unfold oor Latyn


/ʌnˈfoʊld/, /ʌnˈfəʊld/ werkwoord, naamwoord
To undo a folding.

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[ explicō ]
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Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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In fact, everything that will happen until the end of the world will be no more than an extension and unfolding of what happened on the day when the battered body of the Crucified Lord was raised by the power of the Spirit and became in turn the wellspring of the Spirit for all humanity.
Re enim vera quidquid ad finem usque orbis accidet, sola propagatio erit atque explicatio eorum quae in die evenerunt quo conflictatum Crucifixi corpus virtute Spiritus resuscitatum est et vicissim fons Spiritus pro hominibus est factum.vatican.va vatican.va
Faith allows us to interpret the meaning and the mysterious beauty of what is unfolding.
Fides sinit ut sensum arcanamque pulchritudinem illius accidentis rei interpretemur.vatican.va vatican.va
The treasure is the great outpouring of the Church's Tradition, which contains "what is old" — received and passed on from the very beginning — and which enables us to interpret the "new things" in the midst of which the life of the Church and the world unfolds.
Thesaurus magna est Ecclesiae Traditio quae « vetera » continet, accepta et tradita sine ulla intermissione, et simul sinit ut « nova » legantur, inter quae Ecclesiae et mundi vita procedit.vatican.va vatican.va
Thus the revision of the liturgical year and the norms which follow logically from this restoration have no other purpose than to permit the faithful to communicate in a more intense way, through faith, hope and love, in "the whole mystery of Christ which she unfolds within the cycle of a year."( 9)
Quam ob rem anni liturgici recognitio, normaeque eius instaurationem consequentes, ad nihil aliud pertinent, nisi ut fideles per fidem, spem, caritatem ardentius cum toto Christi mysterio per anni circulum esplicato (Cf ibid.) communicent.vatican.va vatican.va
Paul VI hoped to see the journey towards autonomy unfold freely and in peace.
Paulus VI auspicabatur percursum autonomum in libertate et pace exsequendum.vatican.va vatican.va
More than a "replacement" for the Sabbath, therefore, Sunday is its fulfilment, and in a certain sense its extension and full expression in the ordered unfolding of the history of salvation, which reaches its culmination in Christ.
Dominicus dies itaque, potius quam sabbati «substitutio», plena est eius impletio et quodam modo eius diffusio eiusque absoluta significatio, quatenus refertur ad historiae salutis iter, quod in Christo fastigium suum attingit.vatican.va vatican.va
Then, as with arms he comes to aid, they bind / in giant grasp the father. Twice, behold, / around his waist the horrid volumes wind, / twice round his neck their scaly backs are rolled, / high over all their heads and glittering crests unfold.
Post, ipsum, auxilio subeuntem ac tela ferentem, / corripiunt, spirisque ligant ingentibus, et jam / bis medium amplexi, bis collo squamea circum / terga dati, superant capite et cervicibus altis.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"But who are ye, pray answer? on what quest / come ye? and whence and whither are ye bound?" / Her then AEneas, from his inmost breast / heaving a deep-drawn sigh, with labouring speech addressed: / "O Goddess, should I from the first unfold, / or could'st thou hear, the annals of our woe, / eve's star were shining, ere the tale were told."
"Sed vos qui tandem, quibus aut venistis ab oris, / quove tenetis iter?" Quærenti talibus ille / suspirans imoque trahens a pectore vocem: / "O dea, si prima repetens ab origine pergam / et vacet annales nostrorum audire laborum, / ante diem clauso componet Vesper Olympo".Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
When one thinks about this communion, which is the force, as it were, that glues the whole Church together, then the hierarchical constitution of the Church unfolds and comes into effect. It was endowed by the Lord himself with a primatial and collegial nature at the same time when he constituted the apostles "in the form of a college or permanent assembly, at the head of which he placed Peter, chosen from amongst them."
Habita igitur ratione huius communionis, universam Ecclesiam veluti conglutinantis, etiam hierarchica eiusdem Ecclesiæ constitutio explicatur atque ad effectum deducitur: quæ collegiali simul ac primatiali, natura ab ipso Domino prædita est, cum «Apostolos ad modum collegii seu cœtus stabilis instituit, cui ex iisdem electum Petrum præficit».vatican.va vatican.va
Although strongly emphasizing Trinitarian realism and its unfolding in sacramental life, the East associates faith in the unity of the divine nature with the fact that the divine essence is unknowable.
Quamvis vehementer trinitariam veritatem eiusque implicationem in sacramentali vita Oriens efferat, Oriens fidem de naturae divinae unitate cum incomprehensibili essentiae divinae indole consociat.vatican.va vatican.va
In the gradual unfolding of this encounter, it is clearly revealed that love is not merely a sentiment.
Hoc in conveniendi processu non esse tantum animi affectum amorem palam demonstratur.vatican.va vatican.va
God’s decision to bring about the work of creation is the first stage on this immensely long journey which, in the light of sacred Scripture, unfolds from the constitution of the heavenly hierarchy until it reaches the fall of the rebellious angels and the sin of our first parents.
Dei decretum operam creationis complendi est primus gressus huius immensi itineris, quod sub luce Sacrae Scripturae enodatur a constitutione caelestis hierarchiae usque ad lapsum angelorum rebellium atque peccatum progenitorum.vatican.va vatican.va
How can anyone think that even a single moment of this marvellous process of the unfolding of life could be separated from the wise and loving work of the Creator, and left prey to human caprice?
