to twist oor Latyn

to twist

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[ torqueō ]

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twisted to ground


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"I must now speak of the Suevi, who are not one nation as are the Chatti and Tencteri, for they occupy the greater part of Germany, and have hitherto been divided into separate tribes with names of their own, though they are called by the general designation of ""Suevi."" A national peculiarity with them is to twist their hair back, and fasten it in a knot This distinguishes the Suevi from the other Germans, as it also does their own freeborn from their slaves."
Interea magna vis accusatorumin eos inrupit qui pecunias faenore auctitabant adversum legem dictatoris Caesaris qua de modo credendi possidendique intra Italiam caventur, omissam olim, quia privato usui bonum publicum postponitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Only in death will we recognize this as we twist and spin to the other side.
licet illos certamina et pericula sua ad consulatus evexerint, malo securum et quietum Virgilii secessum, in quo tamen neque apud divum Augustum gratia caruit neque apud populum Romanum notitia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Now die!" – So speaking, to the shrine he tore / the aged Priam, trembling with affright, / and feebly sliding in his son's warm gore. / The left hand twists his hoary locks; the right / deep in his side drives home the falchion, bared and bright.
Quorum strepitum vigiles castrorum cum sensissent, exploratoresque missi quae gererentur renuntiassent, Caninius celeriter cum cohortibus armatis ex proximis castellis in frumentarios sub ipsam lucem impetum fecit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Now die!" – So speaking, to the shrine he tore / the aged Priam, trembling with affright, / and feebly sliding in his son's warm gore. / The left hand twists his hoary locks; the right / deep in his side drives home the falchion, bared and bright.
Quae simul est mota, equitatus Caesaris sinistrum cornum premere coepit, ita uti eximia virtute proelium facere possent ut locus in aciem ad subsidium veniundi non daretur.tatoeba tatoeba
It no longer matters what they once were in history, but only what they are in truth: “Often, when it is the king or some other monarch or potentate that he (the judge) has to deal with, he finds that there is no soundness in the soul whatever; he finds it scourged and scarred by the various acts of perjury and wrong-doing ...; it is twisted and warped by lies and vanity, and nothing is straight because truth has had no part in its development.
ille tamquam nisus evomentis adiuvaret, pinnam rapido veneno inlitam faucibus eius demisisse creditur, haud ignarus summa scelera incipi cum periculo, peragi cum
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