to finish oor Latyn

to finish

(after the -masu stem of a verb) to finish

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recite from start to finish
put the finishing touches to
fight out|to a finish
give finish to
hurry|hasten|make haste to complete|finish


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The whole army was then brought together and kept under canvas to finish the remainder of the war.
Contractus deinde omnis exercitus sub pellibus habitus est ad reliqua belli perpetranda.latin-ancient latin-ancient
I had all day to finish doing that.
Mihi totus erat illi perficiendo dies.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Proud of his accomplishment, he proposed marriage to Elinor Miriam White, but she demurred, wanting to finish college (at St. Lawrence University) before they married.
Sibi sic placens, matrimonium Eleanorae Miriamae White proposuit, sed ea haesitabat, ut se cursum baccalareatum in Universitate Sancti Laurentii ante matrimonium finiret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lucius Piso, the censor, offered to go to Caesar: as did likewise Lucius Roscius, the praetor, to inform him of these affairs, and require only six days' time to finish the business.
Pollicetur L. Piso censor sese iturum ad Caesarem, item L. Roscius praetor, qui de his rebus eum doceant: sex dies ad eam rem conficiendam spatii postulant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But the extent of the lines, and the incessant labor for so many days, because he had inclosed a circuit of seventeen miles with his works, did not allow time to finish them.
Sed operum magnitudo et continens omnium dierum labor, quod milium passuum in circuitu XVII munitiones erat complexus, perficiendi spatium non dabat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
(25) God gave man intelligence, sensitivity and the power of thought—tools with which to finish and perfect the work He began. Every worker is, to some extent, a creator—be he artist, craftsman, executive, laborer or farmer.
Deus, tum hominem intellectu, cogitatione atque sensibus ornavisset, instrumenta ei praebuit, quibus opus a se inchoatum veluti absolveret perficeretque: nam quicumque labore se exercet, sive artifex, sive opifex, sive operis conductor, sive operarius, sive agricola, quodammodo
The bridge which had been broken down by the storm was almost repaired, and he ordered it to be finished in the night.
Pons, qui fuerat tempestate interruptus, paene erat refectus; hunc noctu perfici iussit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
His owners decided to race him in the Belmont Stakes and he finished 2nd to Empire Maker.
Ashelia it ad Castrum Coeleste Bahamut et terminat bellum inter duo imperia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
6. May our merciful Redeemer, We suppliantly pray, move the hearts of those upon whose decisions these matters depend, that an end may be put to injustice and a finish to violence, that all nations, being at peace with one another, may be united in peaceful and tranquil harmony.
Permoveat igitur, supplici precamur voce, misericordissimus Redemptor noster eorum animos, quorum ex voluntate res pendet, ita quidem ut finem tandem accipiat iniustitia, quaevis violentia restinguatur, atque inter se pacatae gentes universae tranquillo serenoque ordine
There are no final examinations, but pupils can choose to go to a test when finishing ninth grade (14–15 years old).
Non sunt examina finalia, sed scholae primariae discipuli probationem facere eligere possunt, noveno gradu finito.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When Caesar, now a third time dictator, and elected a fourth time, having already proceeded many marches into Spain with prompt dispatch, was coming to finish the war, he was met on the way by embassadors from Corduba, who had deserted Cn.Pompey; these informed him that it would be an easy matter to make himself master of the town by night, because the enemy as yet knew nothing of his arrival in the province, as the scouts sent out by Cn.Pompey to inform him of Caesar's approach had been all made prisoners.
C. Caesar dictator tertio, designatus dictator quarto multis +iterante diebus coniectis+ cum celeri festinatione ad bellum conficiendum in Hispaniam cum venisset, legatique Cordubenses, qui a Cn.Pompelo discessissent, Caesari obviam venissent, a quibus nuntiabatur nocturno tempore oppidum Cordubam capi posse, quod nec opinantibus adversariis eius provinciae potitus esset, simulque quod tabellariis, qui a Cn.Pompeio dispositi omnibus locis essent, qui certiorem Cn.Pompeium de Caesaris adventu facerent .latin-ancient latin-ancient
As soon as the work was finished, they sent embassadors to treat about a capitulation.