Quomodo cogitare possumus vel unum temporis momentum huius miri processus vitae oborientis subtrahi posse sollerti amantique Creatoris operi atque hominis arbitrio remitti?vatican.va vatican.va
This responsibility leads the bishop, in communion with the presbyterate, to outline a project and establish a program which can ensure that ongoing formation is not something haphazard but a systematic offering of subjects, which unfold by stages and take on precise forms.
Idem vero officium movet episcopum una cum toto presbyterio ut propositum opus excogitet constituatque rationem qua permanens educatio conformetur non veluti quidquam adventicium, verum tanquam deliberata doctrinarum ratio quae per passus certos enucleatur certasque exhibet vias.vatican.va vatican.va
Thither I drew, and strove with eager hold / a green-leaved sapling from the soil to tear, / to shade with boughs the altars, when behold / a portent, weird to see and wondrous to unfold!
Accessi, viridemque ab humo convellere silvam / conatus, ramis tegerem ut frondentibus aras, / horrendum et dictu video mirabile monstrum.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Within the dimension of time the world was created; within it the history of salvation unfolds, finding its culmination in the "fullness of time" of the Incarnation, and its goal in the glorious return of the Son of God at the end of time.
Conditur orbis intra eius definitionem, intra tempus progreditur historia salutis, quae apicem suum in “plenitudine temporis” ipsius Incarnationis tangit suumque terminum in glorioso reditu Filii Dei exeunte omni tempore.vatican.va vatican.va
"But who are ye, pray answer? on what quest / come ye? and whence and whither are ye bound?" / Her then AEneas, from his inmost breast / heaving a deep-drawn sigh, with labouring speech addressed: / "O Goddess, should I from the first unfold, / or could'st thou hear, the annals of our woe, / eve's star were shining, ere the tale were told."
"Sed vos qui tandem, quibus aut venistis ab oris, / quove tenetis iter?" Quaerenti talibus ille / suspirans imoque trahens a pectore vocem: / "O dea, si prima repetens ab origine pergam / et vacet annales nostrorum audire laborum, / ante diem clauso componet Vesper Olympo".tatoeba tatoeba
The answer can only come from the saving events as they unfold, from the special action of God himself.
Ex eventibus solis salvificis eorumque progressibus accipitur responsio, e peculiari scilicet Dei ipsius actu.vatican.va vatican.va
As he calls the young man to follow him along the way of perfection, Jesus asks him to be perfect in the command of love, in "his" commandment: to become part of the unfolding of his complete giving, to imitate and rekindle the very love of the "Good" Teacher, the one who loved "to the end".
Adulescentem invitans ad se sequendum in perfectionis via, Iesus ab eo petit ut perfectus sit in amoris mandato, in “suo” mandato: ut se inserat in integrae donationis actum, ut imitetur videlicet et eundem ac Magistri “boni” excolat amorem, Eius qui “usque in finem” amavit.vatican.va vatican.va
However, only in the unfolding of the history of our lives and its events is the eternal plan of God revealed to each of us. Therefore, it is a gradual process; in a certain sense, one that happens day by day.
Sed aeternum Dei propositum unicuique nostrum solummodo in historica nostrae vitae et eius vicissitudinum revelatur progressione atque adeo gradatim: quodam vero sensu, de die in diem.vatican.va vatican.va
"O Goddess-born, high auspices are thine, / and heaven's plain omens guide thee o'er the main. / Thus Jove, by lot unfolding his design, / assorts the chances, and the Fates ordain. / This much may I of many things explain, / how best o'er foreign seas to urge thy keel / in safety, and Ausonian ports attain, / the rest from Helenus the Fates conceal, / and Juno's envious power forbids me to reveal."
"Nate dea (nam te majoribus ire per altum / auspiciis manifesta fides: sic fata deum rex / sortitur, volvitque vices; is vertitur ordo), / pauca tibi e multis, quo tutior hospita lustres / aequora et Ausonio possis considere portu, / expediam dictis, prohibent nam cetera Parcae / scire, Helenum farique vetat Saturnia Juno."tatoeba tatoeba
For Deleuze, there is no one substance, only an always-differentiating process, an origami cosmos, always folding, unfolding, refolding.
Pro Deleuze, non est substantia una, sed ratio quae semper discrepat, cosmos sicut origami, se semper plicans, explicans, iterum complicans.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is a journey which has unfolded—as it must—within the horizon of personal self-consciousness: the more human beings know reality and the world, the more they know themselves in their uniqueness, with the question of the meaning of things and of their very existence becoming ever more pressing.
Hoc quidem iter sic explicatum est — neque aliter accidere potuit — intra prospectum quendam singularis hominum conscientiae: quo namque plenius res orbemque cognovit homo, eo magis ipsemet cognoscit se unica in sua natura, eodemque tempore instans fit interrogatio de significatione rerum suaeque ipsius exsistentiae.vatican.va vatican.va
53] Our entry into the ecclesial community will in its turn be expressed through many other signs which prolong and unfold the sign of the Church.
Sed ingressus ille in ecclesialem communitatem multis aliis vicissim signis declarabitur, quae idem Ecclesiae signum extendunt et explicant.vatican.va vatican.va
59 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.