to watch oor Latyn

to watch

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Tom woke up to watch the sunrise.
Thomas surrexit ut solem orientem spectaret.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
I want to watch that movie again.
servorum alios largitione, quosdam verberibus adfecit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I prefer reading books to watching television.
timuisse se Paulinus ferebat tantum insuper laboris atque itineris, ne Vitellianus miles recens e castris fessos adgrederetur et perculsis nullum retro subsidium foret.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
He likes to watch TV.
Varus praetorianis praepositus vim atque arma retinebat: eum Mucianus pulsum loco, ne sine solacio ageret, annonae praefecit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
My mother does not like to watch the television.
Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurretTatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
They go to watch a play once every month.
At Corbulo, quarta et duodecima legionibus, quae fortissimo quoque amisso et ceteris exterritis parum habiles proelio videbantur, in Syriam translatis, sextam inde ac tertiam legiones, integrum militem et crebris ac prosperis laboribus exercitum in Armeniam ducit.tatoeba tatoeba
They go to watch a play once every month.
Conversis ad civile bellum animis externa sine cura habebantur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I want to watch this film.
Nam quia ille robore exercitus impar, furandi melior, pluris per globos incursaret eluderetque et insidias simul temptaret, tres incessus, totidem agmina parantur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Tom woke up to watch the sunrise.
Sed ea celeritate atque eo impetu milites ierunt, cum capite solo ex aqua exstarent, ut hostes impetum legionum atque equitum sustinere non possent ripasque dimitterent ac se fugae mandarent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Tom wants to stay at home to watch television.
sed Otho tamquam peritia et monitu fatorum praedicta accipiebat, cupidine ingenii humani libentius obscura credendi.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Viewers of the streaming programmes were able to watch almost everything going on behind the scenes.
simul quicquid hoc in nobis auctoritatis est, crebris contradictionibus destruendum non existimabam, ut maneret integrum, si quando res publica consiliis eguisset.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"The old vultures will tell you when you are to watch his motions.
Sueborum gens est longe maxima et bellicosissima Germanorum omnium.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We're going to watch a play.
mare quoque etesiarum flatu in Orientem navigantibus secundum, inde adversum erat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Oscus, a freedman, retained the charge of the fleet, and went to watch the fidelity of men more honourable than himself.
unde dubitare cogor fato et sorte nascendi, ut cetera, ita principum inclinatio in hos, offensio in illos, an sit aliquid in nostris consiliis liceatque inter abruptam contumaciam et deforme obsequium pergere iter ambitione ac periculis vacuum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It is the responsibility of the competent Authority to watch over these two fundamental needs in accordance with what is indicated in Canon Law(49).
Rhodiis navibus praeerat Euphranor, animi magnitudine ac virtute magis cum nostris hominibus quam cum Graecis
Daniel Van Alphen, Clark's drinking companion the night before, testified that they went to a local pub and returned to Clark's home at midnight to watch a video.
Bellicosissimis gentibus devictis Caesar, cum videret nullam iam esse civitatem quae bellum pararet quo sibi resisteret, sed nonnullos ex oppidis demigrare, ex agris diffugere ad praesens imperiumevitandum, plures in partes exercitum dimittere constituit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Highwaymen who went to the gallows laughing and joking, or at least showing no fear, are said to have been admired by many of the people who came to watch.
At ei qui praesidio contra castra Labieni erant relicti, cum proelium commissum audissent, subsidio suis ieruntcollemque ceperunt, neque nostrorum militum victorum impetum sustinere potuerunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is specifically prohibited to the Cardinal electors, for the entire duration of the election, to receive newspapers or periodicals of any sort, to listen to the radio or to watch television.
Equites nostri cum funditoribus sagittariisque flumen transgressi cum hostium equitatu proelium
Each Bishop has a responsibility to promote the welfare of the Catholic Universities in his diocese and has the right and duty to watch over the preservation and strengthening of their Catholic character.
Caesar rursus ad vexandos hostes profectus magno coacto numero ex finitimis civitatibus in omnes partes
They seemed to be watching something.
nec Otho quasi ignosceret sed deos testis mutuae reconciliationis adhibens, statim inter intimos amicos habuit et mox bello inter duces delegit, mansitque Celso velut fataliter etiam pro Othone fides integra et infelix.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The Bishops, therefore, should consider it their sacred duty to observe carefully the conduct of all these associations and to watch diligently that the Catholic members do not suffer any harm as a result of their participation.
Oratio autem, sicut corpus hominis, ea demum pulchra est, in qua non eminent venae nec ossa numerantur, sed temperatus ac bonus sanguis implet membra et exsurgit toris ipsosque nervos rubor tegit et decor
The function of the rulers of the State, moreover, is to watch over the community and its parts; but in protecting private individuals in their rights, chief consideration ought to be given to the weak and the poor.
Equites ab eo missi flumen transeunt et, cum de tertia vigilia Petreius atque Afranius castra movissent, repente sese ad novissimum agmen ostendunt et magna multitudine circumfusa morari atque iter
As for me and thy daughter, besides all the bitterness of a father's loss, it increases our sorrow that it was not permitted us to watch over thy failing health, to comfort thy weakness, to satisfy ourselves with those looks, those embraces.
tum tribunus nulla pavoris signa, nihil triste in verbis eius aut vultu deprensum confirmavit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It is therefore one of the supreme necessities, of our times to watch and to labour to the end that the motion picture be no longer a school of corruption but that it be transformed into an effectual instrument for the education and the elevation of mankind.
apud paucos ea ducis ratio probata, in vulgus adverso rumore
120 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.