to be sure oor Latyn

to be sure

(idiomatic) Certainly, undoubtedly, admittedly.

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unless to be sure


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A lofty response to be sure, but still a long way — by far — from the truth.
quippe Moesicae legiones adiutam a se Pannonicorum ultionem referentes, et Pannonici, velut absolverentur aliorum seditione, iterare culpam
To be sure, only spiritually mature families can adequately assume that responsibility.
Ad eum locum fluminis navibus iunctis pontem imperant fieri legionesque duas flumen Sicorim traducunt, castraque muniunt vallo pedum
The hermeneutical problem exists, to be sure; but it is not insoluble.
exactum et a Titidio Labeone Vistiliae marito cur in uxore delicti manifesta ultionem legis
To be sure, not every truth to which we come has the same value.
Petierunt uti sibi concilium totius Galliae in diem certam indicere idque Caesaris facere voluntate liceret: sese habere quasdam res quas ex communi consensu ab eo petere
It is not so easy to determine what was best to be done, as it is to be sure that what was done was the very worst.
et cohortes delecto milite supra solitum firmatae.latin-ancient latin-ancient
To be sure, this equality will not be attained at once, but we must begin to work toward it now by injecting a certain amount of equality into discussions and price talks.
Senecio posthac et Quintianus et Scaevinus non ex priore vitae millitia, mox reliqui coniuratorum periere, nullo facto dictove
3. First of all, to be sure, with respect to the patronato of the Portuguese people in the East Indies, We have concluded a formal pact with the most faithful king of Portugal and Algerve.
Ita Cassio industria Domitii, Favonio Scipionis celeritas salutem
To be sure, it had long since been realized that many of the people who went around pretending to be philosophers, teachers of life, were just charlatans who made money through their words, while having nothing to say about real life.
Quia tu, qui potes loquere, non
In concluding this Encyclical Letter, my thoughts turn particularly to theologians, encouraging them to pay special attention to the philosophical implications of the word of God and to be sure to reflect in their work all the speculative and practical breadth of the science of theology.
Rhenus autem oritur ex Lepontiis, qui Alpes incolunt, et longo spatio per fines Nantuatium, Helvetiorum, Sequanorum, Mediomatricorum, Tribocorum, Treverorum citatus fertur et, ubi Oceano adpropinquavit, in plures diffluit partes multis ingentibus insulis effectis, quarum pars magna a feris barbaris nationibus incolitur, ex quibus sunt qui piscibus atque ovis avium vivere existimantur, multis capitibus in Oceanum influit.]
To be sure, the task of extricating those who have fallen into the snares of the Masons is laborious, and its outcome is doubtful, if we consider the cleverness of the sect: still the recovery of no one should ever be despaired of since the force of apostolic charity is truly marvellous.
imperium adeptus extorrem, infamem et post interfectum Postumum Agrippam omnis spei egenam inopia ac tabe longa peremit, obscuram fore necem longinquitate exilii
Be sure to clean the lint filter before you run the dryer. Otherwise, you might start a fire.
quosque Germanici memores aut inimicis eius adversos cognoverat, contrahit, magnitudinem imperatoris identidem ingerens et rem publicam armis peti; ducitque validam manum et proelio paratam.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I'll be sure to do that tomorrow.
aperiet et recludet contecta et tumescentia victricium partium vulnera bellum ipsum; nec mihi maior in tua vigilantia parsimonia sapientia fiducia est quam in Vitellii torpore inscitia saevitia.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Let them, however, seriously reflect that their writings, if not positively prejudicial to religion, will surely be of slight service to it unless in concord of minds they all seek the same end.
Plurimum molis in obpugnatione castrorum fuit, quae acerrimus quisque ut novissimam spem
And he commanded all the people, saying: He that shall touch this man's wife, shall surely be put to death.
igitur torpere cuncti, circumspectare inter se attoniti et id ipsum quod nemo regeret paventes; silentio, patientia, postremo precibus ac lacrimis veniam quaerebant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I'm sure Tom doesn't want to be here.
Ne opinio quidem et fama, cui soli serviunt et quod unum esse pretium omnis laboris sui fatentur, aeque poetas quam oratores sequitur, quoniam mediocris poetas nemo novit, bonos pauci.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I'm sure Tom doesn't want to be alone.
Eo ad forum.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
They are surely to be commended for their zeal, but how many are there who read these works and take from them a fruit commensurate with the labor and intention of the writers?
Praeterea alias ambulatorias totidem tabulatorum confixerant subiectisque eas rotis funibus iumentisque obiectis derectis plateis in quamcumque erat visum partem
They will surely want to be in the first ranks of those who spare no effort to have just and fair laws, based on moral precepts, established among all nations.
nocte, qua proficiscebatur legio, relictis passim ignibus pars Taurinae coloniae ambusta, quod damnum, ut pleraque belli mala, maioribus aliarum urbium cladibus
Dear brothers and sisters, this development needs to be consolidated and deepened, also by making sure that every family has a Bible.
Reliquae Caesaris naves eius fuga se Adrumetum
I declare it to be a valid and legitimate instrument for ecclesial communion and a sure norm for teaching the faith.
simulque coeptus dies et concentu tubarum ac truci clamore aderant semisomnos in barbaros, pracpeditis Numidarum equis aut diversos pastus
May Mary, Seat of Wisdom, be a sure haven for all who devote their lives to the search for wisdom.
hunc exitum habuit Servius Galba, tribus et septuaginta annis quinque principes prospera fortuna emensus et alieno imperio felicior quam
In this way, for sure, they will be able to reach that perfection of married life which the Apostle sets out in these words: "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church. . .
Caede Messalinae convulsa principis domus, orto apud libertos certamine, quis deligeret uxorem Claudio, caelibis vitae intoleranti et coniugum imperiis
These extreme and possibly false stories at least had their origin in the general's real severity. We may be sure that he was strict and implacable to serious offences, when such sternness in regard to trifles could be believed of him.
Frequens legionibus conventus obviam prodit, neque tantum virorum sed etiam matrum familias ac praetextatorum, deprecaturque ne hostili adventu Cordubam diriperent: nam se contra Cassium consentire cum omnibus; contra Caesarem ne facere cogerentur orare.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Moreover, the worker was not even sure of being able to sell "his own commodity", continually threatened as he was by unemployment, which, in the absence of any kind of social security, meant the spectre of death by starvation.
Nero trepidus et interficiendae matris avidus non prius differri potuit, quam Burrus necem eius promitteret, si facinoris coargueretur; sed cuicumque, nedum parenti defensionem tribuendam; nec accusatores adesse, sed vocem unius [et] ex inimica domo adferri: reputare[t] tenebras et vigilatam convivio noctem omniaque temeritati et inscitiae
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