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Once more Anchises bids us cross the main / and seek Ortygia, and the god constrain / by prayer to pardon and advise, what end / of evils to expect? what woes remain? / What fate hereafter shall our steps attend? / What rest for toil-worn men, and whitherward to wend?
Tegumen omnibus sagum, fibula, aut, si desit, spina consertum: cetera intecti totos dies juxta focum atque ignem agunt.tatoeba tatoeba
Once more Anchises bids us cross the main / and seek Ortygia, and the god constrain / by prayer to pardon and advise, what end / of evils to expect? what woes remain? / What fate hereafter shall our steps attend? / What rest for toil-worn men, and whitherward to wend?
spectamus porro quae coram habentur, cui ex te opes honores, quis plurima iuvandi nocendive potentia, quae Seiano fuisse nemo negaverit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The eloquence of their example shows what it means to be a priest to the end.
Damnatus isdem consulibus Tarquitius Priscus repetundarum Bithynis interrogantibus, magno patrum gaudio, quia accusatum ab eo Statilium Taurum pro consule ipsius
Then, at a mutually given signal, they rushed into the tents, and butchered the unsuspecting men, none but those in the secret knowing what was the beginning or what was to be the end of the slaughter.
Modicum id litus et egerentibus inexhaustum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He casually attacks, slaying many and deciding what, if anything to take, Forced to fight, Kulat ends up speared on his own weapon and dies.
Quo tamen incommodo Domitius accepto reliquias exercitus dissipati collegit itineribusque tutis per Cappadociam se in Asiam recepit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then with an eye to what experience has taught in recent years and to the never ending demands of Church society, we reexamined the juridical form and raison d’être of existence of those organs which are rightly called "postconciliar," changing on occasion their shape and organization.
Concordia domi, foris
"When was there to be an end of nothing being publicly admired but what Seneca was thought to have originated? Surely Nero's boyhood was over, and he was all but in the prime of youthful manhood. He ought to shake off a tutor, furnished as he was with sufficiently noble instructors in his own ancestors."""
Eo tum statu res erat, ut longe principes haberentur Aedui, secundum locum dignitatis Remi obtinerent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The present reflections, now at an end, have sought to recognize, within the "gift of God", what he, as Creator and Redeemer, entrusts to women, to every woman.
sed Hiberi locorum potentes Caspia via Sarmatam in Armenios raptim
What I have said I will fulfill, if only a man remain faithful in My love to the end.
Eo signa legionis illata speculatores Caesari renuntiarunt.Literature Literature
At the end of the year he must send a report of what has been done to the National Director, described in art.
igitur Rhescuporim quoque, Thraeciae regem, astu
I have compiled a continuation of the Commentaries of our Caesar's Wars in Gaul, not indeed to be compared to his writings, which either precede or follow them; and recently, I have completed what he left imperfect after the transactions in Alexandria, to the end, not indeed of the civil broils, to which we see no issue, but of Caesar's life.
saepe auditus est consurgens e convivio Caesaris seque ire ad illam, sibi concessam dictitans nobilitatem pulchritudinem, vota omnium et gaudia felicium.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Amid the serious difficulties facing the Roman Empire—and also posing a serious threat to Roman Africa, which was actually destroyed at the end of Augustine's life—this was what he set out to do: to transmit hope, the hope which came to him from faith and which, in complete contrast with his introverted temperament, enabled him to take part decisively and with all his strength in the task of building up the city.
Conditorem templi regem Aeriam vetus memoria, quidam ipsius deae nomen id
And he ended with a word of encouragement and hope: "Who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is right?"(
nec illi segne aut corruptum luxu iter, sed lorica ferrea usus est et ante signa pedes ire, horridus, incomptus famaeque
At the end of the war and thereafter, those German residents who had not fled or been killed were expelled to what remained of Germany.
