twenty-second oor Latyn


/ˈtwɛnti.ˈsɛk.ənd/, /ˈtwʌɾ̃i/, /ˈsɛk.ənd/, /ˈtwɛɾ̃i/ adjektief, naamwoord
The ordinal form of the number twenty-two.

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soldiers of the twenty-second legion


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From the Vatican, 6 July 2000, the twenty-second year of my Pontificate.
Ex Aedibus Vaticanis, die VI mensis Iulii, anno MM, Pontificatus Nostri vicesimo et
Given in the Vatican, on 25 August 2000, the twenty-second year of my Pontificate.
Ex Aedibus Vaticanis, die XXV mensis Augusti, anno MM, Pontificatus Nostri vicesimo
Peter's on the 25th day of May, 1899, the twenty-second year of Our Pontificate.
1899, Pontificatus Nostri vicesimo
From the Vatican, 14 September, on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, in the year 2,000, the twenty-second of my Pontificate.
Ex Aedibus Vaticanis, die XIV mensis Septembris, in festo Exaltationis Sanctae Crucis, anno MM, Pontificatus Nostri vicesimo
In the twenty-second edition of the Spanish Royal Academy Dictionary, 2001, AHL made a valuable contribution to the Spanish-speaking world: 1,950 Hondurans were incorporated.
In vicesima secunda dictionarii Regiae Academiae Hispanicae editione, anno 2001, Academia Honduriana Linguae pretiosam contributionem Hispanophono mundo effecit; 1 950 hondurianismorum incorporati sunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the twenty-second day of this month of December, just as we are about to honour the birth of Christ, you will be fifty years a priest.
Die altera et vicesima huius mensis Decembris, iamiam adoranda Christi Nativitate imminente, annus quinquagesimus tibi implebitur simulque et abibit a suscepto
We have been informed that on the twenty-second of October next, solemn ceremonies will take place to commemorate the seventh centenary of the founding of this church, which has now been restored with great care.
Proximo vero die XXII mensis Octobris, ut ad Nos est allatum, sollemnia agentur ob septimum saeculum ab hac ecclesia condita, quae nunc diligenti studio est
In reality, the anguished "why" addressed to the Father in the opening words of the Twenty-second Psalm expresses all the realism of unspeakable pain; but it is also illumined by the meaning of that entire prayer, in which the Psalmist brings together suffering and trust, in a moving blend of emotions.
Revera istud angoris plenum «ut quid» ad Patrem directum primis Psalmi 22 verbis, etiamsi veritatem ineffabilis in se continet doloris, adfectu illustratur totius precationis, ubi dolorem ac fiduciam simul coniungit Psalmista acerbo quodam affectionum
But Pharnaces, either prompted by the place itself, which had been so fortunate to his father; or induced by favorable omens, as we were afterward told; or discovering the small number of our men that were in arms (for he took all that were employed in carrying materials to the works to be soldiers); or confiding in his veteran army, who valued themselves upon having defeated the twenty-second legion; and at the same time, despising our troops, whom he knew he had worsted, under Domitius; was determined upon a battle, and to that end began to cross the valley.
At Pharnaces impulsus sive loci felicitate sive auspiciis et religionibus inductus, quibus obtemperasse eum postea audiebamus, sive paucitate nostrorum qui in armis erant comperta, cum more operis cotidiani magnam illam servorum multitudinem quae aggerem portabat militum esse credidisset, sive etiam fiducia veterani exercitus sui, quem bis et vicies in acie conflixisse et vicisse legati eius gloriabantur, simul contemptu exercitus nostri, quem pulsum a se Domitio duce sciebat, inito consilio dimicandi descendere praerupta valle coepit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Fathers of the recent Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (October 1987), which was devoted to "The Vocation and Mission of the Laity in the Church and in the World Twenty Years after the Second Vatican Council", once more dealt with the dignity and vocation of women.
Patres recentis Conventus Synodi Episcoporum (mense Octobri anno 1987), qui “De vocatione deque munere laicorum in Ecclesia et in mundo viginti annis post celebratum Concilium Vaticanum II” tractavit, rursus de dignitate deque vocatione mulieris
THE LAY MEMBERS of Christ's Faithful People (Christifideles Laici), whose "Vocation and Mission in the Church and in the World Twenty Years after the Second Vatican Council" was the topic of the 1987 Synod of Bishops, are those who form that part of the People of God which might be likened to the labourers in the vineyard mentioned in Matthew's Gospel: "For the Kingdom of heaven is like a householder who went out early in the morning to hire labourers for his vineyard.
CHRISTIFIDELES LAICI, quorum “vocatio et missio in Ecclesia et in mundo viginti annis a Concilio Vaticano II elapsis” argumentum fuit Synodi Episcoporum anno 1987 congregatae, ex eo populo Dei sunt qui in operariis vineae significatur, de quibus Evangelium Matthaei dicit: “Simile est enim regnum caelorum homini patri familias, qui exiit primo mane conducere operarios in vineam suam; conventionem autem facta cum operariis ex denario diurno, misit eos in vineam suam” (
