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with great joy

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Parallelly with these events which we have recalled with great joy, there has proceeded and proceeds the constant and orderly work of the Church, which is concentrated in the first place on the tasks that the Episcopal College proposes to carry out under the guidance of St Peter's successor.
His rebus gestis ex litteris Caesaris dierum XX supplicatio a senatu decreta est.vatican.va vatican.va
Therefore I welcomed with great joy the invitation of my Venerable Brother Jerzy Mazur - to whom last year I confidently entrusted the governance of this vast mission land, namely, the Apostolic Administration of Eastern Siberia for Latins - to the solemn consecration of the cathedral church in Irkutsk, recently built and dedicated to God in honour of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
nec minus praemia delatorum invisa quam scelera, cum alii sacerdotia et consulatus ut spolia adepti, procurationes alii et interiorem potentiam, agerent verterent cuncta odio et terrore.vatican.va vatican.va
Upon reaching Moravia, they were met by a large crowd who had come with great desire and joy to greet them.
adeo nos, si fortuna in praesens virtusque deseruit, etiam vetera exempla deficiunt, quotiens Romanae legiones perire praeoptaverint ne loco pellerentur? socii saepe nostri excindi urbis suas seque cum coniugibus ac liberis cremari pertulerunt, neque aliud pretium exitus quam fides famaque.vatican.va vatican.va
In order that this same event, outstanding and memorable even in this anniversary year, might be recognized and more greatly honoured by a new act, as it were, of our presence, we have desired that our Legate and the Representative of our Person should participate in the solemn ceremonies which will take place in this same city on 15 and 16 June, and which with great joy we have heard may involve tens of thousands of the Christian faithful.
Ubi ex ea turri, quae circum essent opera, tueri se posse confisi sunt, musculum pedes LX longum ex materia bipedali, quem a turri latericia ad hostium turrim murumque perducerent, facere instituerunt; cuius musculi haec erat forma.vatican.va vatican.va
Surely then, the prayers of the faithful offered during this same sacrifice, in union with the Sovereign Pontiff, the bishops, and the entire Church, will be very fervently offered to Almighty God to implore a fresh outpouring of the graces of the Holy Spirit, because of which "the whole world rejoices with exceeding great joy."
Nox eadem laetam Germanico quietem tulit, viditque se operatum et sanguine sacri respersa praetexta pulchriorem aliam manibus aviae Augustae accepisse.vatican.va vatican.va
It is the two thousandth Anniversary of that event of great joy which we are preparing to celebrate with the coming Great Jubilee.
Interfecto Indutiomaro, ut docuimus, ad eius propinquos a Treveris imperium defertur.vatican.va vatican.va
We find ourselves filled with a spirit of great joy and no little hope as We gaze out upon this select gathering—an assembly of men burdened, as you are, with the government of such venerable and distinguished religious families within the Church. We take pleasure in greeting you here and in giving expression to that extraordinary esteem and gratitude which We hold in your regard.
Ex Pompeiano exercitu circiter milia XV cecidisse videbantur, sed in deditionem venerunt amplius milia XXIIII (namque etiam cohortes, quae praesidio in castellis fuerant, sese Sullae dediderunt), multi praeterea in finitimas civitates refugerunt; signaque militaria ex proelio ad Caesarem sunt relata CLXXX et aquilae VIIII.vatican.va vatican.va
I see another but a tinier Troy, / a seeming Pergama recalls the great. / A dried-up Xanthus I salute with joy, / and clasp the portals of a Scaean gate.
et quidam prensa manu eius per speciem exosculandi inseruerunt digitos ut vacua dentibus ora contingeret; alii curvata senio membra ostendebant.tatoeba tatoeba
I see another but a tinier Troy, / a seeming Pergama recalls the great. / A dried-up Xanthus I salute with joy, / and clasp the portals of a Scaean gate.
igitur Vitellii nomine adscitis gentibus, quae Pontum accolunt, corrupto in spem rapinarum egentissimo quoque, haud temnendae manus ductor, Trapezuntem vetusta fama civitatem, a Graecis in extremo Ponticae orae conditam, subitus inrupit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The same voices which during the Synod touched on this burning theme with zeal, intelligence and courage have, to our great joy, furnished the enlightening principles for a proper understanding of the importance and profound meaning of liberation, such as it was proclaimed and achieved by Jesus of Nazareth and such as it is preached by the Church.
Quo facto imperat pontem adversus hostem praevallari et, qua exitus navibus erat fornice exstructo, quo pons sustinebatur, lapidibus oppleri atque obstrui.vatican.va vatican.va
4] How great was the joy and goodwill with which the Roman Church welcomed the Ruthenian people on their reception into the unity of the fold may be seen also from the Apostolic Letter Benedictus sit Pastor, issued on 7th February 1596, in which the supreme pontiff informed the metropolitan and the other Ruthenian bishops of the happy establishment of the union of their whole Church with the Apostolic See.
