twenty-first oor Latyn


/fɝst/, /ˈtwʌɾ̃i/, /ˈtwɛnti.fɜːst/, /ˈtwɛɾ̃i/ adjektief, naamwoord
The ordinal form of the number twenty-one.

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Charlton T. Lewis

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soldiers of the twenty-first legion
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In the twenty-first edition, in 1992, there were 302.
cuicumque mortalium, nedum veteri et provido duci, barbarae astutiae patuissent: ideo artum inde numerum finiri et hincmaiorem offerri, ut dolus pararetur; nam equiti sagittarum usu exercito si detecta corpora obicerentur, nihil profuturam multitudinem.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Upon this intelligence he set out by night with five cohorts of the twenty-first legion, and came up with them in the morning.
non enim solitas tantum fruges nec confusum metallis aurum gigni, sed nova ubertate provenire terram et obvias opes deferre deos, quaeque alia summa facundia nec minore adulatione servilia fingebant, securi de facilitate credentis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The legions had their assigned places, the fifth on the right wing, the twenty-first on the left, the men of the first to lead the van, the twentieth to repel pursuers.
sensit dux inparem comminus pugnam remotisque paulum legionibus funditores libritoresque excutere tela et proturbare hostem iubet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
We still read with admiration the speeches in which Lucius Crassus in his nineteenth, Cæsar and Asinius Pollio in their twenty-first year, Calvus, when very little older, denounced, respectively, Carbo, Dolabella, Cato, and Vatinius.
missus tamen Drusus, ut rettulimus, paci firmator.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The twenty-first century, while maintaining systems of governance inherited from the past, is witnessing a weakening of the power of nation states, chiefly because the economic and financial sectors, being transnational, tends to prevail over the political.
Ne haec quidem Curionem ad spem
Quiet being thus restored for the present, a no less formidable difficulty remained through the turbulence of the fifth and twenty-first legions, who were in winter quarters sixty miles away at Old Camp, as the place was called.
hanc sui famam ea statim contione commoverat, qua recitatis Vespasiani epistulis non ut plerique incerta disseruit, huc illuc tracturus interpretatione, prout conduxisset: aperte descendisse in causam videbatur, eoque gravior militibus erat culpae vel gloriae socius.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The men of the fifth and twenty-first legions refused to go till in the summer-camp where they stood the money was made up out of the purses of Germanicus himself and his friends, and paid in full.
Itaque tanta esta contentione actum, quanta agi debuit, cum illi celerem in ea re victoriam, hi salutem suam consistere viderent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Although the post-industrial period may well be remembered as one of the most irresponsible in history, nonetheless there is reason to hope that humanity at the dawn of the twenty-first century will be remembered for having generously shouldered its grave responsibilities.
Gliscebat interim luxuria spe inani consumebanturque veteres opes quasi oblatis quas multos per annos
Part of the cavalry, and some of the auxiliary cohorts led the van; then came the first legion, and, with the baggage in the centre, the men of the twenty-first closed up the left, those of the fifth, the right flank.
Caesar rursus ad vexandos hostes profectus magno coacto numero ex finitimis civitatibus in omnes partes dimittit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
She gave birth to her first child at twenty years old.
Caesar ob virtutem turmae Cassianae donavit milia XIII et praefecto torques aureos V et levi armaturae milia XII.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
66. We make Our very own, Venerable Brothers, the words which Benedict XV, of happy memory, used in the last allocution which he pronounced at the Consistory of November twenty-first of last year, when he spoke of the treaties asked for or proposed to Us by various states: "We cannot possibly permit that anything harmful to the dignity or liberty of the Church creep into these treaties, for it is all-important that the safety and freedom of the Church be guarded at all times, and especially in our own days, and this in the lasting interests of human society itself."
neque aliam defensionem ab iis quibus ista noscentur exegerim, quam ne oderim tam segniter
From the Vatican, on the twenty third of January in the year 1979, the first of our Pontificate.
mox consultans quonam die sollemnia regni capesseret, litteras Phraatis et Hieronis qui validissimas praefecturas obtinebant accipit, brevem moram
From the Vatican, on the twenty-eighth day of September, in the Year 1978, the first of our Pontificate.
legati quoque (nam senatus electionem Galbae permiserat) foeda inconstantia nominati, excusati, substituti, ambitu remanendi aut eundi, ut quemque metus vel spes
Given at Rome, at St. Peter's, on the twenty-third day of December, in the year 1922, the first of Our Pontificate.
