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with indulgence

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The loss of chastity meets with no indulgence; neither beauty, youth, nor wealth will procure the culprit a husband.
Neme enim illic vitia ridet: nec corrumpere et corrumpi saeculum vocatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hence Our predecessor Pius IX., as We have intimated, has in Apostolic letters commended these two institutions and liberally enriched them with sacred Indulgences.
Meritis proinde laudibus, velut innuimus, haec duo instituta, datis Apostolicis litteris, ornavit Pius IX Decessor Noster, iisque sacras indulgentias liberaliter est elargitus.vatican.va vatican.va
In this Confraternity, approved by the Roman Pontiffs, and enriched by them with indulgences and privileges, they possess their own rule and government, hold their meetings at stated times, and are provided with ample means of leading a holy life and of labouring for the good of the community.
Enimvero una haec est ratio praesentis temporis cum aeterno, terrestris civitatis cum caelesti apte iungendae; hac una educuntur fortes animi et excelsi.vatican.va vatican.va
Such a pledge is greatly enhanced by the benefits of sacred indulgences, if properly employed; for the devotion of the Rosary has been richly endowed with such indulgences by both ourPredecessors and Ourselves.
Auspicio plurimum favent beneficia sacrae indulgentiae, si perinde habeantur ac digna sunt: his enim amplissime Rosarii institutum a Decessoribus Nostris et a Nobismetipsis est auctum.vatican.va vatican.va
The Roman Pontiffs Pius VII, Leo XII, Pius VIII, Our Predecessors, both strongly commended it and enriched it with the gifts of Indulgences.
Romani illud Pontifices Pius VII, Leo XII, Pius VIII, Decessores Nostri et commendarunt vehementer et indulgentiarum donis dita verunt.vatican.va vatican.va
To use a crucifix or cross in connection with the acquisition of this plenary indulgence is a laudable practice.
Ad hanc indulgentiam plenariam acquirendam laudabiliter adhibetur crucifixus vel crux.vatican.va vatican.va
Regarding partial indulgences, with the abolishment of the former determination of days and years, a new norm or measurement has been established which takes into consideration the action itself of the faithful Christian who performs a work to which an indulgence is attached.
Ad indulgentiam partialem quod attinet, antiqua dierum et annorum determinatione posthabita, nova norma seu mensura exquisita est, iuxta quam actio ipsa consideratur christifidelis, qui opus indulgentia ditatum perficit.vatican.va vatican.va
The rest of the Praetorian cohorts were entrusted to Lucius Vitellius, brother of the Emperor, for the defence of the capital. Vitellius, while he abated nothing of his habitual indulgence, with a precipitancy prompted by alarm, anticipated the elections, at which he appointed consuls for several years.
ceterae cohortes ad tuendam urbem L. Vitellio fratri datae: ipse nihil e solito luxu remittens et diffidentia properus festinare comitia, quibus consules in multos annos destinabat; foedera sociis, Latium externis dilargiri; his tributa dimittere, alios immunitatibus iuvare; denique nulla in posterum cura lacerare imperium.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For Our own part, We confirm with all Our heart the favours and indulgences We have already awarded upon this point.
Bernardus, de XII praerogativ. B.vatican.va vatican.va
However I am not forgetting that I myself wanted the Jubilee to be celebrated also in the particular churches, and it is there that the majority of the faithful were able to gain its special graces, and particularly the indulgence connected with the Jubilee Year.
Attamen non obliviscimur Nos voluisse ut celebratio etiam in Ecclesiis particularibus pleno iure ageretur, atque inibi videlicet fidelium maior pars peculiares gratias consequi potuit et nominatim Anni iubilaris indulgentiam.vatican.va vatican.va
120 — This dicastery is charged with the granting and use of indulgences, without prejudice to the right of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to review what concerns dogmatic teaching about them.
120 — Eidem Dicasterio committuntur ea, quæ spectant ad concessionem et usum indulgentiarum, salvo iure Congregationis de Doctrina Fidei ea videndi, quæ doctrinam dogmaticam circa easdem respiciunt.vatican.va vatican.va
It is precisely in order to encourage this ecclesial dimension of the Rosary that the Church has seen fit to grant indulgences to those who recite it with the required dispositions.
Et ut haec ecclesialis Rosarii ratio proveheretur, voluit illud Ecclesia sanctis indulgentiis locupletare pro debito modo recitantibus.vatican.va vatican.va
Slaves too were set over the work of seeking out and procuring, with rewards for the willing, and threats to the reluctant, and if there was resistance from a relative or a parent, they used violence and force, and actually indulged their own passions as if dealing with captives.
tuncque primum ignota antea vocabula reperta sunt sellariorum et spintriarum ex foeditate loci ac multiplici patientia; praepositique servi qui conquirerent pertraherent, dona in promptos, minas adversum abnuentis, et si retinerent propinquus aut parens, vim raptus suaque ipsi libita velut in captos exercebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
If you indulge their love of drinking by supplying them with as much as they desire, they will be overcome by their own vices as easily as by the arms of an enemy.
