida manus, tribunique et centuriones monendo, suadendo, et quanto longius abscedebatur, apertiore custodia, postremo gnarum necessitatis in urbem
Missionary cooperation is rooted and lived, above all, in personal union with Christ. Only if we are united to him as the branches to the vine (cf.
Nisi quid in Caesare populoque Romano sit auxilii, omnibus Gallis idem esse faciendum quod Helvetii fecerint, ut domo emigrent, aliud domicilium, alias sedes, remotas a Germanis, petant fortunamque, quaecumque accidat,
"I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser" (Jn 15:1).
Quod non fore dicto audientes neque signa laturi dicantur, nihil se ea re commoveri: scire enim, quibuscumque exercitus dicto audiens non fuerit, aut male re gesta fortunam defuisse aut aliquo facinore comperto avaritiam esse
Again we turn to the words of Jesus: "I am the true vine and my Father is the vinedresser...
Interim controversias regum ad populum Romanum et ad se, quod esset consul, pertinere existimans atque eo magis officio suo convenire, quod superiore consulatu cum patre Ptolomaeo et lege et senatusconsulto societas erat facta, ostendit sibi placere regem Ptolomaeum atque eius sororem Cleopatram exercitus, quos haberent, dimittere et de controversiis iure apud se potius quam inter se armis
Tying his foal to the vineyard, and his ass, O my son, to the vine, he shall wash his robe in wine, and his garment in the blood of the grape.
sed qui vallum legionum temptabant facile pelluntur; Thraecum auxilia repentino incursu territa, cum pars munitionibus adiacerent, plures extra palarentur, tanto infensius caesi quanto perfugae et proditores ferre arma ad suum patriaeque servitiumincusabantur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
John the Evangelist invites us to go further and leads us to discover the mystery of the vine: it is the figure and symbol not only of the People of God, but of Jesus himself.
Nec tamen affirmaverim, nullam Germaniae venam argentum aurumve gignere: quis enim scrutatus est? possessione et usu haud perinde
Christ is the true Vine.
Cum iudices iurisconsultos qui ius publice respondendi ex acutoritate principis obtinuerunt rogarent responsis eorum uti
Elsewhere, are the rose, Bastard Corinths, the Elder and the Juniper. Also the vine, which puts out branches and tendrils, vine leaves and bunches of grapes, on the stalk of which are grapes, which contain grape stones.
"Igitur Galba, adprehensa Pisonis manu, in hunc modum locutus fertur: ""si te privatus lege curiata apud pontifices, ut moris est, adoptarem, et mihi egregium erat Cn."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The gospel image of the vine and the branches reveals to us another fundamental aspect of the lay faithful's life and mission: the call to growth and a continual process of maturation, of always bearing much fruit.
atque illis Ponti et externorum parum gnaris, Timotheum Atheniensem e gente Eumolpidarum, quem ut antistitem caerimoniarum Eleusine exciverat, quaenam illa superstitio, quod numen,
But Christ—the "vine" from which the "branches" draw nourishment—is needed so that this cell will not be exposed to the threat of a kind of cultural uprooting which can come both from within and from without.
nec ultra expectato quam dum sacrificii gratia Claudius Ostiam proficisceretur, cuncta nuptiarum sollemnia
Jesus has taught us this marvelous reality of Christian living, which is also the heart of spiritual life, with his allegory of the vine and the branches: "I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser....
Praevaluere haec adiuta Agrippinae inlecebris: ad eum per speciem necessitudinis crebro ventitando pellicit patruum ut praelata ceteris et nondum uxor potentia uxoria iam
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