Iterum iterumque explicandum est, hosce adiutores ad peculiarem Ecclesiæ conscientiam in se ipsis fovendam atque colendam teneri, quæ eos ad munera sibi commissa adimplenda, quantacumque sint, aptiores usque reddat: munera dicimus, quæ prorsus non sunt cuiusdam dati et accepti rationes, sicut illæ, quæ cum institutis in civili societate exstantibus intercedere possunt, sed ministerium efficiunt ipsi Christo præbitum, qui «non venit ministrari, sed ministrare» (Mt 20, 28)
Given at Saint Peter’s, on the thirty-first day of October in the year 2000, the twenty-third of my Pontificate.
Pulcherrima haec quidem est ac salutifera consuetudo, ex qua procul dubio fieri non potest quin familiaris convictus serena tranquilitate fruatur, ac superna munera
The horse engaged; but the Numidians were not able to stand our first charge; but a hundred and twenty being killed, the rest retreated into their camp near the town.
Iam hostium, prout cuique ingenium erat, catervae armatorum paucioribus terga praestare, quidam inermes ultro ruere ac se morti offerre.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Given at Rome at St. Peter's on the first day of the month of December in the year nineteen hundred and twenty, the seventh of Our Pontificate.
sed Agrippina non his instrui cultus suos, sed ceteris arceri proclamat et dividere filium, quae cuncta ex ipsa
Since we are soon to begin our journey by air to distant lands—namely, we are going to Mexico and we will make a short stop-over in one of the Great Antilles—it is reasonable for us prudently to provide for the administration of the affairs in this Apostolic See during the time of our absence, which will be from the twenty-fifth of January until the first of February this year.
nam et ex fuso exercitu cum decimus quisque fusti feritur, etiam strenui
For we well know how zealously and diligently you spent almost the first forty years of your priesthood in the pastoral care of the flock at Eichstätt, first as a priest and then for the next twenty years as its leader and bishop.
adicitur miraculum velut numine oblatum: nam cuncta [extra tectis] hactenus sole inlustria fuere; repente quod moenibus cingebatur ita atra nube coopertumfulgoribusque discretum est, ut quasi infensantibus deis exitio tradi
"He, when the signal was given, says, ""Follow me, my old comrades, and display such exertions in behalf of your general as you have determined to do: this is our last battle, and when it shall be won, he will recover his dignity, and we our liberty."" At the same time he looked back to Caesar, and said, ""General, I will act in such a manner to-day, that you will feel grateful to me living or dead."" After uttering these words he charged first on the right wing, and about one hundred and twenty chosen volunteers of the same century followed."
quem enim diem vacuum poena ubi inter sacra et vota, quo tempore verbis etiam profanis abstineri mos esset, vincla et laqueus inducantur? non imprudentem Tiberium tantam invidiam adisse: quaesitum meditatumque, ne quid impedire credatur quo minus novi magistratus, quo modo delubra et altaria, sic carcerem recludant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Messala Corvinus was the first to obtain the office, which he lost within a few days, as not knowing how to discharge it. After him Taurus Statilius, though in advanced years, sustained it admirably; and then Piso, after twenty years of similar credit, was, by the Senate's decree, honoured with a public funeral.
Octavius Pontiam Postuminam, stupro cognitam et nuptias suas abnuentem, impotens amoris interfecerat, Sosianus pravitate morum multis exitiosus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Civilis at first replied in artful language, but soon perceiving that Montanus was a man of singularly high spirit and was himself disposed for change, he began with lamenting the perils through which he had struggled for five-and-twenty years in the camps of Rome. ""It is,"" he said, ""a noble reward that I have received for my toils; my brother murdered, myself imprisoned, and the savage clamour of this army, a clamour which demanded my execution, and for which by the law of nations I demand vengeance."
Ariovistum se consule cupidissime populi Romani amicitiam adpetisse; cur hunc tam temere quisquam ab officio discessurum iudicaret? Sibi quidem persuaderi cognitis suis poslulatis atque aequitate condicionum perspecta eum neque suam neque populi Romani gratiam repudiaturum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
About the same time Caius Curio, having sailed from Sicily to Africa, and from the first despising the forces of Publius Attius Varus, transported only two of the four legions which he had received from Caesar, and five hundred horse, and having spent two days and three nights on the voyage, arrived at a place called Aquilaria, which is about twenty-two miles distant from Clupea, and in the summer season has a convenient harbor, and is inclosed by two projecting promontories.
Ubi id a Caesare negatum et, palam si colloqui vellent, concessum est, datur obsidis loco Caesari filius Afranii.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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