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Though the Divine Augustus in his public life enjoyed unshaken prosperity, he was unfortunate at home from the profligacy of his daughter and granddaughter, both of whom he banished from Rome, and punished their paramours with death or exile.
ut valida divo Augusto in rem publicam fortuna ita domi improspera fuit ob impudicitiam filiae ac neptis quas urbe depulit, adulterosque earum morte aut fuga punivit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Still, there was a latent dread when they remembered how unfortunate in the case of Drusus, his father, had been the favour of the crowd; how his uncle Marcellus, regarded by the city populace with passionate enthusiasm, had been snatched from them while yet a youth, and how short-lived and ill-starred were the attachments of the Roman people.
sed suberat occulta formido, reputantibus haud prosperum in Druso patre eius favorem vulgi, avunculum eiusdem Marcellum flagrantibus plebis studiis intra inventam ereptum, brevis et infaustos populi Romani amores.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The absolute need for family catechesis emerges with particular force in certain situations that the Church unfortunately experiences in some places: "In places where anti-religious legislation endeavors even to prevent education in the faith, and in places where widespread unbelief or invasive secularism makes real religious growth practically impossible, 'the Church of the home' remains the one place where children and young people can receive an authentic catechesis."[ 126]
Summa catechesis familiaris necessitas cum vi quadam erumpit certis in rerum condicionibus, quas Ecclesia pro dolor passim animadvertit: « ubi legibus religioni adversantibus ipsa etiam educatio in fide impeditur, ubi propter pervagatam in credulitatem vel saecularismum, qui dicitur, grassantem reapse facultas non datur in religione vere crescendi, haec “veluti Ecclesia domestica” unus locus manet, ubi pueri et iuvenes germanam catechesim possint accipere » (126).vatican.va vatican.va
We are called to make ever greater efforts, so that it may be ever more apparent that religious considerations are not the real cause of current conflicts, even though, unfortunately, there is still a risk of religion being exploited for political and polemical purposes.
Incitamur ad impigrius usque munus, quo liquidius eluceat religiosas causas haud veram esse contentionum hodiernarum rationem, licet – pro dolor – periculum non amotum sit ne politicos bellicosve ad fines eae causae detorqueantur.vatican.va vatican.va
However, it is a mistake to recite the Rosary during the celebration of the liturgy, though unfortunately this practice still persists here and there.
Attamen non sine errore est, quod pro dolor adhuc alicubi fieri contingit, mariale Rosarium inter actionem liturgicam re citare.vatican.va vatican.va
Unfortunately Carl would not do so well in Hollywood, unable to find another job after DeMille.
Oeconomia gradum ante bellum non recuperavit usque ad quinquaginta annorum postea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unfortunately, instead of becoming fewer the poor are becoming more numerous, not only in less developed countries but-and this seems no less scandalous-in the more developed ones too.
Pauperes enim, pro dolor, nedum imminuantur, numero augentur non solum in regionibus minus excultis, sed etiam — quod non minoris scandali est causa — in iis quae maiore progressione pollent.vatican.va vatican.va
Unfortunately this spirit is often overwhelmed or suppressed by ethical and cultural considerations of an individualistic and utilitarian nature.
Proh dolor, talis animus saepenumero prospectibus ethicis et culturalibus utilitatis individualitatisque generis superatur et reprimitur.vatican.va vatican.va
This is unfortunate.
Hoc infelix est.tatoeba tatoeba
Piero the Unfortunate
Petrus Laurentius Mediceslangbot langbot
Of course, we unfortunately have to acknowledge the fact that the Millennium which is about to end is the one in which there have occurred the great separations between Christians.
Equidem, heu! agnoscere debemus millennium hoc quod fere abiit, aevum fuisse magnorum discidiorum inter christianos.vatican.va vatican.va
Only, unfortunately, it isn't mine.""
Verum, pro mala fortuna, non meum est.""Literature Literature
Unfortunately, however, the gradual and mutual estrangement between the Churches of the West and the East deprived them of the benefits of mutual exchanges and cooperation.
Attamen, pro dolor, progrediens mutua abscessio Ecclesiarum Occidentis et Orientis, reciprocorum eas donorum et auxiliorum divitiis privavit.vatican.va vatican.va
poor, unfortunate, sad
miser, misera, miserumlangbot langbot
Unfortunately it is often hard to see and recognize these positive signs, perhaps also because they do not receive sufficient attention in the communications media.
