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well founded

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Piotr Szelma

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A naive mechanistic optimism has been replaced by a well founded anxiety for the fate of humanity.
Aedilatu accepto munus populo magnum dedit.vatican.va vatican.va
When legitimate doubts exist about the validity of the prior sacramental marriage, the necessary investigation must be carried out to establish if these are well-founded.
et Vologaeses, quo bellum ex commodo pararet, an ut aemulationis suspectos per nomen obsidum amoveret, tradit nobilissimos ex familia Arsacidarum.vatican.va vatican.va
There is a well-founded fear that if they take this path, women will not "reach fulfilment", but instead will deform and lose what constitutes their essential richness.
meas litteras superopres ob mionimam qualitatem materiei vix legere potuistivatican.va vatican.va
For this purpose there are sacred seminaries. You have some for youths preparing for the priesthood and others for the education of seminarians, all of them well-founded.
qua gloria aequabat se Tiberius priscis imperatoribus qui venenum in Pyrrum regem vetuerant prodiderantque.vatican.va vatican.va
In some contemporary theologies, for instance, a certain rationalism is gaining ground, especially when opinions thought to be philosophically well founded are taken as normative for theological research.
non Primi Antonii neque Muciani ope Vespasianum magis adolevisse.vatican.va vatican.va
Thus shall we offer ourselves to God with the pure hands of reconciliation, and the people of the world will have one more well - founded reason to believe and to hope.
Compluribus expugnatis oppidis Caesar, ubi intellexit frustra tantum laborem sumi neque hostium fugam captis oppidis reprimi neque iis noceri posse, statuit expectandam classem.vatican.va vatican.va
Indeed, well founded fears arise that very often we are still far from this actualization and that at times the spirit of social and public life is painfully opposed to the declared "letter" of human rights.
Paucos numero, trepidos ignorantia, caelum ipsum ac mare et silvas, ignota omnia circumspectantis, clausos quodam modo ac vinctos di nobis tradiderunt.vatican.va vatican.va
Then the same Supreme Pontiff appointed you Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura and Benedict XVI, with opportune decision, enrolled you in the College of Cardinals and, with well founded reason, chose you as Vicar General of the Diocese of Rome.
Ita cum durissimis tempestatibus propter inopiam castella aut oppida expugnare cogeretur, crebro incommoda accipiebat adeoque est a barbaris contemptus ut Salonam se recipiens in oppidum maritimum, quod cives Romani fortissimi fidelissimique incolebant,inagmine dimicare sit coactus.vatican.va vatican.va
While we accept that for certain well founded reasons exceptions can be made to the principle of private ownership-in our own time we even see that the system of "socialized ownership" has been introduced-nevertheless the personalist argument still holds good both on the level of principles and on the practical level.
postquam nulla dictis fides et a domino noscebatur condicione fugitivus, nomine Geta, sumptum de eo supplicium in servilem modum.vatican.va vatican.va
Relying on this hope, which Our well-founded knowledge of your pastoral zeal very much strengthens, We impart with all Our heart, as a pledge of heavenly graces, the Apostolic Benediction on you, Venerable Brethren, as well as on the clergy and people committed to your care and in particular on those who work actively to bring our desires and instructions to fulfilment.
haec mihi in animis vestris templa, hae pulcherrimae effigies et mansurae.vatican.va vatican.va
A partial excavation of the area in 1937 found 31 well-preserved houses from the settlement.
Hoc proelio trans Rhenum nuntiato, Suebi, qui ad ripas Rheni venerant, domum reverti coeperunt; quos ubi qui proximi Rhenum incolunt perterritos senserunt, insecuti magnum ex iis numerum occiderunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When asking the Apostolic See for approval, the reasons must be explained which favor the introduction of this new practice in a region as well as the circumstances which give well-founded hope of success. Likewise, the manner will have to be indicated in which the new discipline will be implemented, that is to say, whether it is a matter of conferring the diaconate on "suitable young men for whom the law of celibacy must remain intact, or on men of more mature age, even upon those living in the married state," or on both kinds of candidates.
Celeriore fluminis Nili navigatione rex est usus, in quo magnam et paratam classem habebat.vatican.va vatican.va
Atypus affinis, A. muralis. and A. piceus are the only species of this family found in, as well as the only mygalomorph spiders of northwestern Europe.
Ita sublata spe veniae tandem sumite animum, tam quibus salus quam quibus gloria carissima est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These area commands, as well as their wartime structure, can be found in their respective articles listed at Swedish military areas.
at sibi robur peditum equitumque, consanguineos Germanos, Gallias idem cupientis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was well known that somebody had been found to betray it, that Agrippina had heard of the plot, and in doubt whether she was to believe it, was conveyed to Baiae in her litter.
tunc decreto patrum per missae Germanico provinciae quae mari dividuntur, maiusque imperium, quoquo adisset, quam iis qui sorte aut missu principis obtinerent sed Tiberius demoverat Syria Creticum Silanum, per adfinitatem conexam Germanico, quia Silani filia Neroni vetustissimo liberorum eius pacta erat, praefeceratque Cn.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And behold, the same day the servants of Isaac came, telling him of a well which they had digged, and saying: We have found water.
