unlikeness oor Latyn


(uncountable) The state of being unlike.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis

Geskatte vertalings

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Soortgelyke frases

make unlike
not unlike
absimilis · apsimilis · discors · dispar · dissimilis · distans · diversus · inaequalis
sound of surprise or approbation not unlike whee
be unlike
discordo · dissentio · dissideo · disto


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The place selected was an expanse of water, not unlike the sea, where the mouth of the Mosa serves to discharge the Rhine into the ocean.
nam Civilis omissa dissimulatione in populum Romanum ruere, Vitellianae legiones vel externum servitium quam imperatorem Vespasianum malle.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Unlike Bridget and Catherine, Edith was not from a Christian family.
Caesar paene omni acie perterrita, quod praeter opinionem consuetudinemque acciderat, cohortatus suos legionem nonam subsidio ducit; hostem insolenter atque acriter nostros insequentem supprimit rursusque terga vertere seque ad oppidum Ilerdam recipere et sub muro consistere cogit.vatican.va vatican.va
Unlike a hallucination, which is a distortion in the absence of a stimulus, an illusion describes a misinterpretation of a true sensation.
igitur inriti remittuntur, cum donis tamen unde spes fieret non frustra eadem oraturum Tiridaten, si preces ipse attulisset.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is so unlike all other isopods that it is placed in its own family, Phoratopodidae and suborder, Phoratopidea.
tradit Fabius Rusticus non eo quo venerat intinere redi[sse] t[ribun]um, sed flexisse ad Faenium praefectum et expositis Caesaris iussis an obtemperaret interrogavisse, monitumque ab eo ut exsequeretur, fatali omnium ignavia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is why, unlike many other precepts, it is set not within the context of strictly cultic stipulations but within the Decalogue, the "ten words" which represent the very pillars of the moral life inscribed on the human heart.
non enim Seianum Vulsiniensem set Claudiae et Iuliae domus partem, quas adfinitate occu paverat, tuum, Caesar, generum, tui consulatus socium, tua officia in re publica capessentem colebamus.vatican.va vatican.va
I think it's highly unlikely that I'll ever see my stolen motorcycle again.
Quid aliud infestis patribus nuper Eprius Marcellus quam eloquentiam suam opposuit? Qua accinctus et minax disertam quidem, sed inexercitatam et eius modi certaminum rudem Helvidii sapientiam elusit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Bloom has called Stevens "a vital part of the American mythology" and unlike Winters and Jarrell, Bloom has cited Stevens's later poems, like "Poems of our Climate," as being among Stevens's best poems.
Vocula, quamquam plerique fugam suadebant, audendum ratus vocata contione in hunc modum disseruit:WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Domitian, seeing that his youth was despised by the older officers, gave up even the less important functions of government which he had before exercised. Under a semblance of simple and modest tastes, he wrapped himself in a profound reserve, and affected a devotion to literature and a love of poetry, thus seeking to throw a veil over his character, and to withdraw himself from the jealousy of his brother, of whose milder temper, so unlike his own, he judged most falsely.
ne Vitellius quidem verbis et minis temperabat, cum Claudius Cossus, unus ex legatis, notae facundiae sed dicendi artem apta trepidatione occultans atque eo validior, militis animum mitigavit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Greeks—not unlike other cultures—considered eros principally as a kind of intoxication, the overpowering of reason by a “divine madness” which tears man away from his finite existence and enables him, in the very process of being overwhelmed by divine power, to experience supreme happiness.
tanto proclivius est iniuriae quam beneficio vicem exolvere, quia gratia oneri, ultio in quaestu habetur.vatican.va vatican.va
One thing provided by our men was of great service, [viz.] sharp hooks inserted into and fastened upon poles, of a form not unlike the hooks used in attacking town walls.
Castra enim, ut supra demonstratum est, cum essent inter flumina duo, Sicorim et Cingam, spatio milium XXX, neutrum horum transiri poterat, necessarioque omnes his angustiis continebantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There is no grammatical gender, unlike French.
censuerat Helvidius ut Capitolium publice restitueretur, adiuvaret Vespasianus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unlike many Hair Hunters outside those seen much earlier in the series, OVER takes his job of ripping the hair out of the subjects of the Maruhage Empire extremely seriously and will treat all in his gaze as prey.
