wagon oor Latyn


/wæɡ.ən/, /ˈwægən/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A four-wheeled cart for hauling loads.

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Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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a group of seven bright stars in the constellation Ursa Major

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn




Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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four wheeled wagon
of a wagon
small wagon
carriage|wagon|chariot builder|cartwright's workshop
of|pertaining to large open wagon
clabularis · clabularius · clavularis · clavularius
kind of covered wagon used by the Persians
wagon on which the images of the gods were carried to public spectacles
wagon for freight
seven stars of the Wagon


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Give orders also that they take wagons out of the land of Egypt, for the carriage of their children and their wives; and say: Take up your father, and make haste to come with all speed.
Præcipe etiam: tollite plaustra de terra Aegypti ad subvectionem parvulorum vestrorum ac coniugum et tollite patrem vestrum et properate quantocius venientes.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
There were in all two routes, by which they could go forth from their country one through the Sequani narrow and difficult, between Mount Jura and the river Rhone (by which scarcely one wagon at a time could be led; there was, moreover, a very high mountain overhanging, so that a very few might easily intercept them; the other, through our Province, much easier and freer from obstacles, because the Rhone flows between the boundaries of the Helvetii and those of the Allobroges, who had lately been subdued, and is in some places crossed by a ford.
Erant omnino itinera duo, quibus itineribus domo exire possent: unum per Sequanos, angustum et difficile, inter montem Iuram et flumen Rhodanum, vix qua singuli carri ducerentur, mons autem altissimus impendebat, ut facile perpauci prohibere possent; alterum per provinciam nostram, multo facilius atque expeditius, propterea quod inter fines Helvetiorum et Allobrogum, qui nuper pacati erant, Rhodanus fluit isque non nullis locis vado transitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When these were finished, he drew them down to the river in wagons in one night, a distance of twenty-two miles from his camp, and transported in them some soldiers across the river, and on a sudden took possession of a hill adjoining the bank.
Has perfectas carris iunctis devehit noctu milia passuum a castris XXII militesque his navibus flumen transportat continentemque ripae collem improviso occupat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This officer, thinking that he could carry out the order more at his leisure, when the camp was quiet, opened the armoury, and ordered the wagons of the cohort to be laden at night-fall.
is quo magis vacuus quietis castris iussa exequeretur, vehicula cohortis incipiente nocte onerari aperto armamentario iubet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When they could no longer withstand the attacks of our men, the one division, as they had begun to do, betook themselves to the mountain; the other repaired to their baggage and wagons.
Diutius cum sustinere nostrorum impetus non possent, alteri se, ut coeperant, in montem receperunt, alteri ad impedimenta et carros suos se contulerunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In Otho's army the generals were full of fear, and the soldiers hated their officers; the baggage-wagons and the camp-followers were mingled with the troops; and as there were steep ditches on both sides the road, it would have been found too narrow even for an undisturbed advance.
apud Othonianos pavidi duces, miles ducibus infensus, mixta vehicula et lixae, et praeruptis utrimque fossis via quieto quoque agmini angusta.latin-ancient latin-ancient
They, on the other side, told the whole order of the thing. And when he saw the wagons, and all that he had sent, his spirit revived, and he said: It is enough for me if Joseph, my son, be yet living: I will go and see him before I die.
Tunc referebant omnia verba Ioseph, quæ dixerat eis. Cumque vidisset plaustra et universa, quæ miserat ad adducendum eum, revixit spiritus eius, et ait: Sufficit mihi, si adhuc Ioseph filius meus vivit. Vadam et videbo illum, antequam moriar.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Tom fell off the wagon.
Thomas e curru cecidit.tatoeba tatoeba
And Jacob rose up from Beersheba: and the sons of Israel carried Jacob their father, and their little ones, and their wives, in the wagons which Pharaoh had sent to carry him. And they took their cattle, and their goods, which they had gotten in the land of Canaan, and came into Egypt, Jacob, and all his seed with him: His sons, and his sons' sons with him, his daughters, and his sons' daughters, and all his seed brought he with him into Egypt.
Surrexit igitur Iacob a Bersabee, tuleruntque eum filii cum parvulis et uxoribus suis in plaustris, quæ miserat pharao ad portandum senem, sumpserunt quoque omnia, quæ possederant in terra Chanaan; veneruntque in Aegyptum Iacob et omne semen eius, filii eius et nepotes, filiæ et cuncta simul progenies.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And the sons of Israel did as they were bid. And Joseph gave them wagons according to Pharaoh's commandment: and provisions for the way.
Feceruntque filii Israel, ut eis mandatum fuerat. Quibus dedit Ioseph plaustra secundum pharaonis imperium et cibaria in itinere.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
