utterly oor Latyn


/ˈʌt.ə(ɹ).li/ bywoord
completely, entirely, to the fullest extent

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Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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dis-- · fundius · naviter · nimio · omnino · oppido · penitus · plane · prorsum · prosus · stirpitus · summopere · ultimate · ultimatim · ultime · ultimum · undique · unice

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lose permanently|utterly
despise utterly|greatly|completely
burn down|up|destroy by fire|utterly
deflaglo · deflagro
be burnt down|consumed|utterly destroyed
destroy utterly
be amazed|utterly astonished at
defeat utterly
lay utterly waste
lay waste utterly


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When We glance around from the walls of the Vatican We find that like Gregory, and perhaps with even more reason than he, We have grounds for fear, with so many storms gathering on every side, with so many hostile forces massed and advancing against Us, and at the same time so utterly deprived are We of all human aid to ward off the former and to help us to meet the shock of the latter.
Qui si ex hoc Vaticanorum vertice moenium circumspicimus, eodem quo Gregorius, ac maiore fortasse metu vacare non possumus; tot undique coactae tempestates incumbunt, tot premunt hostium instructae phalanges; adeoque sumus humano quovis praesidio destituti, ut nec illas propulsandi nec horum impetum sustinendi ratio suppetat.vatican.va vatican.va
The force of terror had utterly extinguished the sense of human fellowship, and, with the growth of cruelty, pity was thrust aside.
interciderat sortis humanae commercium vi metus, quantumque saevitia glisceret, miseratio arcebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
26. And so too are all they seriously mistaken who, occupying themselves with the welfare of the people, and especially upholding the cause of the lower classes, seek to promote above all else the material well-being of the body and of life, but are utterly silent about their spiritual welfare and the very serious duties which their profession as Christians enjoins upon them.
Illi etiam valde falluntur qui in collocandis publice beneficiis, praesertim popularium causam agentes, quae ad corporis victum cultumque pertinent ea maxime curant, animorum salutem et christianae professionis officia gravissima silentio praetereunt.vatican.va vatican.va
At last, utterly terrified by their threats of instant death, the legate himself charged Hordeonius with treachery.
protractum e tentorio, scissa veste, verberato corpore, quo pretio, quibus consciis prodidisset exercitum, dicere iubent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Such an attitude is shameful and utterly reprehensible, since it presumes to measure the value of a human life only within the parameters of "normality" and physical well-being, thus opening the way to legitimizing infanticide and euthanasia as well.
Turpis autem est talis mens maximeque improbanda, quoniam vitae cuiusdam utilitatem metiri dumtaxat ex “normalitatis” regulis audet atque corporis valetudine, dum viam simul in lege reserat ad infanticidii et euthanasiae approbationem.vatican.va vatican.va
79. We herewith offer a public testimonial of Our gratitude and confidence to you, heralds of the Gospel, priests chosen from every country, religious men and women, seminarians, catechists, laymen battling beneath the banner of the Gospel, and finally to all of you who are sowing the religion of Jesus Christ, scattered as you are throughout the world and utterly unknown.
Vobis etiam, Evangelii praecones, sacerdotes ex singulis regionibus delecti, religiosi et religiosae sodales, sacrorum alumni, catechistae, laici militantes sub Evangelii signis, vobis denique omnibus, Iesu Christi religionis satores, qui per terrarum orbem dissiti et ignoti estis, Nostri grati et fidentis animi testimonium proferimus.vatican.va vatican.va
Nero next denounced Silanus himself in the same terms as he had his uncle Torquatus, implying that he was already arranging the details of imperial business, and setting freedmen to manage his accounts, papers, and correspondence, imputations utterly groundless and false.
Ipsum dehinc Silanum increpuit isdem quibus patruum eius Torquatum, tamquam disponeret iam imperii curas praeficeretque rationibus et libellis et epistulis libertos, inania simul et falsa: nam Silanus intentior metu et exitio patrui ad praecavendum exterritus erat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In the constitution and administration of States the authority of sacred and divine law is utterly disregarded, with a view to the exclusion of religion from having any constant part in public life.
