to be is to be perceived oor Latyn

to be is to be perceived

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

esse est percipi

George Berkeley's motto for his idealist philosophical position that nothing exists independently of its perception by a mind except minds themselves.

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It is therefore necessary to educate boys and young men so that they will become faithful to prayer and meditation on God's word: in silence and listening, they will be able to perceive the Lord who is calling them to the priesthood, and be able to follow that call promptly and generously.
Necesse igitur erit pueros praesertim et iuniores ita instituere ut perstare fideles valeant et velint orationi et Verbi Dei meditationi; per silentium enim et per auscultationem Domini vocem percipient ad sacerdotium vocantem, eamque prompto et alacri animo
A preliminary answer derives from the very nature of ecclesial authority: it is – and needs to be perceived as such in the clearest possible terms – a participation in the mission of Christ, to be lived and exercised in humility, dedication and service.
Ad hoc quod pertinet, prima responsio ex ipsa natura ecclesialis auctoritatis oritur: haec est – et qua talis quam clarissime demonstrari debet – participatio missionis Christi, in humilitate, deditione et ministerio vivenda et
For, as even the ancient Pagan philosophy perceived, to be master of oneself and to make the lower part of the soul, obey the superior part, is so far from being a weakness of will that it is really a noble power, in consonance with right reason and most worthy of a man. Moreover, to bear and to suffer is the ordinary condition of man.
Quod enim vel sapientia antiquorum saepe vidit, imperare sibi efficereque ut pars animi inferior obediat superiori, nequaquam est fractae voluntatis demissio, sed potius quaedam generosa virtus rationi mirifice congruens, in primisque homine digna. — Ceterum, multa ferre et perpeti, humana conditio
4. But it is to be lamented that those to whom has been committed the guardianship of the public weal, deceived by the wiles of wicked men and terrified by their threats, have looked upon the Church with a suspicious and even hostile eye, not perceiving that the attempts of the sects would be vain if the doctrine of the Catholic Church and the authority of the Roman Pontiffs had always survived, with the honor that belongs to them, among princes and peoples.
Dolendum autem est eos, quibus communis boni cura demandata est, impiorum hominum fraudibus circumventos et minis perterritus in Ecclesiam semper suspicioso vel etiam iniquo animo fuisse, non intelligentes sectarum conatus in irritum cessuros, si catholicae Ecclesiae doctrina, Romanorumque Pontificum auctoritas, et penes Principes et penes populos, debito semper in honore
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