void of oor Latyn

void of

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ līber ]
adjective noun verb
Piotr Szelma

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

be void of
voiding of excrement
the will of a mistaken party is void
errantis voluntas nulla est
be void of understanding
texture of atoms to void


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When this had been done, there was not a person so void of pity as not to feel keen sorrow at the position of Britannicus.
torpebat Vitellius et fortunam principatus inerti luxu ac prodigis epulis praesumebat, medio diei temulentus et sagina gravis, cum tamen ardor et vis militum ultro ducis munia implebat, ut si adesset imperator et strenuis vel ignavis spem metumve adderet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He is therefore not an alternative to Christ, nor does he fill a sort of void which is sometimes suggested as existing between Christ and the Logos.
laxati ordines abrumpuntur, nec restitui quivere impedientibus vehiculis tormentisque.vatican.va vatican.va
His will was made void by his vast wealth; that of Piso owed its validity to his poverty.
interim Domitius Laodiciam urbem Syriae adpulsus, cum hiberna sextae legionis peteret, quod eam maxime novis consiliis idoneam rebatur, a Pacuvio legato praevenitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Firstly and chiefly by His grace; but this would remain "void" in man if the precepts of His law were neglected.
Sed Caesar quo famam averteret adesse frequens senatoi legatosque Asiae ambigentis quanam in civitate templum statueretur pluris per dies audivit.vatican.va vatican.va
I therefore declare null and void any act of power or jurisdiction pertaining to the Roman Pontiff during his lifetime or in the exercise of his office which the College of Cardinals might see fit to exercise, beyond the limits expressly permitted in this Constitution.
Quos ubi Afranius procul visos cum Petreio conspexit, nova re perterritus locis superioribus constitit aciemque instruit.vatican.va vatican.va
And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the waters.
spectatus et Sacrovir intecto capite pugnam pro Romanis ciens ostentandae, ut ferebat, virtutis: sed captivi ne incesseretur telis adgnoscendum se praebuisse arguebant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Lo, now to Priam, with exulting cries, / the Dardan shepherds drag a youth unknown, / with hands fast pinioned, and in captive guise. / Caught on the way, by cunning of his own, / this end to compass, and betray the town. / Prepared for either venture, void or fear, / the crafty purpose of his mind to crown, / or meet sure death."
Exstruitur agger in altitudinem pedum sexaginta, collocatur in eo turris decem tabulatorum, non quidem quae moenibus aequaret (id enim nullis operibus effici poterat), sed quae superare fontis fastigium posset.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Lo, now to Priam, with exulting cries, / the Dardan shepherds drag a youth unknown, / with hands fast pinioned, and in captive guise. / Caught on the way, by cunning of his own, / this end to compass, and betray the town. / Prepared for either venture, void or fear, / the crafty purpose of his mind to crown, / or meet sure death."
Caesar, etsi discessum hostium animadvertere non poterat incendiis oppositis, tamen id consilium cum fugae causa initum suspicaretur, legiones promovet, turmas mittit ad insequendum; ipse veritus insidias, ne forte in eodem loco subsistere hostis atque elicere nostros in locum conaretur iniquum, tardius procedit.tatoeba tatoeba
Drugs, as well as pornography and other forms of consumerism which exploit the frailty of the weak, tend to fill the resulting spiritual void.
Alterum vergit ad Hispaniam atque occidentem solem; qua ex parte est Hibernia, dimidio minor, ut aestimatur, quam Britannia, sed pari spatio transmissus atque ex Gallia est in Britanniam.vatican.va vatican.va
The great pain for his death and the void that it left in all of us were tempered by the action of the Risen Christ, which showed itself during long days in the choral wave of faith, love and spiritual solidarity, culminating in his solemn funeral.
Labienus primo vineas agere, cratibus atque aggere paludem explere atque iter munire conabatur.vatican.va vatican.va
Two years after the date of this constitution, indulgences which have not been confirmed will become null and void.
Cui coactus est Caesar ferre subsidium, ne turpem in conspectu hostium contumeliam acciperet, quamquam, si quid gravius illis accidisset, merito casurum iudicabat.vatican.va vatican.va
But the true cause of the new developments was the spiritual void brought about by atheism, which deprived the younger generations of a sense of direction and in many cases led them, in the irrepressible search for personal identity and for the meaning of life, to rediscover the religious roots of their national cultures, and to rediscover the person of Christ himself as the existentially adequate response to the desire in every human heart for goodness, truth and life.
At Pharnaces liberaliter omnia pollicitus, cum festinantem ac praecurrentem Caesarem speraret libentius etiam crediturum suis promissis quam res pateretur, quo celerius honestiusque ad res magis necessarias proficisceretur--nemini enim erat ignotum plurimis de causis ad urbem Caesarem revocar --, lentius agere, decedendi diem postulare longiorem, pactiones interponere, in summa frustrari coepit.vatican.va vatican.va
For this reason I declare null and void acts which would in any way temerariously presume to modify the regulations concerning the election or the college of electors.
tuae domui triumphale nomen, duo iuvenes, capax iam imperii alter et primis militiae annis apud Germanicos quoque exercitus clarus.vatican.va vatican.va
If this were in fact done, even under oath, I decree that such a commitment shall be null and void and that no one shall be bound to observe it; and I hereby impose the penalty of excommunication latae sententiae upon those who violate this prohibition.
universo cum exercitu secundis a Verona castris Bedriacum venit.vatican.va vatican.va
And whilst We strenuously complain that such a law should have been made, sanctioned, and published, We utter a solemn protest against those who have had a part in it as authors or helpers, and, at the same time, We proclaim and denounce as null and void, and to be so regarded, all that the law has enacted against the inviolable rights of the Church.
Vibullius sedato tumultu, quem repentinus adventus Caesaris concitaverat, ubi primum e re visum est, adhibito Libone et L. Lucceio et Theophane, quibuscum communicare de maximis rebus Pompeius consueverat, de mandatis Caesaris agere instituit.vatican.va vatican.va
15 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.