trained oor Latyn


adjektief, werkwoord
Having undergone a course of training (sometimes in combination).

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In training and developing individual men, they do much to cultivate in them an awareness of the common good and of its demands upon all.
Eadem enim instituta, cum homines doceant atque excolant, multum valent ad eos imbuendos intellectu boni communis et obligationum, quibus idem bonum omnes devincit.
Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis


Students are challenged to pursue an education that combines excellence in humanistic and cultural development with specialized professional training.
Commonentur studentes ut eam affectent institutionem quae praestantiam perfectionis humanisticae et culturalis cum propria praeparatione speciali componat.
Piotr Szelma

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"A thousand troopers, Tiridates said, ""would be his escort; what force of every kind was to be with Corbulo, he did not prescribe, provided they came in peaceful fashion, without breastplates and helmets."" Any human being, to say nothing of an old and wary general, would have seen through the barbarian's cunning, which assigned a limited number on one side and offered a larger on the other, expressly with a treacherous intent; for, were they to be exposed to a cavalry trained in the use of arrows, with the person undefended, numbers would be unavailing."
idem Subrio Flavo adsistenti adnuentique, an inter ipsam cognitionem destringeret gladium caedemque patraret, renuit infregitque impetum iam manum ad capulum referentis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
To enable them to exercise this role properly, they need to be provided with a wholesome human, religious and spiritual training.
Postero die universas omnium copias de castris omnibus educunt et supercilium quoddam excelsum nacti non longe a Caesaris castris aciem constituunt atque ibi
Therefore, the three chief technical methods of telecommunication, i. e. those of the Motion Pictures, Radio and Television, deal not only with men's recreation and leisure - though many who "listen-in" and view, seek this alone, - but especially with the propagation of those subjects which, while aiding both mental culture and spiritual growth, can powerfully contribute to the right training and shaping of the civil society of our times.
ibi struenda acie, muniendo vallandoque et ceteris belli meditamentis militem
Archers from the Rutheni, and horse from the Gauls, with a long train of baggage, according to the Gallic custom of traveling, had arrived there; there were besides about six thousand people of all descriptions, with slaves and freed men.
suspectum semper invisumque dominanus qui proximus destinaretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
While, he doesn't find Meena in train.
Adstrictior Calvus, numerosior Asinius, splendidior Caesar, amarior Caelius, gravior Brutus, vehementior et plenior et valentior Cicero: omnes tamen eandem sanitatem eloquentiae [prae se] ferunt, ut si omnium pariter libros in manum sumpseris, scias, quamvis in diversis ingeniis, esse quandam iudicii ac voluntatis similitudinem et cognationem.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There was a son of Pharasmanes named Rhadamistus, tall and handsome, of singular bodily strength, trained in all the accomplishments of his countrymen and highly renowned among his neighbours.
postquam provecta iamsenectus aegro et corpore fatigabatur, aderatque finis et spes novae, pauci bona libertatis in cassum disserere,plures bellum pavescere, alii cupere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Next, Rhipeus dies, the justest, but in vain, / the noblest soul of all the Trojan train. / Heaven deemed him otherwise.
Ea Germanico haud minus ira quam per metum accepta.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Furthermore, because the means of social communication, like the school and the environment, often have a notable influence on the formation of children, parents as recipients must actively ensure the moderate, critical, watchful and prudent use of the media, by discovering what effect they have on their children and by controlling the use of the media in such a way as to "train the conscience of their children to express calm and objective judgments, which will then guide them in the choice or rejection of programs available .[ 175]
Ibi vadis repertis partem suarum copiarum traducere conati sunt eo consilio ut, si possent, castellum, cui praeerat Q. Titurius legatus, expugnarent pontemque interscinderent; si minus potuissent, agros Remorum popularentur, qui magno nobis usui ad bellum gerendum erant, commeatuque nostros
74. This procedure has the exceptional result of allowing the wise and well-planned establishment of specialized forms of the priestly ministry, such as taking charge of teaching the secular and sacred sciences for which the local clergy have not been trained.
nec Tiberius poenam eius palam ausus, in secreta Palatii parte interfici iussit corpusque clam
The school's reputation grew rapidly and many notable actors trained there.
P. Mario L. Afinio consulibus Antistius praetor, quem in tribunatu plebis licenter egisse memoravi probrosa adversus principem carmina factitavit vulgavitque celebri convivio, dum apud Ostorium Scapulam epulatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The train is arriving!
Scipio suis male acceptis occisis convulneratisque intra suas continere se munitiones coepit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council also states that “major seminaries are necessary for priestly training” (Decree on the Training of Priests Optatam Totius, n. 4) and that the formation imparted in the major seminary is specifically priestly, that is, ordered spiritually and pastorally to the sacred ministry: “the whole training of the students should have as its object to make them true shepherds of souls after the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, Teacher, Priest and Shepherd” (ibid.).
Antonio ducibusque partium praemitti equites omnemque Vmbriam explorari placuit, si qua Appennini iuga clementius adirentur: acciri aquilas signaque et quidquid Veronae militum foret, Padumque et mare commeatibus
Nor have seen her since that day, / nor sought, nor missed her, till in Ceres' fane / we met at length, and mustered our array. / There she alone was wanting of our train, / and husband, son and friends all looked for her in vain!
