vine oor Latyn


/vaɪn/ naamwoord
the climbing plant that produces grapes

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ vītis ]
climbing plant that produces grapes
We can bear this fruit only if we remain in him: in the vine (cf.
Quem fructum nonnisi in Ipso, in vite, manentes afferemus.


[ vīnea ]
climbing plant that produces grapes
The fig tree hath put forth her green figs: the vines in flower yield their sweet smell.
Ficus protulit grossos suos; vineae florentes dederunt odorem suum.


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the vine
tradux · vitis
Uruguay potato vine
Solanum commersonii
vine tendril
capreolus · capriolus
wooden stake for supporting vines
of|covered with vine shoots|foliage|tendrils
vine having such grapes
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Missionary cooperation is rooted and lived, above all, in personal union with Christ. Only if we are united to him as the branches to the vine (cf.
Inde quidem vivit ibique radices agit talis cooperatio potissimum quod quisque ipse singillatim cum Christo iungitur: fructus enim bonos adferre tum tantum valent si cum illo cohaerent tamquam cum vite palmites (
Most are tropical herbs, shrubs, or twining vines; some are epiphytes.
Plurimae sunt herbae, frutices, vel lianae circumplicantes tropicae; aliquae sunt epiphyta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As a diligent vinedresser, the Father takes care of his vine.
Sicut sollers agricola, Pater suam curat
But Christ—the "vine" from which the "branches" draw nourishment—is needed so that this cell will not be exposed to the threat of a kind of cultural uprooting which can come both from within and from without.
Familia “cellula” exstat praecipua societatis: at Christo opus est - tamquam “vite” ex qua sucum excipiunt “palmites” -, ut cellula ista intus forisque a quadam culturali evulsione
From the communion that Christians experience in Christ there immediately flows the communion which they experience with one another: all are branches of a single vine, namely, Christ.
Ex hac igitur christifidelium in Christo communione exoritur christianorum inter sese communio, cum omnes palmites sint unius Vitis, qui Christus
I am the vine, you are the branches.
Ego sum vitis, vos
Jesus himself once again takes up the symbol of the vine and uses it to illustrate various aspects of the Kingdom of God: "A man planted a vineyard, and set a hedge around it, and dug a pit for the winepress, and built a tower and let it out to tenants and went into another country" (Mk 12:1; cf.
Iesus, ut quosdam aspectus Regni Dei aperiat, vineae symbolum adhibet: “Vineam pastinavit homo et circumdedit saepem et fodit lacum et aedificavit turrim et locavit eam agricolis et peregre profectus est” (Marc. 12, 1;
You who were gathered in prayer with the Apostles in the Cenacle, awaiting the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost, implore his renewed outpouring on all the faithful, men and women alike, so that they might more fully respond to their vocation and mission, as branches engrafted to the true vine, called to bear much fruit for the life of the world.
Tu quae simul cum Apostolis orantibus in Cenaculo fuisti adventum Spiritus Pentecostes exspectans, eius renovatam invoca in omnes christifideles laicos, viros et mulieres, effusionem, ut eorum vocationi et missioni plene correspondeant, sicut palmites vitis verae, vocati ut fructum plus afferant pro mundi
This charge is not a simple moral exhortation, but an undeniable requirement arising from the mystery of the Church: she is the choice vine, whose branches live and grow with the same holy and life-giving energies that come from Christ; she is the Mystical Body, whose members share in the same life of holiness of the Head who is Christ; she is the Beloved Spouse of the Lord Jesus, who delivered himself up for her sanctification (cf.
Haec autem nota non est communis exhortatio moraliter facta, sed est instans necessitas e mysterio Ecclesiae promanans quae nullo modo supprimi potest; ipsa enim Ecclesia est Vinea electa, per quam palmites vivunt et crescunt eodem sancto et sanctificante Christi Domini suculento umore; ipsa est Corpus mysticum, cuius membra eandem sanctitatis vitam Capitis, quod Christus est, participant; ipsa est Sponsa a Domino Iesu praedilecta, quam ut sanctificaret se ipse tradidit (
The prophets in the Old Testament used the image of the vine to describe the chosen people.
Prophetae in Vetere Testamento, ut populum electum significent, vineae figura iam
