twelve oor Latyn


/twelv/, /twɛlv/ naamwoord, adjektief, Syfer
The cardinal number occurring after eleven and before thirteen, represented in Arabic numerals as 12 and in Roman numerals as XII.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Cardinal number
cardinal number 12
The town is located twelve miles from the sea.
Oppidum situm est duodecim milia passuum a mari.




Piotr Szelma


[ vīgintī ]
twelve (numeral)
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Twelve-step program
Duodecim passuum programma
by twelves
twelve apiece
twelve before a consul
twelve-tone technique
dodecaphonia · dodecaphonismus · musica dodecaphonica
Twelve Men
Twelve Minor Prophets
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twelve each


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Caesar, after he discovered through the Ubian scouts that the Suevi had retired into their woods, apprehending a scarcity of corn, because, as we have observed above, all the Germans pay very little attention to agriculture, resolved not to proceed any further; but, that he might not altogether relieve the barbarians from the fear of his return, and that he might delay their succors, having led back his army, he breaks down, to the length of 200 feet, the further end of the bridge, which joined the banks of the Ubii, and at the extremity of the bridge raises towers of four stories, and stations a guard of twelve cohorts for the purpose of defending the bridge, and strengthens the place with considerable fortifications.
Caesar, postquam per Vbios exploratores comperit Suebos sese in silvas recepisse, inopiam frumenti veritus, quod, ut supra demonstravimus, minime omnes Germani agriculturae student, constituit non progredi longius; sed, ne omnino metum reditus sui barbaris tolleret atque ut eorum auxilia tardaret, reducto exercitu partem ultimam pontis, quae ripas Vbiorum contingebat, in longitudinem pedum ducentorum rescindit atque in extremo ponte turrim tabulatorum quattuor constituit praesidiumque cohortium duodecim pontis tuendi causa ponit magnisque eum locum munitionibus firmat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He was somewhat boastful; this was the only fault of which rumour accused him in the seven years during which he had governed Moesia, and the twelve during which he was prefect of the city.
innocentiam iustitiamque eius non argueres; sermonis nimius erat: id unum septem annis quibus Moesiam, duodecim quibus praefecturam urbis obtinuit, calumniatus est rumor.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The town is located twelve miles from the sea.
Oppidum situm est duodecim milia passuum a mari.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
There are twelve months in a year.
Duodecim menses in anno sunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The Gospel of Luke (cf. 6:13) tells us that Jesus named the Twelve ''Apostles'', which literally means ''envoys'', ''those who are sent''.
Evangelium secundum Lucam (cfr 6, 13) refert, Iesum Duodecim nominavisse Apostolos, quod ad litteram significat
2) The Apostles were not chosen and sent by Jesus independently of one another, but rather as part of the group of the Twelve, as the Gospels make clear by the repeatedly used expression, “one of the Twelve”.(
2) Apostoli non seorsum seiunctimve sed coetum Duodecim efficientes a Iesu electi sunt ac missi, perinde atque ab Evangelio sententia illa compluries iterata «unus de Duodecim» confirmatur.(
The Gospel of Mark, for its part, appears to see in this action of Jesus a sovereign act, a constitutive act which gives an identity to those whom he chose: ''he appointed Twelve'' (3:14).
Evangelium vero secundum Marcum huiusmodi Iesu actionem denotare videtur veluti actum supremum, actum constitutivum qui identitatem tribuit iis, quos ipse elegit: « et fecit Duodecim » (Mc 3, 14)
One year has twelve months.
Annus duodecim menses habet.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Only one episode from this "hidden time" is described in the Gospel of Luke: the Passover in Jerusalem when Jesus was twelve years old.
Unum dumtaxat subducitur momentum huic “occultationi” atque in Lucae Evangelio describitur: Pascha Hierosolymitanum, cum duedecimum agebat Iesus
Twelve Olympians
Duodecim dei Olympicilangbot langbot
3. Now twelve centuries later, we think you should plan as many celebrations as possible to commemorate this new era of Christian civilization. This era was begun by the mission and the preaching of Boniface, and then carried forth by his disciples and successors. From these came the salvation and the prosperity of Germany.
Expleto autem ab iisdem beatissimis catholicae religionis initiis duodecimo saeculo, cernimus iure apparari apud vos, quantum fert temporis conditio, saecularia solemnia, quae novum illud christianae humanitatis aevum, Bonifacii legatione ac praedicatione inchoatum eiusdemque alumnorum ac successorum ope propagatum, unde Germaniae salus ac prosperitas omnis exordium duxit, grata memoria revocent ac dignis laudibus
