useful oor Latyn


Having a practical or beneficial use.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ ūtilis ]
having a practical or beneficial use
Iron is more useful than it is beautiful.
Ferrum est magis utile quam pulchrum.
Charlton T. Lewis


adjective verb
Charlton T. Lewis



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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

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Soortgelyke frases

used in making calculations
cup|bowl with handle used mainly for ritual purposes
used for dealing with bulrushes
Other uses
use of a word in a sense opposite to its proper meaning
wear away by use
acquire ownership by use
be of use|avail
auxilio · auxilior
use up
absumere · absumo · abutor · apsumo · caedere · consumere · consumo · contero · defruor · devoro · mactare · mortificare · necare · occidere · prodigo · tero


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And now, venerable brethren, in order that we may be able to gather from these holy considerations abundant and salutary fruits, We desire to reflect on and briefly contemplate the manifold affections, human and divine, of our Savior Jesus Christ which His Heart made known to us during the course of His mortal life and which It still does and will continue to do for all eternity.
Tali dum pugnatur modo, lente atque paulatim proceditur, crebroque, ut sint auxilio suis, subsistunt; ut tum
Jesus Christ came into the world first of all in order to make each one of us aware of this.
Alii immani magnitudine simulacra habent, quorum contexta viminibus membra vivishominibus complent; quibus succensis circumventi flamma exanimantur
In this way, he points out to us the challenge of trying to read reality in a Trinitarian key.
quo magis mirum fuit quod preces Marci Hortali, nobilis iuvenis, in paupertate manifesta superbius
Wherefore, while each one remains at the post where God has placed him, and guards the flock that God has entrusted to him, let us endeavour to the utmost that the holy missions may be furnished with those supports of which We have spoken as having been in use since the beginnings of the Church, namely, the preaching of the Gospel and the prayers and alms of pious men.
Pugnatur aliquamdiu pari contentione; deinde, ut ratio postulabat proeli, qui sustinuerant primos impetus insidiarum hoc ipso fiunt superiores, quod nullum ab insidiantibus imprudentes acceperant
Ivan Pavlov—known best for inducing dogs to salivate in the presence of a stimulus previously linked with food—became a leading figure in the Soviet Union and inspired followers to use his methods on humans.
ad Eunonen convertit, propriis odiis [non] infensum et recens coniuncta nobiscum amicitia validum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And they shall hear thy voice; and thou shalt go in, thou and the ancients of Israel, to the king of Egypt, and thou shalt say to him: The Lord God of the Hebrews hath called us; we will go three days' journey into the wilderness, to sacrifice unto the Lord our God.
Illi necessario maturius, quam constituerant, castra ponunt. Suberant enim montes, atque a milibus passuum V itinera difficilia atque angusta excipiebant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Hildegard’s language, characterized by an original and effective style, makes ample use of poetic expressions and is rich in symbols, dazzling intuitions, incisive comparisons and evocative metaphors.
Vbi intellexit ultro ad se veniri, altera ex parte Senones Carnutesque conscientia facinoris instigari, altera Nervios Aduatucosque bellum Romanis parare, neque sibi voluntariorum copias defore, si ex finibus suis progredi coepisset, armatum concilium indicit. Hoc more Gallorum est initium belli, quo lege communi omnes puberes armati convenire consuerunt; qui ex eis novissimus convenit, in conspectu multitudinis omnibus cruciatibus affectus
The two armies being united, Caesar marched to Gomphi, which is the first town of Thessaly on the road from Epirus. Now, the Thessalians, a few months before, had of themselves sent embassadors to Caesar, offering him the free use of every thing in their power, and requesting a garrison for their protection.
Ipsum cathedralis templi altare maius iis est dicatum ab initio saeculi XIV.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Like the three Apostles in the episode of the Transfiguration, consecrated persons know from experience that their lives are not always marked by the fervour which makes us exclaim: "It is well that we are here" (Mt 17:4).
tum, ut adsolet in amore et ira, iurgia preces, exprobratio satisfactio, et pars tenebrarum libidini seposita; ea quasi incensus nihil metuentem ferro transverberat et adcurrentem ancillam vulnere absterret cubiculoque
When night came on, Pompey sent a messenger unknown to us, to exhort the garrison to set fire to our towers and mound, and make a sally at midnight.
Appuleius consules primi in verba Tiberii Caesaris iuravere, apudque eos Seius Strabo et C. Turranius, ille praetoriarum cohortium praefectus, hic annonae; mox senatus milesque et populus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Therefore we cannot disregard the welfare of those who will come after us to increase the human family.
simul consilio terrorem adicere, et megistanas Armenios, qui primi a nobis defecerant, pellit sedibus, castella eorum exscindit, plana edita, validos invalidosque pari metu