In constitutione atque administratione civitatum pro nihilo habetur sacri divinique iuris auctoritas, eo proposito ut communis vitae consuetudinem nulla vis religionis attingat.vatican.va vatican.va
The Pontiff was first, for specious reasons, thrust out from the bulwark of his liberty and of his right, the civil princedom; soon, he was unjustly driven into a condition which was unbearable because of the difficulties raised on all sides; and now the time has come when the partisans of the sects openly declare, what in secret among themselves they have for a long time plotted, that the sacred power of the Pontiffs must be abolished, and that the papacy itself, founded by divine right, must be utterly destroyed.
Is quidem primum fictis de caussis deturbatus est propugnaculo libertatis iurisque sui, principatu civili: mox in statum compulsus iniquum simul et obiectis undique difficultatibus intolerabilem: donec ad haec tempora perventum est, quibus sectarum fautores, quod abscondite secum agitarant diu, aperte denunciant, sacram tollendam Pontificum potestatem, ipsumque divino iure institutum funditus delendum Pontificatum.vatican.va vatican.va
Though our fortune and courage have for the moment failed us, have we so utterly forgotten the old memories of those many times when the legions of Rome resolved to perish but not to be driven from their post? Often have our allies endured to see their cities destroyed, and with their wives and children to die in the flames, with only this reward in their death, the glory of untarnished loyalty.
adeo nos, si fortuna in praesens virtusque deseruit, etiam vetera exempla deficiunt, quotiens Romanae legiones perire praeoptaverint ne loco pellerentur? socii saepe nostri excindi urbis suas seque cum coniugibus ac liberis cremari pertulerunt, neque aliud pretium exitus quam fides famaque.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Still it must be confessed that the number of the enemies of the cross of Christ has in these last days increased exceedingly, who are striving, by arts, entirely new and full of subtlety, to destroy the vital energy of the Church, and, if they can, to overthrow utterly Christ's kingdom itself.
Verumtamen inimicorum crucis Christi, postrema hac aetate, numerum crevisse admodum fatendum est; qui, artibus omnino novis astuque plenis, vitalem Ecclesiae vim elidere, ipsumque, si queant, Christi regnum evertere funditus nituntur.vatican.va vatican.va
This Pelignus collected some provincial auxiliaries, apparently with the design of recovering Armenia, but, while he plundered allies instead of enemies, finding himself, through the desertion of his men and the raids of the barbarians, utterly defenceless, he went to Rhadamistus, whose gifts so completely overcame him that he positively encouraged him to assume the ensigns of royalty, and himself assisted at the ceremony, authorizing and abetting.
is Paelignus auxiliis provincialium contractis tamquam reciperaturus Armeniam, dum socios magis quam hostis praedatur, abscessu suorum et incursantibus barbaris praesidii egens ad Radamistum venit; donisque eius evictus ultro regium insigne sumere cohortatur sumentique adest auctor et satelles.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In fact, it is not a request, but an importunity, as utterly unreasonable as it is unforeseen, for a senator, when the house has met on other matters, to rise from his place and, pleading the number and age of his children, put a pressure on the delicacy of the Senate, then transfer the same constraint to myself, and, as it were, break open the exchequer, which, if we exhaust it by improper favouritism, will have to be replenished by crimes.
non enim preces sunt istud, sed efflagitatio, intempestiva quidem et inprovisa, cum aliis de rebus convenerint patres, consurgere et numero atque aetate liberum suorum urgere modestiam senatus, eandem vim in me transmittere ac velut perfringere aerarium, quod si ambitione exhauserimus, per scelera supplendum erit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Sosianus and Sagitta were utterly insignificant, even if they did return; but men dreaded the abilities of the informers, their wealth, and the power which they exercised in many sinister ways.
nec ideo lenita erga Mucianum invidia: quippe Sosianus ac Sagitta viles, etiam si reverterentur: accusatorum ingenia et opes et exercita malis artibus potentia timebantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Good and evil, again, are not what vulgar opinion accounts them; many who seem to be struggling with adversity are happy; many, amid great affluence, are utterly miserable, if only the first bear their hard lot with patience, and the latter make a foolish use of their prosperity.
