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Piotr Szelma

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In order to assist validly and licitly at a marriage during the voyage, the chaplain of the Work of the Maritime Apostolate must be delegated by the Ordinary or by the parish priest of the place where one or other of the contracting parties has a domicile or quasi-domicile or has been staying for a least one month, or, if they are transients, by the parish priest of the port parish where they boarded the ship.
Ut vero valide liciteque itineris tempore adsistere possit matrimonio, Apostolatus Maritimi Operae cappellanus delegationem accipere debebit ab Ordinario vel a parocho paroeciae in qua alterutra contrahens pars domicilium aut quasi domicilium habet vel commorationem unum saltem mensem extentam, vel, si de vagis et errantibus agitur, paroeciae ipsius portus ubi navem
In botanical nomenclature, a validly published name is a name that meets the requirements in the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants for valid publication.
Nomen eiusdem rei in taxinomia botanica usitate est divisio, sed International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants haec nomina idem valere decernit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Once more there appears in all its urgency the need for evangelization and catechesis before and after marriage, effected by the whole Christian-community, so that every man and woman that gets married celebrates the sacrament of Matrimony not only validly but also fruitfully.
Etiam instantius hic videtur urgeri necessitas evangelizationis et catechesis ante et post matrimonium tradendarum, quas cuncta christiana communitas exsequatur oportet ea mente ut unusquisque vir et mulier, qui matrimonium contrahunt, sacramentum matrimonii non solum valide celebrent sed etiam
validly of sacramental absolution given to many at one time, it is required that they not only be suitably disposed but also at the same time intend to confess individually the serious sins which at present cannot be so confessed”.(
a) “Ut christifidelis sacramentali absolutione una simul pluribus data valide fruatur, requiritur non tantum ut sit apte dispositus, sed ut insimul sibi proponat singillatim debito tempore confiteri peccata gravia, quae in praesens ita confiteri nequit”
10. Arrangements must be made that all validly contracted marriages be diligently entered in the books prescribed by canon law.
10) Curandum est, ut omnia matrimonia valide contracta in libris, a iure canonico praescriptis, sedulo
Therefore, although not in communion with the Pope, they exercise their ministry validly in the administration of the sacraments, even if they do so illegitimately.
Quocirca ii, licet in communione non sint cum Summo Pontifice, valide tamen suum exercent in sacramentorum administratione ministerium, etsi illegitimo
According to the doctrine of the Catholic Church, they are to be considered illegitimate, but validly ordained, as long as it is certain that they have received ordination from validly ordained Bishops and that the Catholic rite of episcopal ordination has been respected.
Secundum catholicae Ecclesiae doctrinam illegitimi ii habentur, sed valide ordinati, dummodo certitudo adsit eos ordinationem ab Episcopis valide ordinatis accepisse atque catholicum ritum episcopalis ordinationis servatum
As in the rest of the world, in China too the Church is governed by Bishops who, through episcopal ordination conferred upon them by other validly ordained Bishops, have received, together with the sanctifying office, the offices of teaching and governing the people entrusted to them in their respective particular Churches, with a power that is conferred by God through the grace of the sacrament of Holy Orders.
Ut fieri solet in ceteris partibus orbis, etiam in Sinis Ecclesia regitur ab Episcopis qui, per episcopalem ordinationem iis ab aliis Episcopis valide ordinatis collatam, una cum munere sanctificandi susceperunt etiam munera docendi et regendi populum sibi concreditum in singulis Ecclesiis particularibus, cum potestate quae a Deo confertur per gratiam sacramenti
The genus Scopimera was originally described as a subgenus of Ocypode by Wilhem de Haan in 1833, although the first species, Scopimera globosa was not validly described until 1835.
Genus Scopimera primum descriptum est subgenus Ocypodis? a Gulielmo de Haan anno 1833, sed prima species, Scopimera globosa, firme descripta est anno 1835.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
c) It is clear that penitents living in a habitual state of serious sin and who do not intend to change their situation cannot validly receive absolution.
c) Perspicuum est valide recipere non posse absolutionem paenitentes qui in permanenti statu peccati gravis versantur quique suam condicionem mutare non
We must thank the Lord for this constant presence, not without suffering, of Bishops who have received episcopal ordination in conformity with Catholic tradition, that is to say, in communion with the Bishop of Rome, Successor of Peter, and at the hands of validly and legitimately ordained Bishops in observance of the rite of the Catholic Church.
Domino gratias reddere debemus pro hac constanti et afflicta praesentia Episcoporum, qui episcopalem ordinationem iuxta catholicam traditionem acceperunt, in communione videlicet cum Episcopo Romano, Successore Petri, et per manus Episcoporum valide ac legitime ordinatorum, observato ritu Ecclesiae
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