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Piotr Szelma

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We wish to do so one year after the Third General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which as is well known, was devoted to evangelization; and we do so all the more willingly because it has been asked of us by the Synod Fathers themselves.
Hoc facere cupimus post exactum annum a celebrato Synodi Episcoporum tertio generali coetu - cuius argumentum, ut notum est, in evangelizatione versabatur - et quidem eo impensius, quod ipsi Synodi Patres id a Nobis postulaverunt.vatican.va vatican.va
The plant is named for James Prinsep, scholar, antiquarian, architect, secretary of the Asiatic Society in Calcutta, India, and member of the well-known Prinsep family of India, an Anglo-Indian family prominent in Indian affairs for several generations.
Planta nomen habet ex Iacobo Prinsep, erudito, antiquario, architecto, secretario Societatis Asiaticae Calcuttae Indiae, et membrum inclutae familiae Prinsep, familiae Anglo-Indicae, in rebus Indicis nonnullas generationes praestantis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In a case like the one just mentioned, when it is not possible to overturn or completely abrogate a pro-abortion law, an elected official, whose absolute personal opposition to procured abortion was well known, could licitly support proposals aimed at limiting the harm done by such a law and at lessening its negative consequences at the level of general opinion and public morality.
Superiore in casu, quoties vitari antiquarive non potest abortus lex, liquet legatum, qui palam alioquin vulgoque abortui adversetur, suffragari licite posse illis consiliis quae eiusmodi legis damna minuere velint et perniciosum effectum extenuare qui sive culturam sive moralitatem publicam respicit.vatican.va vatican.va
I find it stated by some authors that either the dread of or the disgust felt for both Emperors, whose wickedness and infamy were coming out every day into more open notoriety, made the two armies hesitate whether they should not cease their strife, and either themselves consult together, or allow the Senate to choose an Emperor; and that, for this reason, Otho's generals recommended a certain measure of delay, Paullinus especially entertaining hopes for himself, on the ground that he was the senior among the men of consular rank, that he was well known as a soldier, and had attained great distinction and fame by his campaigns in Britain.
Invenio apud quosdam auctores pavore belli seu fastidio utriusque principis, quorum flagitia ac dedecus apertiore in dies fama noscebantur, dubitasse exercitus num posito certamine vel ipsi in medium consultarent, vel senatui permitterent legere imperatorem, atque eo duces Othonianos spatium ac moras suasisse, praecipua spe Paulini, quod vetustissimus consularium et militia clarus gloriam nomenque Britannicis expeditionibus meruisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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