We know that the Second Vatican Council, twenty years ago, had as one of its principal tasks that of reawakening the self-awareness of the Church and, through her interior renewal, of impressing upon her a fresh missionary impulse for the proclamation of the eternal message of salvation, peace and mutual concord among peoples and nations, beyond all the frontiers that yet divide our planet, which is intended by the will of God the Creator and Redeemer to be the common dwelling for all humanity.
Viginti abhinc annos Concilium Vaticanum II, ut novimus, praecipuum illud accepit munus suum ut Ecclesiae conscientiam de ea ipsa acueret utque per interiorem eius renovationem pariter illi adderet novam missionalem impulsionem, spectantem ad perennem nuntium salutis et pacis et mutuae concordiae inter populos nationesque patefaciendum ultra fines singulos, quibus adhuc hic noster terrarum orbis scinditur in partes, licet ex Dei creatoris ac redemptoris voluntate in communem destinatus totius generis humani
The Alexandrians brought out their fleet with great confidence, and drew it up, placing their twenty-two quadriremes in front, and disposing the rest behind them in a second line, by way of reserve.
Non dubitanter Alexandrini classem producunt atque instruunt: in fronte collocant XXII, reliquas subsidiarias in secundo ordine constituunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
We worked out together a much-needed and awaited document of the Church's Magisterium, which brings together both the teaching of the Second Vatican Council and reflections on the experiences of the twenty-five years since the end of the Council.
Simul documentum elaboravimus, tam necessarium atque exspectatum, Ecclesiae Magisterii, collectis in ea doctrina Concilii Vaticani II et meditatione de experientiis viginti quinque annorum post eius
Given in Rome, at Saint Peter's, on 7 April, the Second Sunday of Easter, the Feast of Divine Mercy, in the year of our Lord 2002, the twenty-fourth of my Pontificate.
Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Petrum, die septima mensis Aprilis, Dominica in octava Paschae seu de Divina Misericordia, anno Domini bismillesimo altero, Pontificatus Nostri vicesimo
In the course of its work, the Synod made constant reference to the Second Vatican Council, whose teaching on the lay faithful, after twenty years, has taken on a surprisingly contemporary character and at times has carried prophetic significance: such teaching has the capacity of enlightening and guiding the responses that today must be given to new situations.
Synodus in universo laborum complexu constanter Concilium Vaticanum II memorat, cuius doctrina de laicis, post viginti annos, quid mirum nostro tempore prodiit ac velut nuntium propheticum illuxit. Nam hac doctrina novis quaestionibus, quae hodie exsurgunt, perapta responsa dari
Twenty-five years ago, on the approach of the solemnities of the second centenary of the Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque's reception of the Divine command to propagate the worship of the Sacred Heart, many letters from all parts, not merely from private persons but from Bishops also were sent to Pius IX. begging that he would consent to consecrate the whole human race to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Etenim abhinc quinque ferme lustris, cum saecularia solemnia imminerent iterum instauranda postea quam mandatum de cultu divini Cordis propagando beata Margarita Maria de Alacoque divinitus acceperat, libelli supplices non a privatis tantummodo, sed etiam ab Episcopis ad Pium IX in id undique missi complures, ut communitatem generis humani devovere augustissimo Cordi Iesu
It is this particular law that we wish to promulgate by means of this Apostolic Constitution, at the end of the fourth centenary of the afore-mentioned Apostolic Constitution Immensa æterni Dei of Sixtus V, eighty years after the Apostolic Constitution Sapienti consilio of Saint Pius X, and scarcely twenty years after the coming into force of the Apostolic Constitution of Paul VI Regimini Ecclesiæ universæ, with which our own is closely linked, since both in some way derive from the Second Vatican Council and both originate from the same inspiration and intent.
Quam quidem peculiarem Legem hac præsenti Constitutione apostolica promulgare volumus, dum quartum nuper exspiravit sæculum a commemorata Constitutione apostolica Immensa æterni Dei Xysti V, atque octogesimus recurrit annus a S. Pii X Constitutione apostolica Sapienti consilio, viginti denique vix expletis annis ex quo Constitutio apostolica Pauli VI Regimini Ecclesiæ universæ vim suam exserere cœpit, quacum hæc Nostra arcte coniungitur, quippe quod utraque a Concilio Vaticano II, eadem ducente cogitatione et mente, originem quodammodo
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