used in fighting oor Latyn

used in fighting

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Charlton T. Lewis

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She lacks the characteristic sticks used in Eskrima, instead fighting completely unarmed.
Quo postquam pervenerunt, ea quoque ab Iulianis teneri vident. Desperata salute in quodam colle consistunt atque armis demissis salutationem more militari faciunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The legions had their respective duties assigned to them, and there was a cessation from fighting, till all the inventions, used in ancient warfare, or devised by modern ingenuity for the reduction of cities, were constructed.
tum demum aperuit Tiberius compertum sibi etiam ex P. Quirinii servis veneno eum a Lepida petitum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
John Chrysostom, when describing the duties of priests: "We must use every endeavour that the 'Word of God may dwell in us abundantly'(47) and not merely for one kind of fight must we be prepared-for the contest is many-sided and the enemy is of every sort; and they do not all use the same weapons nor make their onset in the same way.
Ne tamen adhuc publico theatro dehonestaretur, instituit ludos Iuvenalium vocabulo, in quos passim nomina
Thus we, elate, but not with Heaven our friend, / march on and mingle with the Greeks in fight, / and many a Danaan to the shades we send. / And many a battle in the blinding night / we join with those that meet us.
si conatibus eius conscii adgregarentur, secuturos etiam integros; magnamque motae rei famam, quae plurimum in novis consiliis valeret.tatoeba tatoeba
Thus we, elate, but not with Heaven our friend, / march on and mingle with the Greeks in fight, / and many a Danaan to the shades we send. / And many a battle in the blinding night / we join with those that meet us.
preces erant, sed quibus contra dici non posset; igitur in praetorium accepti.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
But neither will the Virgin ever cease to succor us in our trials, however grave they be, and to carry on the fight fought by her since her conception, so that every day we may repeat: "To-day the head of the serpent of old was crushed by her" (Office Immac.
grata erat memoria Capitonis, et apud saevientis occidere palam, ignoscere non nisi fallendo licebat: ita in custodia habitus et post victoriam demum, stratis iam militum odiis, dimissus
Here warlike Epytus, renowned in fight, / and valiant Rhipeus gather to our side, / and Hypanis and Dymas, matched in might, join with us, by the glimmering moon descried. / Here Mygdon's son, Coroebus, we espied, / who came to Troy, Cassandra's love to gain, / and now his troop with Priam's hosts allied; / poor youth and heedless! whom in frenzied strain / his promised bride had warned, but warned, alas! in vain.
Eo cum venisset, maiores iam undique in eum locum copiae Britannorum convenerant summa imperi bellique administrandi communi consilio permissa Cassivellauno, cuius fines a maritimis civitatibus fiumen dividit, quod appellatur Tamesis, a mari circiter milia passuum LXXX.tatoeba tatoeba
Here warlike Epytus, renowned in fight, / and valiant Rhipeus gather to our side, / and Hypanis and Dymas, matched in might, join with us, by the glimmering moon descried. / Here Mygdon's son, Coroebus, we espied, / who came to Troy, Cassandra's love to gain, / and now his troop with Priam's hosts allied; / poor youth and heedless! whom in frenzied strain / his promised bride had warned, but warned, alas! in vain.
auctores fuere Vibilius Hermundurorum rex et Vangio ac Sido sorore Vannii geniti.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Thereupon the Frisii moved up their youth to the forests and swamps, and their non-fighting population, over the lakes, to the river-bank, and established themselves in unoccupied lands, reserved for the use of our soldiers, under the leadership of Verritus and Malorix, the kings of the tribe, as far as Germans are under kings.
Producitur tamen res, aciesque ad solis occasum continentur; inde utrique in castra discedunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
59] They repeat the ambitious words, "Let us also get us a name" and in their rashness (which We unfortunately have to deplore in these days) "some priests fell in battle, while desiring to do manfully, they went out unadvisedly to fight."[ 60]
num paenitet Balbos ex Hispania nec rninus insignis viros e Gallia Narbonensi transivisse? manent posteri eorum nec amore in hanc patriam nobis
As they repeated this often, pressing upon our troops when we marched, and retiring when we endeavored to engage, always keeping at a certain distance, and with singular care avoiding a close fight, and considering it enough to wound us with their darts, Caesar plainly saw that their whole aim was to oblige him to encamp in that place, where no water was to be had; that his soldiers, who had tasted nothing from three in the morning till four in the afternoon, might perish with hunger, and the cattle with thirst.
Gabinius ut in Illyricum venit hiberno temporeanni ac difficili sive copiosiorem provinciam existimans sive multum fortunae victoris Caesaris tribuens sive virtute et scientia sua confisus, qua saepe in bellis periclitatus magnas res et secundas ductu ausuque suo gesserat, neque provinciae facultatibus sublevabatur, quae partim erat exinanita partim infidelis, neque navibus intercluso mari tempestatibus commeatus supportari poterat; magnisque difficultatibus coactus non ut volebat sed ut necesse erat bellum gerebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The boy used to accompany and attend him, and be present at all his speeches, alike in the law-court and the assembly, and thus he picked up the art of repartee, and became habituated to the strife of words, and indeed, I may almost say, learnt how to fight in battle.
nam egens, ignotus, inquies, dum occultis libellis saevitiae principis adrepit, mox clarissimo cuique periculum facessit, potentiam apud unum, odium apud omnis adeptus dedit exemplum, quod secuti ex pauperibus divites, ex contemptis metuendi perniciem aliis ac postremum sibi invenere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In cavalry actions they frequently leap from their horses and fight on foot; and train their horses to stand still in the very spot on which they leave them, to which they retreat with great activity when there is occasion; nor, according to their practice, is any thing regarded as more unseemly, or more unmanly, than to use housings.
sed antequam arma inciperent, misere legatos amicitiam obsequiumque memoraturos, et mansura haec si nullo novo onere temptarentur: sin ut victis servitium indiceretur, esse sibi ferrum et iuventutem et promptum libertati aut ad mortem animum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The manner of fighting of those soldiers was to run forward with great impetuosity and boldly take a post, and not to keep their ranks strictly, but to fight in small scattered parties: if hard pressed they thought it no disgrace to retire and give up the post, being accustomed to this manner of fighting among the Lusitanians and other barbarous nations; for it commonly happens that soldiers are strongly influenced by the customs of those countries in which they have spent much time. This method, however, alarmed our men, who were not used to such a description of warfare.
resipiscere paulatim civitates fasque et foedera respicere, principibus Remis, qui per Gallias edixere ut missis legatis in commune consultarent, libertas an pax placeret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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