Si indulseris ebrietati suggerendo quantum concupiscunt, haud minus facile vitiis, quam armis vincentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The only indulgence I would ask from those who will acquaint themselves with these horrors is that I be not thought to hate men who perished so tamely.
ira illa numinum in res Romanas fuit, quam non, ut in cladibus exercituum aut captivitate urbium, semel edito transire licet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hence, to live the indulgence of the Holy Year means to approach the Father’s mercy with the certainty that his forgiveness extends to the entire life of the believer.
Ideo uti indulgentiis hoc in Anno Sancto significat frui misericordia Patris, ut certi simus eius veniam totam credentis vitam pervadere.vatican.va vatican.va
All the indulgences mentioned above can be acquired either on the days established or—with the consent of the Ordinary—on the preceding or the following Sunday.
Omnes praedictae indulgentiae acquiri poterunt vel diebus supra definitis vel, de consensu Ordinarii, die Dominico antecedenti aut subsequenti.vatican.va vatican.va
For indulgences cannot be acquired without a sincere conversion of mentality ("metanoia") and unity with God, to which the performance of the prescribed works is added.
Nam indulgentiae acquiri nequeunt sine sincera metanoia et coniunctione cum Deo, quibus additur operum praescriptorum impletio.vatican.va vatican.va
Tales of men who indulge in sacrilegious activities are also recounted, such as a man who enjoyed having sex with nuns whilst watching Mass being performed.
Adhibetur tantum in nominibus substantivis spectantibus ad viros, ita ut deminutivum quoque ipsum plerumque sit generis masculini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This indulgence may be applied by way of suffrage to the souls who have departed this life joined in charity with God.
Quam indulgentiam etiam animabus, quae Deo in caritate coniunctae, ex hac vita migraverint, per modum suffragii applicari posse volumus.vatican.va vatican.va
Then Agrippina, changing her tactics, plied the lad with various blandishments, and even offered the seclusion of her chamber for the concealment of indulgences which youth and the highest rank might claim.
tum Agrippina versis artibus per blandimenta iuvenem adgredi, suum potius cubiculum ac sinum offerre contegendis quae prima aetas et summa fortuna expeterent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Likewise, the religious practice of indulgences reawakens trust and hope in a full reconciliation with God the Father, but in such a way as will not justify any negligence nor in any way diminish the effort to acquire the dispositions required for full communion with God.
Item indulgentiarum cultus ad fiduciam et speum plenae reconciliationis cum Deo Patre erigit; quod tamen ita operatur, ut nullius neglegentiae ansam det, studiumque dispositionum ad plenam communionem cum Deo requisitarum nullo modo remittat.vatican.va vatican.va
Meanwhile frequent letters, disfigured by unmanly flatteries, were addressed by Otho to Vitellius, with offers of wealth and favour and any retreat he might select for a life of prodigal indulgence.
Crebrae interim et muliebribus blandimentis infectae ab Othone ad Vitellium epistulae offerebant pecuniam et gratiam et quemcumque [e] quietis prodigae vitae legisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Where, they asked, ""was the glory of the men who slew Crassus, who drove out Antonius, if Caesar's drudge, after an endurance of so many years' slavery, were to rule over Parthians."" Vonones himself too further provoked their disdain, by his contrast with their ancestral manners, by his rare indulgence in the chase, by his feeble interest in horses, by the litter in which he was carried whenever he made a progress through their cities, and by his contemptuous dislike of their national festivities."
ubi illam gloriam trucidantium Crassum, exturbantium Antonium, si mancipium Caesaris, tot per annos servitutem perpessum, Parthis imperitet? accendebat dedignantis et ipse diversus a maiorum institutis, raro venatu, segni equorum cura; quotiens per urbes incederet, lecticae gestamine fastuque erga patrias epulas.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Then We were pleased to follow with exhortations showing how it had grown in a short time, from small beginnings to so large a stature; and with what testimonies of praise and grants of indulgences Our illustrious predecessors, Pius VII, Leo XII, Pius VIII, Gregory XVI, Pius IX had honored it. Finally, Our exhortations demonstrated how much aid had been given to the sacred missions throughout the world from this source, and how much more was to be expected.
Tunc persequi hortando libuit, quam ipsum modicis initiis ingressum, ad quantam amplitudinem brevi tempore provenisset; quibus vel laudum testimoniis vel Indulgentiae muneribus Decessores Nostri illustres, Pius VII, Leo XII, Pius VIII, Gregorius XVI, Pius IX, idem ornassent; quam multum ex eo adiumenti sacris per orbem terrarum Missionibus allatum iam esset et quam uberiora forent deinde expectanda.vatican.va vatican.va
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