And all the aspects of His mystery - the Incarnation itself, His miracles, His teaching, the gathering together of the disciples, the sending out of the Twelve, the cross and the resurrection, the permanence of His presence in the midst of His own - were components of His evangelizing activity.
Omnes quoque Christi mysterii partes - Incarnatio ipsa, miracula, doctrina, discipulorum vocatio, missio duodecim Apostolorum, crux et Resurrectio, perpetua inter suos praesentia - spectaverunt ad ipsam Evangelii nuntiandi
On our side, three were slain, besides twelve foot-soldiers and five troopers wounded.
Nostri ceciderunt III, saucii XII pedites et equites V. Eius diei insequenti tempore pristina consuetudine pro muro pugnari coeptum est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Twelve portraits have been identified as Hesselius works for this year alone.
Duae definitiones sunt dissimiles quia Tellus singulum gyrum circum Solem per annum facit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Twelve-step program
Duodecim passuum programmalangbot langbot
He orders P. Crassus to proceed into Aquitania with twelve legionary cohorts and a great number of the cavalry, lest auxiliaries should be sent into Gaul by these states, and such great nations be united.
P. Crassum cum cohortibus legionariis XII et magno numero equitatus in Aquitaniam proficisci iubet, ne ex his nationibus auxilia in Galliam mittantur ac tantae nationes coniungantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For indeed, if, as Cicero says in his Hortensius, the great and the true year is that in which the position of the heavens and of the stars at any particular moment recurs, and if that year embraces twelve thousand nine hundred and ninety four of what we call years, then your Demosthenes whom you represent as so old and ancient, began his existence not only in the same year, but almost in the same month as ourselves.
Nam si, ut Cicero in Hortensio scribit, is est magnus et verus annus, par quo eadem positio caeli siderumque, quae cum maxime est, rursum existet, isque annus horum quos nos vocamus annorum duodecim milia nongentos quinquaginta quattuor complectitur, incipit Demosthenes vester, quem vos veterem et antiquum fingitis, non solum eodem anno quo nos, sed etiam eodem mense extitisse.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When Caesar was not more than twelve miles distant from the enemy, the embassadors return to him, as had been arranged; who meeting him on the march, earnestly entreated him not to advance any further.
Caesar cum ab hoste non amplius passuum XII milibus abesset, ut erat constitutum, ad eum legati revertuntur; qui in itinere congressi magnopere ne longius progrederetur orabant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
I'm a twelve-year-old girl.
Puella sum annorum duodecim.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Joy mixed with drama marks the fifth mystery, the finding of the twelve-year-old Jesus in the Temple.
Eventus de Iesu duodecim annorum in templo laetificus simul est et
"How old is she?" "She is twelve years old."
"Quot annos nata est?" "Duodecim annos nata est."tatoeba tatoeba
Against the broad background of the "great mystery" expressed in the spousal relationship between Christ and the Church, it is possible to understand adequately the calling of the "Twelve".
Amplissimo in “mysterii magni” prospectu, quod necessitudine sponsali inter Christum atque Ecclesiam significatur, fieri quoque potest ut veritas congruenter percipiatur ipsius vocationis “Duodecim”
The mutual relationship between the mystery of the Church and Mary appears clearly in the "great portent" described in the Book of Rev- elation: "A great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars" (12:1).
Mutua necessitudo inter Ecclesiae arcanum et Mariam luculenter profecto per “signum magnum” recluditur in Apocalypsis libro descriptum: “Signum magnum apparuit in caelo: mulier amicta sole, et luna sub pedibus eius, et super caput eius corona stellarum duodecim” (Ibid.)
The Lord Jesus, during his earthly pilgrimage, proclaimed the Gospel of the Kingdom and inaugurated it in his own person, revealing its mystery to all people.15 He called men and women to be his followers, and from his disciples he chose Twelve ''to be with him'' (Mk 3:14).
Dominus Iesus tempore terrenae peregrinationis proclamavit Evangelium Regni illudque in se ipso inauguravit, eius mysterium omnibus hominibus revelando.15 Vocavit viros et mulieres suam in sequelam, et inter discipulos elegit Duodecim, « ut essent cum illo » (Mc 3, 14)
The Twelve Apostles.
Episcopi duodecim dioecesi fuerunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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