Positis castris a milibus passuum XV auxilia Germanorum esspectare constituunt.vatican.va vatican.va
We cannot but experience a great inner joy when we see so many pastors, religious and lay people, fired with their mission to evangelize, seeking ever more suitable ways of proclaiming the Gospel effectively.
neque luxus in iuvene adeo displicebat: huc potius intenderet, diem aedificationibus noctem conviviis traheret, quam solus et nullis voluptatibus avocatus maestam vigilantiam et malas curas exerceret.vatican.va vatican.va
The Angels revealed each of these mysteries in its due time; they played a great part in them; they were constantly present at them, with countenances indicative now of joy, now of sorrow, now of triumphant exultation.
quod si regrederetur, obsistente Sentio civile bellum incipi; nec duraturos in partibus centuriones militesque apud quos recens imperatoris sui memoria et penitus infixus in Caesares amor praevaleret.vatican.va vatican.va
Therefore, given this opportunity, you have good reason to rejoice more deeply with the spiritual joy which springs from divine sources as a pledge of that great reward which is reserved for the good and faithful servants in the kingdom of heaven.
Maroboduo undique deserto non alind subsidium quam misericordia Caesaris fuit.vatican.va vatican.va
15. Venerable brothers, the memory of these events causes Us great joy. We are deeply moved by the magnificent association of the Slavic nation and the Roman church, an association with the noblest beginnings.
Deinde Visitatio «ad limina» significationem personalem indicat, quoniam singuli Episcopi cum Petri successore congrediuntur atque os ad os cum illo loquuntur.vatican.va vatican.va
For when the Lord had said to him: "I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake," [Acts ix:16] he so eagerly embraced suffering that he could write: "I exceedingly abound with joy in all our tribulations."
et cum variis trepidantium inclinationibus mixti remiges propugnatoresque turbarentur, desilire in vada ultro Germani, retentare puppis, scandere foros aut comminus mergere: quae cuncta in oculis utriusque exercitus quanto laetiora Vitellianis, tanto acrius Othoniani causam auctoremque cladis detestabantur.vatican.va vatican.va
The deep solicitude of the Church, the Spouse of Christ, for the needs of men, for their joys and hopes, their griefs and efforts, is therefore nothing other than her great desire to be present to them, in order to illuminate them with the light of Christ and to gather them all in Him, their only Savior.
Civilis captarum cohortium signis circumdatus, ut suo militi recens gloria ante oculos et hostes memoria cladis terrerentur, matrem suam sororesque, simul omnium coniuges parvosque liberos consistere a tergo iubet, hortamenta victoriae vel pulsis pudorem.vatican.va vatican.va
As you know, in order to manifest this universal communion with you, on 28 June next, simultaneously with the national celebration in Vilnius, I shall preside at the tomb of the Apostle Peter at a solemn concelebration, during which I shall have the joy of beatifying a great son and Pastor of your people, Archbishop Jurgis Matulaitis.
De re frumentaria Boios atque Aeduos adhortari non destitit; quorum alteri, quod nullo studio agebant, non multum adiuvabant, alteri non magnis facultatibus, quod civitas erat exigua et infirma, celeriter quod habuerunt consumpserunt.vatican.va vatican.va
For this man had such great devotion to the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mother of God that in 1836 he dedicated his parish church to Mary Conceived Without Sin and greeted the infallible definition of this truth as Catholic dogma in 1854 with the greatest joy and reverence.
Ita ipsis Liberalibus fusi fugatique non superfuissent, nisi in eum locum confugissent, ex quo erant egressi.vatican.va vatican.va
I therefore remember with joy that 10 years ago, during my Pastoral Visit to Hungary, after the Mass celebrated in Budapest in Heroes' Square, I renewed this offering of your homeland to the "Great Lady of the Hungarians" together with the entire Hungarian people; it is fitting that in coming to the conclusion of the "Hungarian Millennium" you now renew the same offering with the same prayer.
Cum adpropinquassent, clamore repentino telorumque multitudine iactus facere coeperunt, uti magnam partem hominum vulneribus adficerent.vatican.va vatican.va
With deep gratitude and heartfelt joy, by this Letter I gladly appoint you to represent me as my Special Envoy at the public liturgical celebrations of this event, since you already know my mind well and hold the episcopal office once occupied by Cardinal Mercier, who played a great and active role in this affair.
illo locum et proelium referente, quodnam praemium recepisset exquirit.vatican.va vatican.va
This would be an event of great significance, and so, in order to avoid misunderstandings, it should be properly presented and carefully prepared, in an attitude of fraternal cooperation with Christians of other denominations and traditions, as well as of grateful openness to those religions whose representatives might wish to acknowledge the joy shared by all the disciples of Christ.
Haec in Germania ante Cremonense proelium gesta, cuius eventum litterae Primi Antonii docuere, addito Caecinae edicto; et praefectus cohortis e victis, Alpinius Montanus, fortunam partium praesens fatebatur.vatican.va vatican.va
Therefore in view of our great affection for you and of our distinct recognition of your many great qualities, we do not want to let this day pass without writing to you some brief and brotherly words of congratulation fitting the occasion, so that we also may add to your happiness by expressing the joy we share with you, and by these words of ours enhance the dignity of the commemoration of this anniversary.
De praetore in locum Vipstani Galli, quem mors abstulerat, subrogando certamen incessit.vatican.va vatican.va
23 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.