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twenty-eight times


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China is twenty times bigger than Japan.
Equites hostium essedariique acriter proelio cum equitatu nostro in itinere conflixerunt, tamen ut nostri omnibus partibus superiores fuerint atque eos in silvas collesque compulerint; sed compluribus interfectis cupidius insecuti nonnullos ex suis amiserunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
People extolled too the number of his consulships, in which he had equalled Valerius Corvus and Caius Marius combined, the continuance for thirty-seven years of the tribunitian power, the title of Imperator twenty-one times earned, and his other honours which had either frequently repeated or were wholly new.
ut Valenti et Caecinae vacuos honoris mensis aperiret, coartati aliorum consulatus, dissimulatus Marci Macri tamquam Othonianarum partium ducis; et Valerium Marinum destinatum a Galba consulem distulit, nulla offensa, sed mitem et iniuriam segniter laturum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Unable to study during her confinement, by the time she finished her secondary education, Quilhot was twenty-four.
Quoniam ad hunc locum perventum est, non alienum esse videtur de Galliae Germaniaeque moribus et quo differant hae nationes inter sese proponere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Twenty years ago I asked you to collaborate full time as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Haec ad Antonium statim per Graecos
After Dönitz's release in 1956 he wrote two books, one on his early life, My Ever-Changing Life, and one on his time as an admiral, Ten Years and Twenty Days.
Tum Ostorius cohortis expeditas opposuit; nec ideo fugam sistebat, ni legiones proelium excepissent: earum robore aequata pugna, dein nobis pro meliore fuit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fix at fifty-six years the subsequent rule of the Divine Augustus over the state; add Tiberius's three-and-twenty years, the four years or less of Caius, the twenty-eight years of Claudius and Nero, the one memorable long year of Galba, Otho, and Vitellius, and the now six years of the present happy reign, during which Vespasian has been fostering the public weal, and the result is that from Cicero's death to our day is a hundred and twenty years, one man's life-time.
at Dolabella contracto quod erat militum, terrore nominis Romani et quia Numidae peditum aciem ferre nequeunt, primo sui incessu solvit obsidium locorumque opportuna permunivit; simul princpes Musulamiorum defectionem cooptantis securi percutit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He likewise confiscated the estates of some who had been more active than the rest, and weighing from Carales on the third day before the calends of July, coasted along the shore, and after a voyage of twenty-eight days, during which he was several times obliged by contrary winds to put into port, arrived safe at Rome.
Hac de causa constituerat signa inferentibus resistere, prior proelio non lacessere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And in this manner have I served thee in thy house twenty years, fourteen for thy daughters, and six for thy flocks: thou hast changed also my wages ten times.
Hoc eo consilio fecit nequis sibi morae quicquam fore speraret et ut omnes in dies horasque parati essent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In the course of its work, the Synod made constant reference to the Second Vatican Council, whose teaching on the lay faithful, after twenty years, has taken on a surprisingly contemporary character and at times has carried prophetic significance: such teaching has the capacity of enlightening and guiding the responses that today must be given to new situations.
Ita re infecta in oppidum
But Pharnaces, either prompted by the place itself, which had been so fortunate to his father; or induced by favorable omens, as we were afterward told; or discovering the small number of our men that were in arms (for he took all that were employed in carrying materials to the works to be soldiers); or confiding in his veteran army, who valued themselves upon having defeated the twenty-second legion; and at the same time, despising our troops, whom he knew he had worsted, under Domitius; was determined upon a battle, and to that end began to cross the valley.
talem eum centurio trucidavit coram Pelagone spadone, quem Nero centurioni et manipulo, quasi satellitibus ministrum regium, praeposuerat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
let me have your on and on women can you give me you'd be a good boy on cheers and have staff gavel and along when i've stood about all of your evidence i intend to your grandmother is stood by your from the start of this trial it's over now and it's my duty to decide what should be done with you'll prob get evelyn is the sense of this court that you'll be confined in the state reformatory for a period of not less than one and not more than twenty years and i hope by the time you finished your sentence that you will have a larger
Quos ille multa iam nocte silentio ex fuga excepit, veritus ne qua in castris ex eorum concursu et misericordia vulgi seditio oreretur, ut procul in via dispositis familiaribus suis principibusque civitatum disparandos deducendosque ad suos curaret, quae cuique civitati pars castrorum ab initio obvenerat.QED QED
Since we are soon to begin our journey by air to distant lands—namely, we are going to Mexico and we will make a short stop-over in one of the Great Antilles—it is reasonable for us prudently to provide for the administration of the affairs in this Apostolic See during the time of our absence, which will be from the twenty-fifth of January until the first of February this year.
atque interim Felix intempestivis remediis delicta accendebat, aemulo ad deterrima Ventidio [Cumano, cui pars provinciae habebatur, ita divisis ut huic Galilaeorum natio, Felici Samaritae parerent, discordes olim et tum contemptu regentium minus coercitis
The siege having been impeded by so many disadvantages, the soldiers, although they were retarded during the whole time by the mud, cold, and constant showers, yet by their incessant labor overcame all these obstacles, and in twenty-five days raised a mound three hundred and thirty feet broad and eighty feet high.
Erat in procuratione regni propter aetatem pueri nutricius eius, eunuchus nomine Pothinus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On the twenty-eighth day of this month of October you will happily have completed the fiftieth year from the time when, as one of the faithful in the diocese of Eichstätt, you were chosen, precisely by the secret designs of the Lord of the harvest, and were admitted among the priests of the people of God. At that same time, therefore, you eagerly entered into the work of that sacred ministry which bore so much and such great fruit; at times for your beloved people of Eichstätt, at other times for the whole church.
Tantum apud homines barbaros valuit esse aliquos repertos principes inferendi belli tantamque omnibus voluntatum commutationem attulit, ut praeter Aeduos et Remos, quos praecipuo semper honore Caesar habuit, alteros pro vetere ac perpetua erga populum Romanum fide, alteros pro recentibus Gallici belli officiis, nulla fere civitas fuerit non suspecta
About this same time he commended to the Senate's favour, Nero, Germanicus's son, who was just entering on manhood, and asked them, not without smiles of ridicule from his audience, to exempt him from serving as one of the Twenty Commissioners, and let him be a candidate for quaestorship five years earlier than the law allowed.
Finis vitae eius nobis luctuosus, amicis tristis, extraneis etiam ignotisque non sine cura fuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thus in a very little time, from a cavalry it became an infantry engagement, and again from an infantry changed to a cavalry engagement, in which our men were driven back to their very lines; but being there reinforced, about a hundred and twenty-three of the enemy were slain, several forced to throw down their arms, many wounded, and the rest pursued quite to their camp.
In variis vero supplicationibus, quae utiliter Deiparae Virgini admoventur, Mariale Rosarium peculiarem ac praecipuum obtinere locum nemo est e christifidelibus qui ignoret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"He, when the signal was given, says, ""Follow me, my old comrades, and display such exertions in behalf of your general as you have determined to do: this is our last battle, and when it shall be won, he will recover his dignity, and we our liberty."" At the same time he looked back to Caesar, and said, ""General, I will act in such a manner to-day, that you will feel grateful to me living or dead."" After uttering these words he charged first on the right wing, and about one hundred and twenty chosen volunteers of the same century followed."
Clarorum virorum facta moresque posteris tradere, antiquitus usitatum, ne nostris quidem temporibus quamquam incuriosa suorum aetas omisit, quotiens magna aliqua ac nobilis virtus vicit ac supergressa est vitium parvis magnisque civitatibus commune, ignorantiam recti et invidiam.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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