unfrequent oor Latyn


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Not frequent; not common; not happening often; infrequent.

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unfrequented places
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There have been objections without number perseveringly directed against the Scripture for many a long year, which have been proved to be futile and are now never heard of; and not unfrequently interpretations have been placed on certain passages of Scripture (not belonging to the rule of faith or morals) which have been rectified by more careful investigations.
Permulta enim ex omni doctrinarum genere sunt diu multumque contra Scripturam iactata, quae nunc, utpote inania, penitus obsolevere : item non pauca de quibusdam Scripturae locis (non proprie ad fidei morumque pertinentibus regulam) sunt quondam interpretando proposita, in quibus rectius postea vidit acrior quaedam investigatio.vatican.va vatican.va
Not unfrequently, too, God, in order to chastise their pride, does not permit men to see the truth, and thus they are punished in the things wherein they sin.
Nec raro, poenas de superbia sumpturus, sinit illos Deus non vera cernere, ut in quo peccant, in eo plectantur.vatican.va vatican.va
The veteran soldiers hesitated. Nevertheless, when Hordeonius administered the oath, under a strong pressure from their tribunes, they pronounced the words, which their looks and their temper belied, and while they adopted every other expression, they hesitated at the name of Vespasian, passing it over with a slight murmur, and not unfrequently in absolute silence.
sed adigente Hordeonio Flacco, instantibus tribunis, dixit sacramentum, non vultu neque animo satis adfirmans: et cum cetera iuris iurandi verba conciperent, Vespasiani nomen haesitantes aut levi murmure et plerumque silentio transmittebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Henceforth they must pray that he might have self-control, and so be contented."" So would Drusus talk, not unfrequently, or only in the hearing of a few persons."
Pompei; communis is illi cum familia Drusorum fore nepotes: precandam post haec modestiam ut contentus esset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Had he hastened the march which he had then begun, he might have come up with Caecina while still undecided, or have reached the legions previous to the decisive action. Some advised him to take a few of his most devoted soldiers, and, avoiding Ravenna, to hurry on by unfrequented paths to Hostilia or Cremona.
et si coeptum iter properasset, nutantem Caecinam praevenire aut ante discrimen pugnae adsequi legiones potuisset; nec deerant qui monerent ut cum fidissimis per occultos tramites vitata Ravenna Hostiliam Cremonamve pergeret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
We all see and deplore the frequency of strikes, which suddenly interrupt the course of city and of national life in their most necessary functions, we see hostile gatherings and tumultous crowds, and it not unfrequently happens that weapons are used and human blood is spilled.
Videmus omnes deploramusque crebras cessationes ab opere, quibus civilis publicaeque vitae cursus in ministeriis etiam apprime necessariis repente inhiberi solet: item minaces turbas et tumultus, in quibus non raro accidit, ut armis res geratur et humanus effluat cruor.vatican.va vatican.va
Now, indeed, there is not unfrequently a most excellent example of piety and munificence, in that where there are no public schools open except those which are called "neutral," Catholics have opened certain establishments of their own at great labour and expense and maintain them with an equal zeal.
Iam illud non infrequens est exemplum sane pulcherrimum religionis munificentiaeque, ut, quibus locis scholae nullae publice paterent nisi quae neutrae vocantur, catholici viri magnis laboribus et sumptibus aperuerint certas suas, et pari constantia sustentent.vatican.va vatican.va
The man always walked in front of the person whose science Tiberius had determined to test, through an unfrequented and precipitous path (for the house stood on rocks), and then, if any suspicion had arisen of imposture or of trickery, he hurled the astrologer, as he returned, into the sea beneath, that no one might live to betray the secret.
is litterarum ignarus, corpore valido, per avia ac derupta (nam saxis domus imminet) praeibat eum cuius artem experiri Tiberius statuisset et regredientem, si vanitatis aut fraudum suspicio incesserat, in subiectum mare praecipitabat ne index arcani existeret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
83. Whence it comes about not unfrequently, as experience shows, that deplorable defections from religion occur among the offspring, or at least a headlong descent into that religious indifference which is closely allied to impiety.
Unde in prognatos haud raro derivatur lugenda a religione defectio vel saltem praeceps decursus in religiosam illam negligentiam seu, quam vocant, indifferentiam, infidelitati impietatique proximam.vatican.va vatican.va
9 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.