utterance oor Latyn


/ˈʌt.ə(ɹ).əns/ naamwoord
(now literary) The utmost extremity (of a fight etc.).

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something spoken


noun particleonsydig
something spoken


[ significātio ]
an act of uttering

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pronuntiatio · vox · adfatus · affatus · dictum · ecfatus · effatum · effatus · elogium · famen · lingua · loquela · loquella · orsum · proloquium · sermo

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utter a shrill|metallic sound
utter a preliminary prayer
utter fiercely
amorous utterance
utter the natural cry of the kite
utter in response
unison singing|utterance
uttering a voice


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They, whether they uttered the sentiments which they really entertained, or wished to gratify Varus (for what we wish we readily give credit to, and what we think ourselves, we hope is the opinion of other men), assured him, that the minds of the whole army were disaffected to Curio, that it was very expedient that the armies should be brought in view of each other, and an opportunity of a conference be given.
Illi impediendae reliquae munitionis causa hora circiter VIIII signo dato legiones educunt aciemque sub castris instruunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For the first words uttered by Jesus at the beginning of his ministry, according to the Gospel of Mark, are these: "Repent, and believe in the Gospel.
Fabius, ut erat imperatum, adhibita celeritate praesidium ex saltu deiecit magnisque itineribus ad exercitum Afrani contendit.vatican.va vatican.va
A savage resolution against Caecina was moved by Lucius Vitellius; the rest affected indignation at the idea that a consul had betrayed the State, a general his Emperor, a man loaded with wealth so vast and honours so numerous his benefactor, and seemed to deplore the wrongs of Vitellius, while they uttered their private griefs.
fuerunt qui accensum desiderio Berenices reginae vertisse iter crederent; neque abhorrebat a Berenice iuvenilis animus, sed gerendis rebus nullum ex eo impedimentum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Given the utter necessity of certain economic conditions and of political stability, the decision to invest, that is, to offer people an opportunity to make good use of their own labour, is also determined by an attitude of human sympathy and trust in Providence, which reveal the human quality of the person making such decisions.
Nec multo post Drusus in Illyricum missus est ut suesceret militiae studiaque exercitus pararet; simul iuvenem urbano luxu lascivientem melius in castris haberi Tiberius seque tutiorem rebatur utroque filio legiones obtinente.vatican.va vatican.va
The words of the priestly prayer of Jesus "Holy Father keep them . . . that they maybe one" (Jn 17:11) were such that from then on they could never escape from the memory of the disciples and followers of him who had uttered them the night before he died on the Cross.
Nunc de Suevis dicendum est, quorum non una, ut Chattorum Tencterorumve, gens: majorem enim Germaniae partem obtinent, propriis adhuc nationibus nominibusque discreti, quanquam in commune Suevi vocentur.vatican.va vatican.va
And sometimes it happens that they meet in an abandoned shrine, and place on the altar a stole which they still keep, and recite all the prayers of the Eucharistic liturgy; and then, at the moment that corresponds to the transubstantiation a deep silence comes down upon them, a silence sometimes broken by a sob... so ardently do they desire to hear the words that only the lips of a Priest can efficaciously utter.
corruptos saepe pravitatibus uxorum maritos: num ergo omnis caelibes integros? placuisse quondam Oppias leges, sic temporibus rei publicae postulantibus: remissum aliquid postea et mitigatum, quia expedierit.vatican.va vatican.va
7. The most deeply impressive of these prophetic utterances is surely that warning of Joel which is constantly ringing in our ears in the course of the Lenten liturgy: "Now therefore, says the Lord, Be converted to me with all your heart, in fasting and in weeping and in mourning.
Pauci ordinis senatorii, qui se cum eis coniunxerant, nocte fuga salutem petiverunt.vatican.va vatican.va
To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues" (1 Cor 12:7-10; cf.
ad ea Civilis primo callide: post ubi videt Montanum praeferocem ingenio paratumque in res novas, orsus a questu periculisque quae per quinque et viginti annos in castris Romanis exhausisset, 'egregium' inquit 'pretium laborum recepi, necem fratris et vincula mea et saevissimas huius exercitus voces, quibus ad supplicium petitus iure gentium poenas reposco.vatican.va vatican.va
In his prayers the monk utters an epiklesis of the Spirit on the world and is certain that he will be heard, for this is a sharing in Christ's own prayer.
Ceterum felix illud et, ut more nostro loquar, aureum saeculum, et oratorum et criminum inops, poetis et vatibus abundabat, qui bene facta canerent, non qui male admissa defenderent.vatican.va vatican.va
It is not enough to recall principles, state intentions, point to crying injustice and utter prophetic denunciations; these words will lack real weight unless they are accompanied for each individual by a livelier awareness of personal responsibility and by effective action.
Haec a custodiis classium loca maxime vacabant, quod se longius a portibus committere non audebant.vatican.va vatican.va
"As soon as Sallustius Crispus who shared the secret (he had, in fact, sent the written order to the tribune) knew this, fearing that the charge would be shifted on himself, and that his peril would be the same whether he uttered fiction or truth, he advised Livia not to divulge the secrets of her house or the counsels of friends, or any services performed by the soldiers, nor to let Tiberius weaken the strength of imperial power by referring everything to the Senate, for ""the condition,"" he said, ""of holding empire is that an account cannot be balanced unless it be rendered to one person."""