Tum vero non populus tantum et imperita plebs in plausus et immodica studia sed equitum plerique ac senatorum, posito metu incauti, refractis Palatii foribus ruere intus ac se Galbae ostentare, praereptam sibi ultionem querentes, ignavissimus quisque et, ut res docuit, in periculo non ausurus, nimii verbis, linguae feroces; nemo scire et omnes adfirmare, donec inopia veri et consensu errantium victus sumpto thorace Galba inruenti turbae neque aetate neque corpore [re]sistens sella levaretur.tatoeba tatoeba
But it is easily seen that this method of educating and training the clergy to acquire the sanctity proper to their calling is wrong and harmful.
Communis Conventus jurum hominis praesentem universalem Declarationem pronuntiat ut communis perfectus qui petatur ab omnibus populis et omnibus nationibus , ut societatis singuli homines et omnes partes , habentes hanc declarationem constanter in mente , institutione et educatione conantur ut horum jurum libertatumque respectus evolvatur , et firmentur ordinis nationalis et internationalis consiliorum incessu gratia et universalis veraque admotio tam in ipsarum sociarum civitatum populationibus quam in finium populationibus quae eorum jurisdictioni subactae sunt
I'm waiting for a train.
tabulas testamenti saepius a se et incustodia dierum observatione signatas.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Our approval is directed next to those who, following the directives and exhortations of the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities, strive by their writings and discussions to perfect for the greater good of the Church the methods of seminary training in view of the particular need of time and place, and the progress of pedagogy, but with due respect for the proper purpose and spirit of the priestly life.
nimium mitis ad eam diem patres, qui Thraseam desciscentem, qui generum eius Helvidium Priscum in isdem furoribus, simul Paconium Agrippinum, paterni in principes odii heredem, et Curtium Montanum detestanda carmina factitantem eludere impune
When the Texians examined the abandoned pack train they discovered that, instead of silver, the mules carried freshly cut grass to feed the Mexican Army horses.
utrimque pudor, utrimque gloria et diversae exhortationes hinc legionum et Germanici exercitus robur, inde urbanae militiae et praetoriarum cohortium decus attollentium; illi ut segnem et desidem et circo ac theatris corruptum militem, hi peregrinum et externum increpabant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Realism has been prevalent in the arts at many periods, and can be in large part a matter of technique and training, and the avoidance of stylization.
Cuius rei verisimilis causa adferebatur, quod Gallis omnibus cogrutum esset neque ulla multitudine in unum locum coacta resisti posse Romanis, nec, si diversa bella complures eodem tempore intulissent civitates, satis auxili aut spati aut copiarum habiturum exercitum populi Romani ad omnia persequenda; non esse autem alicui civitati sortem incommodi recusandam, si tali mora reliquae possent se vindicare in libertatem.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The aim of all Christian education, moreover, is to train the believer in an adult faith that can make him a "new creation", capable of bearing witness in his surroundings to the Christian hope that inspires him.
inritaverant turbidum ingenium Helvetii, Gallica gens olim armis virisque, mox memoria nominis clara, de caede Galbae ignari et Vitellii imperium
Trains to the South-West are frequent.
Petreius vero non deserit sese. Armat familiam; cum hac et praetoria cohorte cetratorum barbarisque equitibus paucis, beneficiariis suis, quos suae custodiae causa habere consuerat, improviso ad vallum advolat, colloquia militum interrumpit, nostros repellit a castris, quos deprendit interficit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
4. The preservation of the Christian faith among the Hindus will be precarious and its propagation uncertain as long as there is not a native clergy properly trained for priestly duties, not only to be of assistance to foreign priests, but also to be in rightful charge of the administration of the Christian Church in their cities.
sed cura provinciae praetendebatur, levavitque apertis horreis pretia frugum multaque in vulgus grata usurpavit: sine milite incedere, pedibus intectis et pari cum Graecis amictu, P. Scipionis aemulatione, quem eadem factitavisse apud Siciliam, quamvis flagrante adhuc Poenorum bello,
Midwifery is a type of childbirth where an experienced and trained woman comes to another’s home, to help deliver her baby.
is modicum Hiberiae regnum senecta patris detineri ferocius crebriusque iactabat quam ut cupidinem occultaret.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In this they should lay down, in the first place, the minimum content, duration and method of the "Preparation Courses," balancing the different aspects-doctrinal, pedagogical, legal and medical-concerning marriage, and structuring them in such a way that those preparing for marriage will not only receive an intellectual training but will also feel a desire to enter actively into the ecclesial community.
His Caesar libertatem
Is that train fast?
an gravius aestimandum sponte litigatoris praemium honestae operae adsequi quam corrumpere cubicula principum feminarum? qua sapientia, quibus philosophorum praeceptis intra quadriennium regiae amicitiae ter milies sestertium paravisset? Romae testamenta et orbos velut indagine eius capi, Italiam et provincias immenso faenore hauriri: at sibi labore quaesitam et modicam pecuniam esse.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In this context, an abundance of work opportunities, a solid system of social security and professional training, the freedom to join trade unions and the effective action of unions, the assistance provided in cases of unemployment, the opportunities for democratic participation in the life of society — all these are meant to deliver work from the mere condition of "a commodity", and to guarantee its dignity.
quibus adprensis 'patres conscripti, hos' inquit 'orbatos parente tradidi patrno ipsorum precatusque sum, quamquam esset illi propria suboles, ne secUs quam snum sanguinem foveret attolleret, sibique et posteris
201 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.