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But all such will be certainly rebuked as "men of little faith," who make no effort to penetrate the works of God or to estimate them in the light of truth.
Ast quis eiusmodi modicae fidei non reprehendat, qui Dei opera vel introspicere vel expendere ex veritate negligunt?
According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world.
Secundum nonnullas aestimationes, exstant in mundo hodierno circa 4200 religionum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is difficult to estimate the number of Discordians because they are not required to hold Discordianism as their only belief system, and because, by nature of the system itself, there is an encouragement to form schisms and cabals.
Difficile est aestimare numerum Discordianorum quia eis non necesse est confiteri Discordianismum eorum solam fidei rationem, et quia Discordianismus ad schismata et cabales creanda facile tendit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The ethnic distribution of Bolivia is estimated to be 30% Quechua-speaking and 25% Aymara-speaking.
Boliviae ethnica distributio 30% Quechice loquentium et 25% Aymarice loquentium Indigenarum putatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to a 2008 estimate, the family contains 54 genera and 1590 species.
Secundum aestimationem anno 2008, familiae sunt 54 genera et 1590 species.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The order is estimated to contain nearly 15,000 species in around 2,700 genera, with around 3,300 fossil species.
Zoologi aestimant ordinem paene 15 000 specierum in circa 2700 generum continere, quarum fere 3300 sunt species fossiles.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You know the times, venerable brethren: on the one hand men are consumed with an insatiable passion for reading; on the other an enormous amount of bad literature is freely disseminated. Given these facts it is impossible to estimate how much harm is done to good morals, what destruction daily threatens the integrity of religion.
Nostis tempora, Venerabiles Fratres : ex altera parte rapiuntur homines inexplebili cupiditate legendi ; ex altera ingens prave scriptorum colluvio licenter effunditur: quibus caussis vix dici potest, quanta labes honestati morum, quanta religionis incolumitati quotidie ruina
Selene is estimated to have been born around the year 1383.
Natus est circa annum 1483.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is difficult to estimate the good results which will flow from this concord of the bishops. Our own people will receive edification; and the force of example will have its effect on those without who will be persuaded by this argument alone that the divine apostolate has passed by inheritance to the ranks of the Catholic episcopate.
Ex qua Episcoporum concordia dici vix potest quanta non modo salus in nostros manabit, sed et in reliquos vis exempli : quippe qui facile vel hoc ipso argumento perspicient in Episcoporum catholicorum ordinem vere divinum apostolatum hereditate transisse. — Est praeterea aliud magnopere
The LUCA is estimated to have lived some 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago (sometime in the Paleoarchean era).
Aestimatur UAU fere abhinc annorum 3.5 ad 3.8 billiones (quodam tempore aevo Palaeoarchaeano dato) vixisse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As of 2011, there are an estimated 150,000 to 200,000 people in Louisiana who speak French.
Anno 2011 a 150 000 ad 200 000 hominum in Ludoviciana Francogallice loqui poterant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Reports estimate two dozen to forty fishermen being captured by the Somali pirates.
Somaliae piratae nunc circa ducentos pignores detinent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If any man hurt a field or a vineyard, and put in his beast to feed upon that which is other men's: he shall restore the best of whatsoever he hath in his own field, or in his vineyard, according to the estimation of the damage.
Si quispiam depasci permiserit agrum vel vineam et dimiserit iumentum suum, ut depascatur agrum alienum, restituet plene ex agro suo secundum fruges eius; si autem totum agrum depastum fuerit, quidquid optimum habuerit in agro suo vel in vinea, restituet.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The genus is estimated to be 28 million years old using cytochrome oxidase nucleotide sequences, and more than 20 million years old based on a fossil in amber from the Dominican Republic.
Genus vixisse aestimatur abhinc annorum circa 28 milliones secundum sequentias nucleotidorum oxidasium cytochromaticarum?, et annorum plus quam 20 milliones secundum fossile in sucino a Republica Dominicana observatum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit estimated that 100 to 125 homes were damaged, and that the agricultural sector was extensively damaged, in particular the banana crop.
Primus Minister Rooseveltus Skerrit inter 100 et 125 domorum damnari et agriculturalem campum valde damnari, praesertim bananae messem, aestimavit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The language was originally spoken in a small area in about 7000–2000 BCE (estimates vary), and expanded to give differentiated protolanguages.