Iamque in ipsis castris pugnabatur, cum Agricola iter hostium ab exploratoribus edoctus et vestigiis insecutus, velocissimos equitum peditumque adsultare tergis pugnantium iubet, mox ab universis adici clamorem; et propinqua luce fulsere signa.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Otherwise industry will languish and idleness be encouraged, if a man has nothing to fear, nothing to hope from himself, and every one, in utter recklessness, will expect relief from others, thus becoming useless to himself and a burden to me."" These and like remarks, though listened to with assent by those who make it a practice to eulogise everything coming from sovereigns, both good and bad, were received by the majority in silence or with suppressed murmurs."
Postquam omnes Belgarum copias in unum locum coactas ad se venire vidit neque iam longe abesse ab iis quos miserat exploratoribus et ab Remis cognovit, flumen Axonam, quod est in extremis Remorum finibus, exercitum traducere maturavit atque ibi castra posuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Hesitating for a while between shame and rage, he at last wrote to them in reply ""that Antistius, without having been provoked by any wrong, had uttered outrageous insults against the sovereign; that a demand for punishment had been submitted to the Senate, and that it was right that a penalty should be decreed proportioned to the offence; that for himself, inasmuch as he would have opposed severity in the sentence, he would not be an obstacle to leniency."
morem accommodari prout conducat, et fore hoc quoque in iis quaemox usurpentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Mary uttered her fiat.
Tunc medio diei tertium ante Idus Octobris, fortibus palatii repente diductis, comitante Burro Nero egreditur ad cohortem, quae more militiae excubiis adest.vatican.va vatican.va
Such, Senators, are the anxieties which the prince has to sustain, and the neglect of them will be utter ruin to the State.
consultatum inde, pro rostris an in senatu an in castris adoptio nuncuparetur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
As to Caesar's threatening him, that he would not overlook the wrongs of the Aedui, [he said] that no one had ever entered into a contest with him [Ariovistus] without utter ruin to himself.
At Caesar, etsi nondum eorum consilia cognoverat, tamen et ex eventu navium suarum et ex eo quod obsides dare intermiserant fore id quod accidit suspicabatur. Itaque ad omnes casus subsidia comparabat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Brusque soldiers who won't utter a word of Arabic, even if they know how.
Cicero senatus consultum ultimum necessitatem cavendi consulum putavit ne quid detrimenti res publica caperet.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Germanicus, too, that he might be the better known, took his helmet off his head and begged his men to follow up the slaughter, as they wanted not prisoners, and the utter destruction of the nation would be the only conclusion of the war.
ut virorum cantu, feminarum ululatu sonuit acies, nequaquam par a legionibus cohortibusque redditur clamor.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"There was an end and utter subversion of all law when, in the forum and on the threshold of the Senate House, Annia Rufilla, whom he had convicted of fraud before a judge, assailed him with insults and threats, while he did not himself dare to try legal proceedings, because he was confronted by her with the emperor's image."" There rose other clamorous voices, with even more flagrant complaints, and all implored Drusus to inflict exemplary vengeance, till he ordered Rufilla to be summoned, and on her conviction to be confined in the common prison."
et exciti prospero clamore, qui modo per agros fuga palabantur, victoriae se miscebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
During thirteen years in jail, in a situation of seemingly utter hopelessness, the fact that he could listen and speak to God became for him an increasing power of hope, which enabled him, after his release, to become for people all over the world a witness to hope—to that great hope which does not wane even in the nights of solitude.
laxati ordines abrumpuntur, nec restitui quivere impedientibus vehiculis tormentisque.vatican.va vatican.va
"Into thy hands I commend my spirit": we salute the eleventh centenary of Saint Methodius' death with the very words which as his Life in Old Slavonic46 recounts he uttered before he died, when he was about to join his fathers in faith, hope and charity: the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Doctors and Martyrs.
Sed adsuescere ad homines et mansuefieri ne parvuli quidem excepti possunt.vatican.va vatican.va
In the Church, according to Catholic belief, an authentic teaching office plays a special role in the explanation and proclamation of the written word of God".116 Even so, "in 1 dialogue itself, the sacred utterances are precious instruments in the mighty hand of God for attaining that unity which the Saviour holds out to all".117
Caesar his de causis quas commemoravi Rhenum transire decrevat; sed navibus transire neque satis tutum esse arbitrabatur neque suae neque populi Romani dignitatis esse statuebat.vatican.va vatican.va
"They are now enemies, because their yoke is easy; when they have been plundered and stripped, they will be friends."" After uttering this defiance, finding that Classicus and Tutor persisted in their treachery, he changed his line of march, and retired to Novesium."
Conclamant Aedui et Litaviccum obsecrant ut sibi consulat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
They agreed, and in utter ignorance began to advance at random.
Calenus legionibus equitibusque Brundisii in naves impositis, ut erat praeceptum a Caesare, quantum navium facultatem habebat, naves solvit paulumque a portu progressus litteras a Caesare accipit, quibus est certior factus portus litoraque omnia classibus adversariorum teneri.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Then again / a third tall shaft I grasp, with sinewy strain / and firm knees pressed against the sandy ground; / when O! shall tongue make utterance or refrain? / forth from below a dismal, groaning sound / heaves, and a piteous voice is wafted from the mound:
Consultant quos memoravi quonam modo ea plurium auditu acciperentur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
103 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.