Interim alii suos in castra invitandi causa adducunt, alii ab suis abducuntur, adeo ut una castra iam facta ex binis viderentur; compluresque tribuni militum et centuriones ad Caesarem veniunt seque ei commendant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
How long will you besiege the emperor's son? What is to be the end of our strifes? Will Percennius and Vibulenus give pay to the soldiers and land to those who have earned their discharge? In a word, are they, instead of the Neros and the Drusi, to control the empire of the Roman people? Why are we not rather first in our repentance as we were last in the offence? Demands made in common are granted slowly; a separate favour you may deserve and receive at the same moment. With minds affected by these words and growing mutually suspicious, they divided off the new troops from the old, and one legion from another.
Neque vero tam remisso ac languido animo quisquam omnium fuit, qui ea nocte conquieverit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Butneither We nor you, Venerable Brethren, can allow ourselves to rest satisfiedwith what has hitherto been done; for there remain many things which must befurther developed or begun anew, to the end that this most divine of gifts thisgreatest of mysteries, may be better understood and more worthily honoured andrevered, even by those who already take their part in the religious services ofthe Church.
id Tiberii animum altius penetravit: non enim simplicis eas curas, nec adversus externos [studia] militum
Her do we invoke, finally, as Mother of God; and in virtue of a dignity so sublime what graces from her may we not promise to ourselves, sinners, in life and in the agonies of the end?
quin et audita est saevissima Vitellii vox qua se (ipsa enim verba referam) pavisse oculos spectata inimici morte
My earnest desire is to renew this call today, to propose it once more with determination, repeating what I said at the Roman Colosseum on Good Friday 1994, at the end of the meditation on the Via Crucis prepared by my Venerable Brother Bartholomew, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.
verum Acerronia, imprudentia dum se Agrippinam esse utque subveniretur matri principis clamitat, contis et remis et quae fors obtulerat navalibus telis
Under a woman's leadership the Brigantes were able to burn a colony, to storm a camp, and had not success ended in supineness, might have thrown off the yoke. Let us, then, a fresh and unconquered people, never likely to abuse our freedom, show forthwith at the very first onset what heroes Caledonia has in reserve.
exim Cyprii tribus [de] delubris, quorum vetustissimum Paphiae Veneri auctor Aesrias, post filius eius Amathus Veneri Amathusiae et Iovi Salaminio Teucer, Telamonis patris ira profugus, posuissent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Isaac had scarce ended his words, when, Jacob being now gone out abroad, Esau came, and brought in to his father meats, made of what he had taken in hunting, saying: Arise, my father, and eat of thy son's venison; that thy soul may bless me.
repetundarum criminibus sub Claudio ac Nerone ceciderant: placuit ignoscentibus verso nomine, quod avaritia fuerat, videri maiestatem, cuius tum odio etiam bonae leges peribant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In fact, since education consists essentially in preparing man for what he must be and for what he must do here below, in order to attain the sublime end for which he was created, it is clear that there can be no true education which is not wholly directed to man's last end, and that in the present order of Providence, since God has revealed Himself to us in the Person of His Only Begotten Son, who alone is "the way, the truth and the life," there can be no ideally perfect education which is not Christian education.
Et cum ad eos adpropinquasset, fuga perterriti multi sunt interfecti, complures capti, in quibus duo [centuriones]
This is precisely what is meant to be the common thread running throughout the present document, which fits into the broader context of the Marian Year, as we approach the end of the second millennium after Christ's birth and the beginning of the third.
Meliore fato fideque partium Flavianarum duces consilia belli
Obviously, the antinomy between labour and capital under consideration here-the antinomy in which labour was separated from capital and set up in opposition to it, in a certain sense on the ontic level, as if it were just an element like any other in the economic process-did not originate merely in the philosophy and economic theories of the eighteenth century; rather it originated in the whole of the economic and social practice of that time, the time of the birth and rapid development of industrialization, in which what was mainly seen was the possibility of vastly increasing material wealth, means, while the end, that is to say, man, who should be served by the means, was ignored.
eodem die defunctam, quo biennio ante Seianus poenas luisset, memoriaeque id prodendum addidit Caesar iactavitque quodnon laqueo strangulata neque in Gemonias proiecta
What the world is in particular need of today is the credible witness of people enlightened in mind and heart by the word of the Lord, and capable of opening the hearts and minds of many to the desire for God and for true life, life without end.
Potui humor ex hordeo aut frumento, in quandam similitudinem vini
26 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.