pars equitum et auxiliariae cohortes ducebant, mox prima legio, et mediis impedimentis sinistrum latus unetvicesimani, dextrum quintani clausere, vicesima legio terga firmavit, post ceteri sociorum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The brewery recommends that, unlike other cask ales, Breconshire beers be tapped and vented at the same time; failure to do so leads to incomplete sedimentation.
Insequenti die pari consuetudinecum ad eundem locum eius praesidium venisset, pristino illo suo utebantur instituto; nam praeter equites nullo loco aequo se committere audebant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But they could not long maintain their ground there: though, to compare small things with great, their buildings were not unlike those of Alexandria, and their towers were high, and joined together so as to form a kind of wall; and our men had not come prepared with ladders, fascines, or any weapons for assault.
Nec diutius Galba cunctatus speciosiora suadentibus accessit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
As the ground was so close to the city centre and Plymouth Sound, it was unlikely that it would escape unharmed.
Sub idem tempus in Illyrico est incommodum acceptum, quae provincia superioribus mensibus retenta non tantum sine ignominia sed etiam cum laude erat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unlike the relationship between consuls, who shared equal authority, the magister equitum was always subordinate to the dictator.
Eratunus intus Nervius nomine Vertico, loco natus honesto, qui a prima obsidione ad Ciceronem perfugerat suamque ei fidem praestiterat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An unlikely combination! ... but you can see that Bishop is a sort of bridge between Tate's formalism and Williams's informal art."
At tum integras atque incolumes copias Caesar inferiore militum numero continebat, cum illi omnium rerum copia abundarent; cotidie enim magnus undique navium numerus conveniebat, quae commeatum supportarent, neque ullus flare ventus poterat, quin aliqua ex parte secundum cursum haberent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The theory of human rights is based precisely on the affirmation that the human person, unlike animals and things, cannot be subjected to domination by others.
Hac audita pugna maxima pars Aquitaniae sese Crasso dedidit obsidesque ultro misit; quo in numero fuerunt Tarbelli, Bigerriones, Ptianii, Vocates, Tarusates, Elusates, Gates, Ausci, Garumni, Sibusates, Cocosates: paucae ultimae nationes anni tempore confisae, quod hiems suberat, id facere neglexerunt.vatican.va vatican.va
The importance of the corollary is often considered secondary to that of the initial theorem; B is unlikely to be termed a corollary if its mathematical consequences are as significant as those of A. Sometimes a corollary has a proof that explains the derivation; sometimes the derivation is considered self-evident.
erant antiquitus porticus in latere clivi dextrae subeuntibus, in quarum tectum egressi saxis tegulisque Vitellianos obruebant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since membership in Episcopal Conferences is limited to Bishops and all those equivalent in law to Diocesan Bishops, even if not possessing the episcopal character,265 the immediate theological foundation of Episcopal Conferences, unlike that of Particular Councils, is the collegial dimension of responsibility for episcopal governance.
Duriora genti corpora, stricti artus, minax vultus et major animi vigor.vatican.va vatican.va
God therefore goes in search of man who is his special possession in a way unlike any other creature.
Fit magna caedes: nonnulli relictis equis fossam transire et maceriam transcendere conantur.vatican.va vatican.va
The truth indeed is this, my excellent friends, that Cicero's wonderful eloquence wells up and overflows out of a store of erudition, a multitude of accomplishments, and a knowledge that was universal. The strength and power of oratory, unlike all other arts, is not confined within narrow and straitened limits, but the orator is he who can speak on every question with grace, elegance, and persuasiveness, suitably to the dignity of his subject, the requirements of the occasion, and the taste of his audience.
Evenerant prodigia, quae neque hostiis neque votis piare fas habet gens superstitioni obnoxia, religionibus adversa.latin-ancient latin-ancient
24] From the very beginning, both are persons, unlike the other living beings in the world about them.
'an discidium' inquit ' tuum nosti? nam matrimonium Silii vidit populus et senatus et miles; ac ni propere agis, tenet urbem maritus.'vatican.va vatican.va
He wore a cuirass of iron, and was to be seen in front of the standards, on foot, rough and negligent in dress, and utterly unlike what common report had pictured him.
Ac peculiari modo patres matresque familias, hac etiam in re, suae suboli exemplo sint; cum praesertim, inclinato iam die, intra domesticos parietes, e laboribus, e negotiis redeunt omnes, tum coram sacratissima caelestis Matris imagine una voce, una fide, unoque animo sacrum Rosarium filiorum circulus, parentibus praeeuntibus, recitent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
42 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.