unfitting oor Latyn


That is not fitting for its purpose

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Charlton T. Lewis

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emeritus · importunus · incommodus · indignus · ineptus · inidoneus
unfit for enjoyment
unfit for riding over
unfit for war
imbellis · inbellis
importunitas · inidoneitas
in an unfit manner


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Let care be taken that the deacons do not exercise an art or a profession which in the judgment of the local Ordinary is unfitting or impedes the fruitful exercise of the sacred office.
Caveatur, ne diaconi artem vel professionem exerceant, quae Ordinarii loci iudicio eos dedeceat, vel fructuosam sacri muneris functionem impediat.vatican.va vatican.va
This did not last long, as the lot strayed away to unfit persons.
neque id diu mansit, quia sors deerrabat ad parum idoneos.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Corbulo meantime transferred to Syria the fourth and twelfth legions, which, from the loss of their bravest men and the panic of the remainder, seemed quite unfit for battle, and led thence into Armenia the third and sixth legions, troops in thorough efficiency, and trained by frequent and successful service.
At Corbulo, quarta et duodecima legionibus, quae fortissimo quoque amisso et ceteris exterritis parum habiles proelio videbantur, in Syriam translatis, sextam inde ac tertiam legiones, integrum militem et crebris ac prosperis laboribus exercitum in Armeniam ducit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Those who are discovered to be unfit for physical, psychological or moral reasons should be quickly removed from the path to the priesthood.
Ii autem, qui, corporis, animi ac morum ratione habita, minus idonei existimentur, statim a sacerdotio capessendo dehortandi sunt.vatican.va vatican.va
In July 1931 the Women’s Co-operative Guild at their conference passed a resolution advocating compulsory sterilisation for the mentally or physically unfit.
1936 - Subitanea rerum conversio a militibus in Iaponia erat ad morachiam absolutam Tenno postulandum contra corruptionem et inaequitatem socialem.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However unfit, he might, if he preferred it, be enrolled among the soldiers of the capital.
Ceterum non ita ducibus indulsit Vitellius ut non plus militi liceret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But in a little time the water in the nearest houses became quite unfit for use, and that lower down grew daily more tainted and brackish.
Parvo vero temporis spatio haec propior bibi omnino non poterat, illa inferior corruptior iam salsiorque reperiebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
As the enemy still pursued their former plan, and avoided a closing engagement, and the horses of Caesar's cavalry had not yet recovered the fatigue of their late voyage, and were besides weakened with thirst, weariness, wounds, and of course unfit for a vigorous and long pursuit, which even the time of the day would not allow, he ordered both horse and foot to fall at once briskly upon the enemy, and not slacken the pursuit till they had driven them quite beyond the furthest hills, and taken possession of them themselves.
Cum ab hostibus eodem modo pugnaretur nec comminus ad manus rediretur Caesarisque equites iumenta ex nausea recenti siti languore paucitate vulneribus defatigata ad insequendum hostem perseverandumque cursum tardiora haberent dieique pars exigua esset iam reliqua, cohortibus equitibusque circumitis cohortatus ut uno ictu contenderent neque remitterent, donec ultra ultimos colles hostes reppulissent atque eorum essent potiti.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But in our day we entrust the infant to a little Greek servant-girl who is attended by one or two, commonly the worst of all the slaves, creatures utterly unfit for any important work.
At nunc natus infans delegatur Graeculae alicui ancillae, cui adiungitur unus aut alter ex omnibus servis, plerumque vilissimus nec cuiquam serio ministerio adcommodatus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
A great many ships having been wrecked, inasmuch as the rest, having lost their cables, anchors, and other tackling, were unfit for sailing, a great confusion, as would necessarily happen, arose throughout the army; for there were no other ships in which they could be conveyed back, and all things which are of service in repairing vessels were wanting, and, corn for the winter had not been provided in those places, because it was understood by all that they would certainly winter in Gaul.
Compluribus navibus fractis, reliquae cum essent funibus, ancoris reliquisque armamentis amissis ad navigandum inutiles, magna, id quod necesse erat accidere, totius exercitus perturbatio facta est. Neque enim naves erant aliae quibus reportari possent, et omnia deerant quae ad reficiendas naves erant usui, et, quod omnibus constabat hiemari in Gallia oportere, frumentum in his locis in hiemem provisum non erat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Neither rank nor age nor previous high promotion hindered any one from practising the art of a Greek or Latin actor and even stooping to gestures and songs unfit for a man.
non nobilitas cuiquam, non aetas aut acti honores impedimento, quo minus Graeci Latinive histrionis artem exercerent usque ad gestus modosque haud viriles.latin-ancient latin-ancient
All the more vigorously did Vologeses press the besieged, now attacking the legions' entrenchments, and now again the fortress, which guarded those whose years unfitted them for war.
Eoque intentius Vologaeses premere obsessos, modo vallum legionum, modo castellum, quo imbellis aetas defendebatur, adpugnare, propius incedens quam mos Parthis, si ea temeritate hostem in proelium eliceret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
12 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.