Tamen virtute militum confisus cognitis hostium copiis se ad dimicandum parabat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
John Cohen (born August 2, 1932, in Queens, New York) is a founding member of the New Lost City Ramblers as well as a musicologist, photographer and filmmaker.
ubi pulsum Caecinam pergere Cremonam accepit, aegre coercitam legionem et pugnandi ardore usque ad seditionem progressam Bedriaci sistit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They wish to see the religion founded by God reudiated and all affairs, private as well as public, regulated by the principles of naturalism alone; this is what, in their impiety and stupidity, they call the restoration of civil society.
Ob has causas quas supra commemoravi solli citabatur Caesar tardiorque et consideratior erat factus et ex pristina bellandi consuetudine celeritateque excesserat.vatican.va vatican.va
This issue of contaminated water is found only in upper Lčovice where houses are close together and some houses share the main village well.
"Hi iam ante edocti quae interrogati pronuntiarent, milites se esse legionarios dicunt; fame et inopia adductos clam ex castris exisse, si quid frumenti aut pecoris in agris reperire possent: simili omnem exercitum inopia premi, nec iam vires sufficere cuiusquam nec ferre operis laborem posse: itaque statuisse imperatorem, si nihil in oppugnatione oppidi profecissent, triduo exercitum deducere. ""Haec,"" inquit, ""a me,"" Vercingetorix, ""beneficia habetis, quem proditionis insimulatis; cuius opera sine vestro sanguine tantum exercitum victorem fame consumptum videtis; quem turpiter se ex fuga recipientem ne qua civitas suis finibus recipiat a me provisum est."""WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For this reason the duty of the lay faithful in the apostolate of the temporal order is always to be viewed both from its meaning of service to the person founded on the individual's uniqueness and irrepeatibility as well as on the meaning of service to all people which is inseparable from it.
at apud prudentes vita eius varie extollebatur arguebaturve.vatican.va vatican.va
Widely distributed, this species can be found throughout southern Europe and around the Mediterranean Sea, in such countries as Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Greece, as well as parts of North Africa.
sed bellum hermunduris prosperum, Chattis exitiosius fuit, quia victores diversam aciem marti ac Mercurio sacravere, quo voto equi viri, cuncta viva occidioni dantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At various places here in the Roman dicasteries are found proofs of your energy at the then-Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, as well as at the Commission "Iustitia et Pax" and the Council "Cor Unum".
Interim legatis tribunisque militum convocatis et quae ex Voluseno cognovisset et quae fieri vellet ostendit monuitque, ut rei militaris ratio, maximeque ut maritimae res postularent, ut, cum celerem atque instabilem motum haberent, ad nutum et ad tempus D omnes res ab iis administrarentur.vatican.va vatican.va
If we make bold to describe man's situation in the modern world as far removed from the objective demands of the moral order, from the exigencies of justice, and still more from social love, we do so because this is confirmed by the well-known facts and comparisons that have already on various occasions found an echo in the pages of statements by the Popes, the Council and the Synod103.
Ceterum Nero usus est patriae ruinis exstruxitque domum, in qua haud proinde gemmae et aurum miraculo essent, solita pridem et luxu vulgata, quam arva et stagna et in modum solitudinem hinc silvae, inde aperta spatia et prospetus, magistris et machinatoribus Severo et Celere, quibus ingenium et audacia erat etiam, quae natura denegavisset, per artem temptare et viribus principis inludere.vatican.va vatican.va
Through the power of the Gospel, down the centuries monks tilled the land, men and women Religious founded hospitals and shelters for the poor, Confraternities as well as individual men and women of all states of life devoted themselves to the needy and to those on the margins of society, convinced as they were that Christ's words "as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me" (Mt 25:40) were not intended to remain a pious wish, but were meant to become a concrete life commitment.
"Et Maternus: ""perturbarer hac tua severitate, nisi frequens et assidua nobis contentio iam prope in consuetudinem vertisset."vatican.va vatican.va
Many authors, I am well aware, have passed over the perils and punishments of a host of persons, sickened by the multiplicity of them, or fearing that what they had themselves found wearisome and saddening would be equally fatiguing to their readers.
detraheret potius senatui quem perornavisset infamiam tanti flagitii et relinqueret incertum quid viso Thrasea reo decreturi patres fuerint.latin-ancient latin-ancient
29 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.