to translate oor Latyn

to translate

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This article is too easy to translate.
congruentia his Interamnates disseruere: pessum ituros fecundissimos Italiae campos, si amnis Nar (id enim parabatur) in rivos diductus supersta gnavisset.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
As he remained barred from publishing fiction, Manoliu turned to translation, winning acclaim in this field.
cum omnia sacra profanaque in igne considerent, solum Mefitis templum stetit ante moenia, loco seu numine defensum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tom tried to translate a book into French.
sorte ducti e primoribus civitatis unus et viginti: Tiberius Drusus que et Claudius et Germanicus adiciuntur.tatoeba tatoeba
That word is very hard to translate.
Callistus improbatam longo discidio, ac si rursum adsumeretur, eo ipso superbam; longeque rectius Lolliam induci, quando nullos liberos genuisset, vacuam aemulatione et privignis parentis loco futuram.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
To translate is to betray.
Cuius adventu nuntiato L. Plancus, qui legionibus praeerat, necessaria re coactus locum capit superiorem diversamque aciem in duas partes constituit, ne ab equitatu circumveniri posset.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The Wraiths' language is therefore relatively easy to translate by experienced Ancient speakers.
igitur adito Ilio quaeque ibi varietate fortunae et nostri origine veneranda, relegit Asiam adpellitque Colophona ut Clarii Apollinis oraculo uteretur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It grants the recognitio to translations of liturgical books and their adaptations that have been lawfully prepared by conferences of bishops.
Magnetes a Sipylo proximi damno ac remedio
In his commentaries to these translations, Wood tried to make these texts' philosophical ideas applicable to modern life.
It is concluded that the efficacy of rehabilitation in terms of symptomatic and functional improvement and in terms of resettlement does not seem to depend on the inclusion of (cognitive) skills training modules in a rehabilitation program.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thus Christ was given the same title which the Septuagint used to translate what in the revelation of the Old Testament was the unutterable name of God: YHWH.
Dierum spatia ultra nostri orbis mensuram; nox clara et extrema Britanniae parte brevis, ut finem atque initium lucis exiguo discrimine
Indeed, in a certain sense, this new Code could be understood as a great effort to translate this same doctrine, that is, the conciliar ecclesiology, into canonical language.
classis Cornelium Fuscum praefectum sibi destinat, qui propere
If, however, it is impossible to translate perfectly into canonical language the conciliar image of the Church, nevertheless, in this image there should always be found as far as possible its essential point of reference.
Blaesus multa dicendi arte non per seditionem et turbas desideria militum ad Caesarem ferenda ait, neque veteres ab imperatoribus priscis neque ipsos a divo Augusto tam nova petivisse; et parum in tempore incipientis principis curas
In order to make sure the dialogue she was translating to English still followed the story arcs, she worked with a translator.
Labienus, postquam neque aggeres neque fossae vim hostium sustinere poterant, coactis una XL cohortibus, quas ex proximis praesidus deductas fors obtulit, Caesarem per nuntios facit certiorem quid faciendum existimet.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In my Encyclical Epistle Slavorum Apostoli, I recalled that this was the very reason why Saints Cyril and Methodius laboured to translate the ideas of the Bible and the concepts of Greek theology in the context of very different historical experiences and ways of thinking.
superesse fidas provincias, victores exercitus, fortunam imperii et ultores
With regard to penance this message emphasizes particularly its value for conversion, which is the term that attempts to translate the word in the Greek text, metanoia,(138) which literally means to allow the spirit to be overturned in order to make it turn toward God.
nec ulla apud Vitellianos flagitii poena, et praemiis defectorum versa fides ac reliquum perfidiae
In order to translate the truths of the Gospel into a new language, they had to make an effort to gain a good grasp of the interior world of those to whom they intended to proclaim the word of God in images and concepts that would sound familiar to them.
neque aciem aut proelium dici decuerit in quo semermi ac palantes trucidati sunt sine nostro
She is providing these Christian "liberators" with the inspiration of faith, the motivation of fraternal love, a social teaching which the true Christian cannot ignore and which he must make the foundation of his wisdom and of his experience in order to translate it concretely into forms of action, participation and commitment.
amici dehinc adire templa, et coepto exemplo proxima Campaniae municipia victimis et legationibus laetitiam testari: ipse diversa simulatione maestus et quasi incolumitati suae infensus ac morti parentis
He delivered Hauptmann's translation to Aufricht, who immediately signed a contract for it.
iuxta Curtii lacum trepidatione ferentium Galba proiectus e sella ac provolutus est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
177) For the latter has made its own the whole of the teaching brought together by the Council of Trent, transferring it from its particular historical context (that of a resolute effort to clarify doctrine in the face of the serious deviations from the church's genuine teaching), in order to translate it faithfully into terms more in keeping with the context of our own time.
Interim paucis post diebus fit ab Vbiis certior Suebos omnes in unum locum copias cogere atque eis nationibus quae sub eorum sint imperio denuntiare, ut auxilia peditatus equitatusque
This translates roughly to a latitude of between 46° and 60° south of the Equator.
Cum Cassium contra pro suis castris aciem instruxisse loco superiore videret, causa interposita, quod is in aequum non descenderet, Marcellus militibus persuadet ut se recipiant in castra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(87) Immediate need occasionally led to the use of provisional translations, approved ad interim.
languescet alioqui industria, intendetur socordia, si nullus ex se metus aut spes, et securi omnes aliena subsidia expectabunt, sibi ignavi, nobis graves.' haec atque talia, quamquam cum adsensu audita ab iis quibus omnia principum, honesta atque inhonesta, laudare mos est, plures per silentium aut occultum murmur
194) And in order to ensure that the programming is truly apt and effective, the fundamental outlines of the program will have to be translated into more concrete details, with the help of particular norms that are aimed at regulating community life, establishing certain precise instruments and timetables.
Cum ab his saepius quaereret neque ullam omnino vocem exprimere posset, idem Diviacus Haeduusrespondit: hoc esse miseriorem et graviorem fortunam Sequanorum quam reliquorum, quod soli ne in occulto quidem queri neque auxilium implorare auderent absentisque Ariovisti crudelitatem, velut si cora adesset, horrerent, propterea quod reliquis tamen fugae facultas daretur, Sequanis vero, qui intra fines suos Ariovistum recepissent, quorum oppida omnia in potestate eius essent, omnes cruciatus essent
Translating from one language to the other makes room for a lot of mistakes and unnatural speech.
Neque ullum fere totius hiemis tempus sine sollicitudine Caesaris intercessit, quin aliquem de consiliis ac motu Gallorum nuntium acciperet.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
62 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.