title of the emperor oor Latyn

title of the emperor

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis

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"He had composed many libels on senators and pontiffs in a work to which he gave the title of ""Codicils."" Talius Geminus, the prosecutor, further stated that he had habitually trafficked in the emperor's favours and in the right of promotion."
Sed cum esset inter bina castra campus circiter milium passuum II, Domitius castris Scipionis aciem suam subiecit; ille a vallo non discedere perseveravit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"The emperor willingly complied with the flatteries of the Senate who wished Nero to enter on the consulship in his twentieth year, and meanwhile, as consul-elect, to have pro-consular authority beyond the limits of the capital with the title of ""prince of the youth of Rome."" A donative was also given to the soldiery in Nero's name, and presents to the city populace."
Caninius Rebi[l]us, ex primoribus peritia legum et pecuniae magnitudine, cruciatus aegrae senectae misso per venas sanguine effugit, haud creditus sufficere ad constantiam sumendae mortis, ob libidines muliebriter infamis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"It was not one alone who spoke thus, as did Percennius among the legions of Pannonia, nor was it in the ears of trembling soldiers, who looked with apprehension to other and mightier armies, but there was sedition in many a face and voice. ""The Roman world,"" they said, was in their hand; their victories aggrandised the State; it was from them that emperors received their titles."""
Ergo nuntiat patri abicere spem et uti necessitate: simul adfertur parari cognitionem senatus et trucem sententiam.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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