neque mala vel bona quae vulgus putet: multos qui conflictari adversis videantur beatos, at plerosque quamquam magnas per opes miserrimos, si illi gravem fortunam constanter tolerent, hi prospera inconsulte utantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For they not only entered our lines before the Roman army began to retire, but also stood about the camp streets, recognizing and dragging off slaves or beasts of burden which we had previously captured. They even seized clothes and detained weapons, for the soldiers were utterly cowed and gave up everything, so that no cause for fighting might arise.
namque et munimenta ingressi sunt, antequam agmen Romanum excederet, et circumstetere vias, captiva olim mancipia aut iumenta adgnoscentes abstrahentesque; raptae etiam vestes, retenta arma, pavido milite et concedente, ne qua proelii causa existeret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In no age has the spirit of contumacy and an attitude of defiance towards God been more prevalent than in our own; an age in which that unholy cry of the enemies of Christ: "We will not have this man to rule over us" (Luke xix., 14), makes itself more and more loudly heard, together with the utterance of that wicked purpose: "let us make away with Him" (Jer. xi., II); nor is there any motive by which many are hurried on with more passionate fury, than the desire utterly to banish God not only from the civil government, but from every form of human society.
Contumaces in Deum spiritus haec, si unquam alia, prae se fert aetas: in qua rursus invalescit adversus Christum ea vox nefaria: Nolumus hunc regnare super nos (Luc. XIX, 14), nefariumque propositum, Eradamus eum (Ier.vatican.va vatican.va
Whence it is that they who would break away from Christiandiscipline are working to corrupt family life, and to destroy it utterly, rootand branch.
Idcirco qui has divellere ab institutis christianis volunt, consilia a stirpe exorsi, corrumpere societatem domesticam maturant.vatican.va vatican.va
The facilities for selling were followed by a fall of prices, and the deeper a man was in debt, the more reluctantly did he part with his property, and many were utterly ruined.
ita primo concursatio et preces, dein strepere praetoris tribunal, eaque quae remedio quaesita, venditio et emptio, in contrarium mutari quia faeneratores omnem pecuniam mercandis agris condiderant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He pleased the most infamous characters, but utterly disgusted all the respectable citizens, by building altars in the Campus Martius, and performing funeral rites to Nero.
laetum foedissimo cuique apud bonos invidiae fuit quod extructis in campo Martio aris inferias Neroni fecisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This inheritance has struck deep roots in the awareness of the Church in an utterly new way, quite unknown previously, thanks to the Second Vatican Council, which John XXIII convened and opened and which was later successfully concluded and perseveringly put into effect by Paul VI, whose activity I was myself able to watch from close at hand.
Quae quidem hereditas in conscientia Ecclesiae penitus insidet ac quidem modo novissimo, alias numquam cognito, propter Concilium Vaticanum II, indictum et apertum a Ioanne XXIII atque postea feliciter clausum et perseveranter ad effectum adductum a Paulo VI, cuius operam et industriam Nosmet ipsi prope animadvertimus.vatican.va vatican.va
They then for the first time separated themselves from the legions, and formed a camp of their own, with a separate line of entrenchment, while Vocula protested that the power of Rome was not so utterly shaken by civil war as to have become contemptible even to Treveri and Lingones.
tumque primum discreti a legionibus proprio vallo castra sua circumdant, obtestante Vocula non adeo turbatam civilibus armis rem Romanam ut Treviris etiam Lingonibusque despectui sit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But what contributed to render this misfortune the greater was, that Caesar had not, like other generals, put his troops into winter quarters, but was every three or four days changing his camp, to gain ground on the enemy; which keeping the soldiers continually employed they were utterly unprovided with any conveniences to protect them from the inclemency of the weather.
Ad hoc autem incommodum accesserat quod Caesar non more superiorum temporum in hibernis exercitum continebat, sed in tertio quartoque die procedendo propiusque hostem accedendo castra communibat, opereque faciendo milites se circumspiciendi non habebant facultatem.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But in our day we entrust the infant to a little Greek servant-girl who is attended by one or two, commonly the worst of all the slaves, creatures utterly unfit for any important work.
At nunc natus infans delegatur Graeculae alicui ancillae, cui adiungitur unus aut alter ex omnibus servis, plerumque vilissimus nec cuiquam serio ministerio adcommodatus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Maroboduus, now utterly deserted, had no resource but in the mercy of Caesar.
Maroboduo undique deserto non alind subsidium quam misericordia Caesaris fuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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