Quo perfecto opere illi de deditione missis legatis agere coeperunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The teacher called the pupil to him and demanded: “Did you finish the excercise?”
Magister discipulum ad se vocat eique interrogat: "Num pensa perfecisti?"Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
His family was very poor, and his father wanted Goff to enter the workforce immediately after finishing high school.
Pater eius pistor erat, cuius munus post scholam finitam etiam edidicit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Still others, imprisoned in a consumer mentality and whose sole concern is to bring about a continual growth of material goods, finish by ceasing to understand, and thus by refusing, the spiritual riches of a new human life.
Alii demum, mentis habitu res consumendi cupido irretiti ac de bonis materialibus perpetuo augendis tantum solliciti, iam non percipiunt ac proinde reiciunt spiritales divitias novae vitae
Nevertheless, according to His inscrutable counsels, He did not will to entirely complete and finish this office Himself on earth, but as He had received it from the Father, so He transmitted it for its completion to the Holy Ghost.
Hic tamen secundum altissima quaedam consilia, eiusmodi munus noluit quidem per se in terris usquequaque conficere et explere; verum quod ipse traditum a Patre habuerat, idem Spiritui Sancto tradidit
When this battle was finished, Labienus returns to Agendicum, where the baggage of the whole army had been left: from it he marched with all his forces to Caesar.
Hoc negotio confecto Labienus revertitur Agedincum, ubi impedimenta totius exercitus relicta erant: inde cum omnibus copiis ad Caesarem pervenit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Unable to study during her confinement, by the time she finished her secondary education, Quilhot was twenty-four.
Non modo discipulos in universitate sed etiam natos Ducis Alberti docuit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ruth the Moabite said, "Yes, he said to me, 'You shall stay close to my young men until they have finished all my harvest.'"
Et Ruth: Hoc quoque, inquit, præcepit mihi, ut tamdiu messoribus eius iungerer, donec omnes segetes meterentur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
But to the enemy he was a laughing-stock, for they still retained some of the fire of liberty, knowing nothing yet of the power of freedmen, and so they marvelled to see a general and an army who had finished such a war cringing to slaves.
sed hostibus inrisui fuit, apud quos flagrante etiam tum libertate nondum cognita libertinorum potentia erat; mirabanturque, quod dux et exercitus tanti belli confector servitiis oboedirent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Consequently we are now happy to entrust to the Church the printed work which Paul VI greatly desired but was unable to see completely finished, which was followed up with enthusiastic support by John Paul I who had decided to send the books of the Pentateuch, revised by the aforementioned Pontifical Commission, as a gift to the Bishops about to meet in the city of Puebla, and which work we ourself together with many people from the Catholic world have ardently awaited.
Itaque opus, quod Paulus VI vehementer optavit neque ad finem absolutum potuit videre, quod Ioannes Paulus I studiosa voluntate est prosecutus, qui Pentateuchi libros, a praedicta Pontificia Commissione recognitos, sacrorum Antistitibus in urbem " Puebla " congressuris muneri mittere statuerat quodque Nosmet ipsi una cum multis ex orbe catholico valde exspectavimus, typis excusum Ecclesiae iam tradere
When these were almost finished, Afranius and Petreius began to be greatly alarmed, lest they should be altogether cut off from corn and forage, because Caesar was very strong in cavalry.
His paene effectis magnum in timorem Afranius Petreiusque perveniunt, ne omnino frumento pabuloque intercluderentur, quod multum Caesar equitatu valebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He is known as a strong climber, and rose to prominence at the 2013 Giro d'Italia, where he finished 7th overall, and 6th one year later.
Scansor validus famam in Circuitu Italiae 2013 consecutus est, ubi septimo loco finivit, sexto autem anno proximo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Germans were routed, and fled towards the Rhine. The war would have been finished that day, if the fleet had hastened to come up.
Debellatum eo die foret, si Romana classis sequi maturasset: ne eques quidem institit, repente fusis imbribus et propinqua nocte.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Playas de Castellón, although finished in 16th position on standings, was readmitted in Segunda División due to vacant seats.
Paulo post, in cantu XII, Sirenes Ulixes comitesque allicere conantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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