Dolendum est quia haec affirmantia signa laboriose manifestantur et agnoscuntur, fortasse eo etiam quod in communicationis socialis instrumentis haud curiose ostenduntur.vatican.va vatican.va
Unfortunately, the history of salvation shows that God's coming close and making himself present to man and the world, that marvelous "condescension" of the Spirit, meets with resistance and opposition in our human reality.
Dolendum sane est quod, ut ex historia salutis patet, illud Dei appropinquare et adesse homini et mundo, mirabilis illa «benignitas » Spiritus in renisum et recusationem nostrae humanitatis incidunt.vatican.va vatican.va
Our lot would be cast with beasts, who do not have the use of reason. Ours would be an even worse lot, for we do have the use of reason and by abusing it (which, unfortunately, often happens) we can sink into a state lower than that of beasts. Like Cain, we would commit a terrible crime and stain the earth with our brother's blood.
Si haec dottrina, si haec spes solacii plena ex hominum animis evellitur, tota causa vivendi labitur; cupidines, dissensiones ac discidia necessario erumpunt e penetralibus nostris, nullo valido freno compescenda; non oliva pacis mentibus splendet, sed discordiarum faces flammescunt; sors nostra bestiarum sorti, quae sunt rationis expertes, quasi exaequatur; quin immo deterior est, quandoquidem, cum nos simus ratiocinandi vi praediti; ea abutentes possumus ad peiora eniti ac prolabi, quod saepius, pro dolor, evenit; atque, ut iam Cain, fraterno effuso sanguine gravique patrato crimine foedare terram.vatican.va vatican.va
In such a case, what is truly essential would unfortunately be lost. Motherhood as a human fact and phenomenon, is fully explained on the basis of the truth about the person.
Sic etiam amittitur, proh dolor!, id quod revera ad rerum pertinet essentiam: maternitas namque, tamquam factum atque ostentum humanum, plene secundum veritatem de persona explanatur.vatican.va vatican.va
Unfortunately, that's true.
Infeliciter, verum est.tatoeba tatoeba
And since they [Titurius and Cotta] could less easily perform every thing by themselves, and provide what was to be done in each place, by reason of the length of the line of march, they ordered [the officers] to give the command that they should leave the baggage and form themselves into an orb, which measure, though in a contingency of that nature it was not to be condemned, still turned out unfortunately; for it both diminished the hope of our soldiers and rendered the enemy more eager for the fight, because it appeared that this was not done without the greatest fear and despair.
Cum propter longitudinem agminis minus facile omnia per se obire et, quid quoque loco faciendum esset, providere possent, iusserunt pronuntiare, ut impedimenta relinquerent atque in orbem consisterent. Quod consilium etsi in eiusmodi casu reprehendendum non est, tamen incommode accidit: nam et nostris militibus spem minuit et hostes ad pugnam alacriores effecit, quod non sine summo timore et desperatione id factum videbatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Unfortunately, after analyzing the situation we have to conclude that this political will has been insufficient.
Re indagata, est concludendum hanc non sufficientem fuisse.vatican.va vatican.va
Unfortunately, he died young.
De typho iam iuvenis mortuus est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unfortunately, Lennon was not there, as he was at his mother's house at 1 Blomfield Road.
Iulia visitabat Ioannem cotidie, et cum ille undecim annorum esset eam visitabat domo eius apud 1 Blomfield Road Liverpolii.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
2. We recall, but with sorrow, those sad days when in your country the evil project of separating the interests of the Republic from those of the Church was conceived and how, what is more unfortunate, steps were taken to put the project into execution.
Maerenti equidem animo acerbissimos dies illos reminiscimur, cum consilium segregandi apud vos rationes Reipublicae ab Ecclesiae rationibus calamitose initum est perfectumque calamitosius.vatican.va vatican.va
In its solicitude to protect the family in all its dimensions, not only the religious one, the Synod of Bishops did not fail to take into careful consideration certain situations which are irregular in a religious sense and often in the civil sense too. Such situations, as a result of today's rapid cultural changes, are unfortunately becoming widespread also among Catholics with no little damage to the very institution of the family and to society, of which the family constitutes the basic cell.
Diligenter studens familiam omni eius in parte non solum religiosa tutari, Synodus Episcoporum non omisit attento animo perpendere quasdam condiciones ratione religiosa et crebro etiam civili abnormes, quae — velocibus in hodiernis cultus hum ani inmutationibus — pro dolor, etiam inter catholicos increbrescunt, non parvo detrimento ipsi instituto familiari societatique illato, cuius hoc est veluti primaria cellula.vatican.va vatican.va
104 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.