well kept oor Latyn

well kept

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Charlton T. Lewis

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Fernandez specifically chose cuts to ensure that the dress kept well.
nam et Mucianus ambiguis epistulis victores morabatur, et Antonius praepostero obsequio, vel dum regerit invidiam, crimen meruit; ceterique duces dum peractum bellum putant, finem eius insignivere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Enraged by these things as well, she kept the Trojans, all that were left of the Greeks and indomitable Achilles, far away from Latium, tossed by the wide ocean; they wandered for many years, driven by the Fates, all around the seas.
Haedui, cum se suaque ab iis defendere non possent, legatos ad Caesaremmittunt rogatum auxilium: ita se omni tempore de populo Romano meritos esse ut paene in conspectu exercitus nostri agri vastari, liberi [eorum] in servitutem abduci, oppida expugnari non debuerint.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Enraged by these things as well, she kept the Trojans, all that were left of the Greeks and indomitable Achilles, far away from Latium, tossed by the wide ocean; they wandered for many years, driven by the Fates, all around the seas.
sed Asprenati cuncta ex fide nuntiata, cuius cohortatione expugnata navis et interfectus quisquis ille erat.tatoeba tatoeba
Among these we wish to recall in a special way the well-known priest, Joseph Ancewski, who was kept in harsh confinement in the monastery of Suzdal for thirty-two years, attaining the reward of his singular steadfastness in 1877, when he died a most holy death.
Si liberi non sunt, proximus gradus in possessione fratres, patrui, avunculi.vatican.va vatican.va
In the aforementioned cases and circumstances the good of the Church is to be kept in view, but with the consideration for the specific character of each institute as well as to the freedom of individual members.
Insignis nobilitas, aut magna patrum merita, principis dignationem etiam adolescentulis assignant: ceteris robustioribus ac jampridem probatis aggregantur; nec rubor, inter comites aspici.vatican.va vatican.va
Caesar, observing that the enemy kept for several days within their camp, which was well secured by a morass and its natural situation, and that it could not be assaulted without a dangerous engagement, nor the place inclosed with lines without an addition to his army, wrote to Trebonius to send with all dispatch for the thirteenth legion which was in winter quarters among the Bituriges under Titus Sextius, one of his lieutenants; and then to come to him by forced marches with the three legions. He himself sent the cavalry of the Remi, and Lingones, and other states, from whom he had required a vast number, to guard his foraging parties, and to support them in case of any sudden attack of the enemy.
scribitur tetrarchis ac regibus praefectisque et procuratoribus et qui praetorum finitimas provincias regebant, iussis Corbulonis obsequi, in tantum ferme modum aucta potestate, quem populus Romanus Cn. Pompeio bellum piraticum gesturo dederat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
6 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.