But their generals applauded their own prudence in keeping within their camp, and it was a strong confirmation of their opinion, that they saw we marched without wagons or baggage, which made them confident that we could not long endure want.
Duces vero eorum consilium suum laudibus efferebant, quod se castris tenuissent; multumque eorum opinionem adiuvabat, quod sine iumentis impedimentisque ad iter profectos videbant, ut non posse inopiam diutius sustinere confiderent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Pompey, in like manner, having completed the same day's march, took post in his old camp at Asparagium; and his soldiers, as they had no work (the fortifications being entire), made long excursions, some to collect wood and forage; others, invited by the nearness of the former camp, laid up their arms in their tents, and quitted the intrenchments in order to bring what they had left behind them, because the design of marching being adopted in a hurry, they had left a considerable part of their wagons and luggage behind.
Simili ratione Pompeius confecto eius diei itinere in suis veteribus castris ad Asparagium consedit. Eius milites, quod ab opere integris munitionibus vacabant, alii lignandi pabulandique causa longius progrediebantur, alii, quod subito consilium profectionis ceperant magna parte impedimentorum et sarcinarum relicta, ad haec repetenda invitati propinquitate superiorum castrorum, depositis in contubernio armis, vallum relinquebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
While they are preparing their disorderly and confused troop for march (for the Gauls are always attended by a vast multitude of wagons, even when they have very light baggage), being overtaken by day-light, they drew their forces out before their camp, to prevent the Romans attempting a pursuit before the line of their baggage had advanced to a considerable distance.
Quorum perturbatum et confusum dum explicant agmen (magna enim multitudo carrorum etiam expeditos sequi Gallos consuevit), oppressi luce copias armatorum pro suis instruunt castris, ne prius Romani persequi se inciperent quam longius agmen impedimentorum suorum processisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
To buy the greatest quantiy possible of wagons and asses.
iumentorum et carrorum quam maximum numerum coemere. De Bello Gallico Liber Primus 3rd paragraphp...5@gmail.com p...5@gmail.com
Carruslangbot langbot
Murray Van Wagoner
Murray Van Wagonerlangbot langbot
Antonius, seeing that they gave way, charged them with a heavy column; the loose ranks were at once broken, and, entangled as they were among their wagons and artillery, could not be re-formed.
gradum inferunt quasi recentibus auxiliis aucti, rariore iam Vitellianorum acie, ut quos nullo rectore suus quemque impetus vel pavor contraheret diduceretve.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Before Sandusky's construction, driving wheels were typically built with wooden spokes, much like wagon wheels.
Ante fabricationem machinae Sandusky, rotae pellendi per typum cum radiis ligneis fabricabant, ut rotae carrorum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His mother, admiring him for this, put him in the heavens as the constellation Boötes, his wagon or plough being the constellation Ursa Major.
Mater, eius res gestas admirans, eum in caelis ponit, in constellatione Bootis, iuxta plaustrum vel aratrum in constellatione Ursa Maiore.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
wagon, cart
plaustrum, plaustrī, n.langbot langbot
The Helvetii having followed with all their wagons, collected their baggage into one place: they themselves, after having repulsed our cavalry and formed a phalanx, advanced up to our front line in very close order.
Helvetii cum omnibus suis carris secuti impedimenta in unum locum contulerunt; ipsi confertissima acie, reiecto nostro equitatu, phalange facta sub primam nostram aciem successerunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But when he heard that officers of the commissariat had been again sent to Novesium, and that the infantry detached as an escort were advancing just as if it were a time of profound peace, with but few soldiers round the standards, the arms stowed away in the wagons, and all wandering about at their pleasure, he attacked them in regular form, having first sent on troops to occupy the bridges and the defiles in the road.
qui ubi rursum missos Novaesium frumentatores datasque in praesidium cohortis velut multa pace ingredi accepit, rarum apud signa militem, arma in vehiculis, cunctos licentia vagos, compositus invadit, praemissis qui pontis et viarum angusta insiderent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Labienus sent his sick and wounded, of which the number was very considerable, in wagons to Adrumetum.
Labienus saucios suos, quorum maximus numerus fuit, iubet in plostris delegatos Hadrumetum deportari.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Then at last of necessity the Germans drew their forces out of camp, and disposed them canton by canton, at equal distances, the Harudes, Marcomanni, Tribocci, Vangiones, Nemetes, Sedusii, Suevi; and surrounded their whole army with their chariots and wagons, that no hope might be left in flight.
Tum demum necessario Germani suas copias castris eduxerunt generatimque constituerunt paribus intervallis, Harudes, Marcomanos, Tribocos, Vangiones, Nemetes, Sedusios, Suebos, omnemque aciem suam raedis et carris circumdederunt, ne qua spes in fuga relinqueretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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