to explain oor Latyn

to explain

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It's difficult to explain.
Difficile est explicatu.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I don't have time to explain.
tempus mihi deest ad explicandum.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Curiosity by itself, if not prudently regulated, suffices to explain all errors.
Curiositas, ni sapienter cohibeatur, sufficit per se una ad quoscumque explicandos
How are we to explain these dynamics?
Quomodo hi motus explicantur?
Tom is going to explain why that happened.
Thomas cur acciderit interpretabitur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
My plan is Well first of all I want to explain myself to you.
Meum est propositum in primis bene volo me tibi exponam.QED QED
Our representative will call to explain.
Delectus noster explicatum veniet.Literature Literature
At this point Luke's text coincides with Matthew 1:18 and serves to explain what we read there.
Hoc porro loco Lucae sermo cum Matthaei (Matth. 1, 18) congruit narratione adiuvatque ut id illuminetur quod ibi
Heb 9:9f; 10:1) serves to explain why Jesus would accept them.
Hebr. 9, 9s.; 10, 1), explanat cur illos Iesus
Monsieur, I have just received your letter and must reply despite my regret at being unable to explain the inexplicable.
Ipse se rem nondum intellexisse, si eam discipulis iunioribus explicare non posset, dicere solebat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The concept was initially developed by Robert Trivers to explain the evolution of cooperation as instances of mutually altruistic acts.
Hanc rationem Robertus Trivers primum excogitavit, ut evolutionem per actiones altruisticas adlatam explanaret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In her many writings Hildegard dedicated herself exclusively to explaining divine revelation and making God known in the clarity of his love.
Compluribus suis in scriptis Hildegardis operam dedit tantummodo divinae revelationi explicandae ac Deo manifestando in claritate eius
When the Sacraments are to be administered, it enjoins upon pastors the duty to explain their efficacy in plain and simple language.
Quum vero sacramenta fuerint admistranda, praecipit, ut qui sunt suscepturi, de eorumdem vi, facili vulgarique sermone,
Nonetheless, in the case of man, this "cosmic" dimension of likeness to God is not sufficient to explain adequately the relationship of fatherhood and motherhood.
Atqui, quod attinet ad homines, haec “cosmica” ratio similitudinis cum Deo minime sufficit ut paternitatis maternitatisque necessitudo convenienter
Hutchins closed by saying the last thing you want is the Superintendent standing before you after a catastrophe to explain why preventive actions were not taken.
Demum nequidem hanc sententiam tenere potest, quare finito primo libro aporia est sors deliberantium, qui delineationem firmam invenire non valeant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For it is only in this relationship that it is possible to explain the words which Jesus directly relates to the "gift" of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles.
Namque hoc solo respectu ratio affertur verborum, quae Iesus annectit « dono » Spiritus Sancti Apostolis
27. You see now, Venerable Brethren, how much We have desired to explain and inculcate these principles concerning Catholic Action which is to be sustained and promoted in Italy.
En, Venerabiles Fratres quae exponere et inculcare cupiebamus circa actionem catholicam sustinendam promovendamque in Italia nostra.— Non sufficit indigitare bonum; oportet illud practice
This was thought to explain Mercury's 3:2 spin–orbit resonance (rather than the more usual 1:1), because this state is more likely to arise during a period of high eccentricity.
Sic putatur ut 3:2 resonantiae orbitae centrifugae (potius quam magis usuale 1:1) explicetur, quamobrem hic status plausibilior surgendo per magnae eccentricitatis periodum est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Furthermore, the non-practicing Christians of today, more so than those of previous periods, seek to explain and justify their position in the name of an interior religion, of personal independence or authenticity.
Ceterum, nostri aequales, religionem non exercentes, magis quam aliis temporibus fieri solebat, hunc statum suum explanare student et excusare nomine religionis interioris, suis legibus vivendi facultatis, velauthenticae sui ipsorum
The 1984 Nobel Prize laureate in Medicine and Physiology, Niels Kaj Jerne, used Chomsky's generative model to explain the human immune system, equating "components of a generative grammar ... with various features of protein structures".
Nicolaus K. Jerne, anni 1984 Praemii Nobeliani physiologiae et medicinae laureatus, exemplare generativo Chomskii usus est ut systema immunitatis humanum explicaret coaequando "grammaticae generativae constituta ... una cum proprietatibus compositionis proteinorum variis."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To explain the negative outcome of the Michelson–Morley experiment, George FitzGerald (1889) and Hendrik Lorentz (1892) introduced the contraction hypothesis, according to which a body is contracted during its motion through the stationary aether.
Ad experimenta Michelson et Morely facta explicanda, Georgius Fitzgerald anno 1889 et Hendricus Lorentz anno 1892, independenter contemplaverunt omnia corpora physica se contrahunt secundum cursum suum per aethera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
122) He returns often to this theme and develops it broadly, both to explain the faith which he had obtained again at the age of twenty-two and because of the needs of the Pelagian controversy.
Quae ad argumenta crebrius revolvitur ille copioseque ea persequitur tum ut fidei reddat rationem, quam triginta et duos natus annos denuo obtinuit, tum ut necessitatibus satis faciat ipsius Pelagianae
Their initial disinterest is to be explained on other grounds.
Causa huius contemptionis initialis aliunde est
173 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.