twenty one oor Latyn

twenty one

Alternative spelling of twenty-one.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

viginti unus

The cardinal number occurring after twenty and before twenty-two, represented in Roman numerals as XXI and in Arabic numerals as 21.

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unus et viginti · viginti unus
one twenty-fourth of an uncia
one twenty-fourth part of a pound


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The debate continued for twenty-one years when finally in 1910 the town accepted the name Calera.
sed eum honorem Germanicus iniit apud urbem Achaiae Nicopolim, quo venerat per Illyricam oram viso fratre Druso in Delmatia agente, Hadriatici ac mox Ionii maris adversam navigationem perpessus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Twenty-one were chosen by lot from the chief men of the State; Tiberius, Drusus, Claudius, and Germanicus, were added to the number.
Haud dispari crimine Fabricius Veiento conflictatus est, quod multa et probrosa in patres et sacerdotes composuisset iis libris, quibus nomen codicillorum dederat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The legions had their assigned places, the fifth on the right wing, the twenty-first on the left, the men of the first to lead the van, the twentieth to repel pursuers.
Scipio interim cum his copiis quas paulo ante demonstravimus, Uticae grandi praesidio relicto profectus primum Hadrumeti castra ponit, deinde ibi paucos dies commoratus noctu itinere facto cum Labieni et Petrei copiis coniungit, atque unis castris factis III milia passuum longe considunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
People extolled too the number of his consulships, in which he had equalled Valerius Corvus and Caius Marius combined, the continuance for thirty-seven years of the tribunitian power, the title of Imperator twenty-one times earned, and his other honours which had either frequently repeated or were wholly new.
Amplitudo cornuum et figura et species multum a nostrorum boum cornibus differt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Out of twenty students, only one has read the book.
At Piso praemisso in urbem filio datisque mandatis per quae principem molliret ad Drusum pergit, quem haud fratris interitu trucem quam remoto aemulo acquiorem sibi sperabat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
From the Vatican, on the twenty third of January in the year 1979, the first of our Pontificate.
Quidam sanctiorem arctioremque hunc nexum sanguinis arbitrantur, et in accipiendis obsidibus magis exigunt; tanquam et in animum firmius, et domum latius
From the Vatican, on the twenty-eighth day of September, in the Year 1978, the first of our Pontificate.
at se duodecim legionibus petitum duce Tiberio inlibatam Germanorum gloriam servavisse, mox condicionibus aequis discessum; neque paenitere quod ipsorum in manu sit, integrum adversum Romanos bellum an pacem incruentam
Many other petitions followed, particularly on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his canonization (1995) and the fifth centenary of his birth (1999).
Quis ignorat utilius ac melius esse frui pace quam bello vexari? Pluris tamen bonos proeliatores bella quam pax
Given at Rome, at St. Peter's, on the twenty-third day of December, in the year 1922, the first of Our Pontificate.
Labienus interim cum parte equitatus Leptim oppi dum cui praeerat Saserna cum cohortibus VI, oppugnare ac vi inrumpere
The maximum number of Cardinal electors must not exceed one hundred and twenty.
haud dubium erat eam sententiam altius penetrare et arcana imperii
On the twenty-second day of this month of December, just as we are about to honour the birth of Christ, you will be fifty years a priest.
Cum vultus Domiti cum oratione non consentiret, atque omnia trepidantius timidiusque ageret, quam superioribus diebus consuesset, multumque cum suis consiliandi causa secreto praeter consuetudinem colloqueretur, concilia conventusque hominum fugeret, res diutius tegi dissimularique non
Twenty-four years ago, on 29 October 1978, scarcely two weeks after my election to the See of Peter, I frankly admitted: “The Rosary is my favourite prayer.
Paucos numero, trepidos ignorantia, caelum ipsum ac mare et silvas, ignota omnia circumspectantis, clausos quodam modo ac vinctos di nobis
Given in the Vatican, on 25 August 2000, the twenty-second year of my Pontificate.
ceteri consulatus ex destinatione Neronis aut Galbae mansere, Caelio ac Flavio Sabinis in Iulias, Arrio Antonino et Mario Celso in Septembris, quorum honoribus ne Vitellius quidem victor
Fix at fifty-six years the subsequent rule of the Divine Augustus over the state; add Tiberius's three-and-twenty years, the four years or less of Caius, the twenty-eight years of Claudius and Nero, the one memorable long year of Galba, Otho, and Vitellius, and the now six years of the present happy reign, during which Vespasian has been fostering the public weal, and the result is that from Cicero's death to our day is a hundred and twenty years, one man's life-time.
Transfigitur scutum Pulloni et verutum in balteo defigitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In this grave hour which gives rise to trepidation, we cannot do other than turn our mind with filial devotion to the Virgin Mary, who always lives and acts as a Mother in the mystery of Christ, and repeat the words "Totus tuus" (all thine) which we inscribed in our heart and on our coat of arms twenty years ago on the day of our episcopal ordination.
Titus Vespasianus, e Iudaea incolumi adhuc Galba missus a patre, causam profectionis officium erga principem et maturam petendis honoribus iuventam ferebat, sed vulgus fingendi avidum disperserat accitum in
In the course of its work, the Synod made constant reference to the Second Vatican Council, whose teaching on the lay faithful, after twenty years, has taken on a surprisingly contemporary character and at times has carried prophetic significance: such teaching has the capacity of enlightening and guiding the responses that today must be given to new situations.
nec procul seditione aberant cum Hordeonius Flaccus abire legatos, utque occultior digressus esset, nocte castris excedere
We have been informed that on the twenty-second of October next, solemn ceremonies will take place to commemorate the seventh centenary of the founding of this church, which has now been restored with great care.
Ille ex castris prima vigilia egressus prope confecto sub lucem itinere post montem se occultavit militesque ex nocturno labore sese reficere
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred.
Isdem diebus Sex. Papinius consulari familia repentinum et informem exitum delegit, iacto in praeceps corpore.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
This opinion having been approved of by unanimous consent, more than twenty towns of the Bituriges are burned in one day.
Interea, quoad fides esset data Caesarem facturum, quae polliceretur, non intermissuros consules Pompeiumque delectus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Without making any delay in any part of Macedonia, he marched with great haste against Domitius; and when he was come within about twenty miles of him, wheeled on a sudden toward Cassius Longinus in Thessaly.
Mauros Iuba rex acceperat donum populi Romani.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Peter's on the 25th day of May, 1899, the twenty-second year of Our Pontificate.
Didium Veranius excepit, isque intra annum extinctus
One of them carried two hundred and twenty recruits, the other was manned with somewhat less than two hundred veterans.
Pompeius occultior non melior, et numquam postea nisi de principatu quaesitum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The rock terminated in a precipice; the towers were raised to a height of sixty feet, where the hill lent its aid to the fortifications, where the ground fell, to a height of one hundred and twenty.
Quod quidem ex ipsis, quibus haec mystica corona nectitur floribus, luculenter eruitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
69 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.