Those who are united by a common commitment to the following of Christ and are inspired by the same Spirit cannot fail to manifest visibly, as branches of the one Vine, the fullness of the Gospel of love.
Personae enim quae communi Christi sequelae officio iunguntur atque ab eodem animantur Spiritu, facere non possunt quin, veluti unius vitis palmites, Evangelii amoris plenitudinem visibiliter
Again we turn to the words of Jesus: "I am the true vine and my Father is the vinedresser...
Christi rursus audiamus verba: “Ego sum vitis vera, et Pater meus agricola est . .
These simple words reveal the mystery of communion that serves as the unifying bond between the Lord and his disciples, between Christ and the baptized: a living and life-giving communion through which Christians no longer belong to themselves but are the Lord's very own, as the branches are one with the vine.
Simplicibus hisce verbis mysteriosa illa communio nobis innotescit qua tum Dominus et eius discipuli, tum Christus et baptizati umtate vinciuntur; communio scilicet viva et vivificans, cuius vi christiani non amplius ad se pertinent sed, viti veluti palmites inserti, Christi proprietas
Thus the Christian family's actual participation in the Church's life and mission is in direct proportion to the fidelity and intensity of the prayer with which it is united with the fruitful vine that is Christ the Lord.[ 157]
Proinde actuosa communicatio vitae munerisque Ecclesiae in mundo respondet fidelitati atque studio precationis, qua familia christiana fecundae coniungitur Viti, quae Christus est Dominus (157)
"I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser" (Jn 15:1).
«Ego sum vitis vera, et Pater meus agricola est» (Io 15, 1)
I am the vine, you are the branches.
Qui manet in me, et ego in eo, hic fert fructum multum, quia sine me nihil potestis facere” (
Jesus continues: "I am the vine, you are the branches" (Jn 15: 5).
Prosequitur Iesus: “Ego sum vitis, vos palmites” (Ibid. 15, 5)
Next year the vines will produce many grapes.
Proximo anno vites multas uvas ferent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Some have said that it was a vine-wreath, of which the leaves were white, which he saw, and that he interpreted it to signify the death of the emperor after the turn of autumn.
quidam pampineam coronam albentibus foliis visam atque ita interpretatum tradidere, vergente autumno mortem principis ostendi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Jesus has taught us this marvelous reality of Christian living, which is also the heart of spiritual life, with his allegory of the vine and the branches: "I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser....
Eamque miram christianae vitae conformationem, per quam totius spiritualis vitae cor attingitur, nos Iesus Christus edocuit ac per allegoriam vitis et palmitum mire illustravit: «Ego sum vitis vera, et Pater meus agricola
Again we take up the image from the gospel: the fruitfulness and the growth of the branches depends on their remaining united to the vine.
Imaginem biblicam iterum sumamus; palmites oriuntur et propagantur eo quod in vite inseruntur: “Sicut palmes non potest ferre fructum a semetipso, nisi manserit in vite, sic nec vos, nisi in me
Orators, it is true, have been raised to consulships by their contests and perils, but I prefer Virgil's serene, calm, and peaceful retirement, in which after all he was not without the favour of the di-vine Augustus, and fame among the people of Rome.
licet illos certamina et pericula sua ad consulatus evexerint, malo securum et quietum Virgilii secessum, in quo tamen neque apud divum Augustum gratia caruit neque apud populum Romanum notitia.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Some species are shrubs, trees (such as teak), or, rarely, vines.
Aliquae sunt frutices, arbores (exempli gratia, Tectona), et raro vineae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Elsewhere, are the rose, Bastard Corinths, the Elder and the Juniper. Also the vine, which puts out branches and tendrils, vine leaves and bunches of grapes, on the stalk of which are grapes, which contain grape stones.
Alibi, Rosa, Ribes, Sambucus, Juniperus. Item Vitis, quae emittit Palmites et hi Capreolos, Pampinos, ac Racemos, quorum Scapo pendent Uva, continentes Acinos.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The grapes of this vine are very good.
Uvae huius vitis optimae sunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
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