very dreadful oor Latyn

very dreadful

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis

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Their mode of fighting with their chariots is this: firstly, they drive about in all directions and throw their weapons and generally break the ranks of the enemy with the very dread of their horses and the noise of their wheels; and when they have worked themselves in between the troops of horse, leap from their chariots and engage on foot.
atque illum tribuni centurionesque circumsistunt, abiectis militiae insignibus otium et salutem flagitantes.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There is another evil raging in the very inmost heart of human society, a source of dread to all who really think, inasmuch as it has already brought, and will bring, many misfortunes upon nations, and may rightly be considered to be the root cause of the present awful war.
Yet, suppression was found to produce several other effects, i.e., decreased susceptibility to suggestion, increased confidence in suppressed material, and hyperaccessibility of suppressed
The enemy were so much in dread of their attack, that they betook themselves to flight; but in vain: for very few returned to the king, almost all being cut to pieces in the pursuit.
mox, quia inquisitionem annuam impetraverant, brevius visum [sub] urbana crimina incipi, quorum obvii testes erant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Agricola, by the repression of these abuses in his very first year of office, restored to peace its good name, when, from either the indifference or the harshness of his predecessors, it had come to be as much dreaded as war.
ea de caede quam verissime expediam, si pauca supra repetiero ab initio causisque talium facinorum non absurda.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Finally, urged by the intensity of his love and familiarity with dreadful deeds, he unsheathed his scymitar, and having stabbed her, dragged her to the bank of the Araxes and committed her to the stream, so that her very body might be swept away.
promittentibus dein tam praecipitem necem, quam si ferro urgeretur, cubiculum Caesaris iuxta decoquitur virus cognitis antea venenis rapidum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"The inhabitants of the Colony took time for deliberation, and, as dread of the future would not allow them to accept the offered terms, while their actual condition forbade an open and contemptuous rejection, they replied to the following effect: ""The very first chance of freedom that presented itself we seized with more eagerness than caution, that we might unite ourselves with you and the other Germans, our kinsmen by blood."
namque mirum dictu ut sit omnis Sarmatarum virtus velut extra ipsos.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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