Lingua origine locuta est in loco parvo abhinc circa 7000 - 2000 aCn, et linguam expandebat tam dabat protolinguas differentes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Piso, who was the son of M. Crassus and Scribonia, and thus of noble descent on both sides, was in look and manner a man of the old type. Rightly judged, he seemed a stern man, morose to those who estimated him less favourably.
Piso M. Crasso et Scribonia genitus, nobilis utrimque, vultu habituque moris antiqui et aestimatione recta severus, deterius interpretantibus tristior habebatur: ea pars morum eius quo suspectior sollicitis adoptanti placebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Over 32,000 described species are found in 351 families, and an estimated total of 440,000 to 929,000 species occur, including undescribed species.
Plus quam 32 000 specierum descriptarum in 351 familiis reperiuntur, atque specierum aestimatarum a 440 000 ad 929 000 exstare possunt, inter quas permultae species non descriptae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was not owing to being influenced by the fear of the enemy or their numerical strength, that he allowed himself to appear daunted in their estimation.
Atque haec propter exercitus sui praesentis paucitatem et tirocinium praeparaverat, non hostium vi et metu commotus patientem se timidumque hostium opinioni praebebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In total, the plague may have reduced the world population from an estimated 450 million down to 350–375 million in the 14th century.
In toto plaga potest reduxisse populum a 450 milione ad 350–375 million in saeculo 14.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When the Apostolic See falls vacant, it is the right and the duty of the cardinal camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church, personally or through his delegate, to request reports from all the administrations dependent on the Holy See on their patrimonial and economic status as well as information on any extraordinary business that may at that time be under way, and, from the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See he shall request a financial statement on income and expenditures of the previous year and the budgetary estimates for the following year. He is obliged to submit these reports and estimates to the College of Cardinals.
Sede Apostolica vacante, Cardinali Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Camerario ius est et officium, etiam per suum delegatum, ab omnibus Administrationibus, quæ e Sancta Sede pendent, relationes exposcere de earum statu patrimoniali et œconomico itemque notitias de extraordinariis negotiis, quæ tunc forte aguntur, et a Præfectura Rerum Œconomicarum Sanctæ Sedis generales computationes accepti et expensi anni superioris nec non prævias æstimationes pro anno subsequente; has autem relationes et computationes Cardinalium Collegio subiciendi officio
According to the World Health Organization in 2005, an estimated 78.3% of Gambian girls and women have suffered female genital mutilation.
Secundum Ordinem Mundi Sanitarium anno 2005 aestimatae 78,3% Gambianarum puellarum feminarum mutilationem genitalium femineorum passae sunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Black Death, also known as the Great Plague, the Black Plague, or the Plague, was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people in Eurasia and peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351.
Atra mors, etiam pestis grandis et magna mortalitas appellata, fuit pandemia quae exitiabilior ulla erat in histora humana, erumpens in mortis aestimabilis inter 75 et 200 miliones hominium in Eurasia et cuius culmine in Europa erat inter annos 1347 et 1351.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Encyclopædia Britannica estimates the population in 2007 at 180,000 and the International Crisis Group estimates Abkhazia's total population in 2006 to be between 157,000 and 190,000 (or between 180,000 and 220,000 as estimated by United Nations Development Program in 1998).
Encyclopaedia Britannica numerum incolarum anno 2007 180 000 esse aestimat, dum Globus Crisis Internationalis (Anglice International Crisis Group) totum Abasciae numerum incolarum anno 2006 inter 157 000 et 190 000 esse aestimat (aut inter 180 000 et 220 000 anno 1998 a Programmate Consociationis Nationum pro Evolutione aestimatos).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And therefore, to meet the new insolence of provincials, let us adopt a measure worthy of Roman good faith and resolution, whereby our allies may lose nothing of our protection, while public opinion may cease to say of us, that the estimate of a man's character is to found anywhere rather than in the judgment of our citizens.
ergo adversus novam provincialium superbiam dignum fide constantiaque Romana capiamus consilium, quo tutelae sociorum nihil derogetur, nobis opinio decedat, qualis quisque habeatur, alibi quam in civium iudicio esse.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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