This pseudo-ideal is even boastfully advanced as if it were responsible for a certain economic progress. As a matter of fact, when such progress is at all real, its true causes are quite different, as for instance the intensification of industrialism in countries which were formerly almost without it, the exploitation of immense natural resources, and the use of the most brutal methods to insure the achievement of gigantic projects with a minimum of expense.
censentur Ostorio triumphi insignia, prosperis ad id rebus eius, mox ambiguis, sive amoto Carataco, quasi debellatum foret, minus intenta apud nos militia fuit, sive hostes miseratione tanti regis acrius ad ultionem
Those of us who became fans early on love to convert the unitiated, and this song is bound to bring many more into the flock.
Sosia in exilium pellitur Asinii Galli sententia, qui partem bonorum publicandam, pars ut liberis relinqueretur censuerat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Francis helps us to see that an integral ecology calls for openness to categories which transcend the language of mathematics and biology, and take us to the heart of what it is to be human.
illos primus statim aspectus obstupefecerat, cum ex diverso velut aciem telis et armis trucem, semet clausos nudosque et inluvie deformis aspicerent: ut vero huc illuc distrahi coepere, metus per omnis et praecipua Germanici militis formido, tamquam ea separatione ad caedem
25) May God grant that no one of Us ever lets that terrible sentence that the parish priest of Ars once used in rebuking his flock fall on him: "There are many people keeping their money hidden away while many others are dying of hunger."(
Magnum hoc fuit vectigal, maius tamen creabat
31] Therefore, they are in error who assert that ownership and its right use are limited by the same boundaries; and it is much farther still from the truth to hold that a right to property is destroyed or lost by reason of abuse or non-use.
Quod ubi coeptum est fieri et equis concitatis Iuliani impetum fecissent, Pacideius suos equites exporrigere coepit in longitudinem, ut haberent facultatem turmas Iulianas circumeundi, et nihilo minus fortissime acerrimeque
The prayer of Jesus in the Upper Room — "as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be one in us" (Jn 17:21) — is both revelation and invocation.
Aedilatu accepto munus populo magnum
But with the friendly announcement of the splendid commemoration of your anniversary and with the fervent exhortation to prayer, we turn to all the Churches and Christian communities with whom we do not yet enjoy full communion—but all of us whom Christ alone unites.
Simul animadvertit multa undique portari atque agi plenissimis viis, quae repentini tumultus timore ex agris in urbem
He does not like us.
nec providerant impetum hostium milites, nec, si providissent, satis virium ad arcendum erat: capta igitur ac direpta castra.tatoeba tatoeba
"A thousand troopers, Tiridates said, ""would be his escort; what force of every kind was to be with Corbulo, he did not prescribe, provided they came in peaceful fashion, without breastplates and helmets."" Any human being, to say nothing of an old and wary general, would have seen through the barbarian's cunning, which assigned a limited number on one side and offered a larger on the other, expressly with a treacherous intent; for, were they to be exposed to a cavalry trained in the use of arrows, with the person undefended, numbers would be unavailing."
et saepe, dum in tergum respectant, lateribus aut fronte circumveniebantur, vel si in proxima evaserant, illis quoque igni correptis, etiam quae longinqua crediderant in eodem casu reperiebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Today, the reality is that these resources are used to enable each of the two blocs to overtake the other and thus guarantee its own security.
Caesar una nocte in navibus consumpta iam caelo albente cum proficisci conaretur, subito navium pars de qua timebat, ex errore eodem
Apart from the ideological confrontation officially separating the various champions of Marxism-Leninism in their individual interpretations of the thought of its founders, and apart from the open opposition between the political systems which make use of its name today, some people lay down distinctions between Marxism's various levels of expression.
Mandubii, qui eos oppido receperant, cum liberis atque uxoribus exire
What Mark the evangelist tells us, in the text we have already quoted more than once, can be applied to the bishop, to every bishop: "He called to him those whom he desired; and they came to him.
tuae domui triumphale nomen, duo iuvenes, capax iam imperii alter et primis militiae annis apud Germanicos quoque exercitus
Tell, stranger, to Sparta that you saw us lying here since we followed the sacred laws of the fatherland.
Idque apud imperitos humanitas vocabatur, cum pars servitutis esset.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
56] This contemplation of creation allows us to discover in each thing a teaching which God wishes to hand on to us, since “for the believer, to contemplate creation is to hear a message, to listen to a paradoxical and silent voice”.[
Martinus Zamoyski praesidens Zamosciae
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