with intelligence oor Latyn

with intelligence

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endowed with intelligence


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Wherefore the expositor should make it his duty to follow their footsteps with all reverence, and to use their labours with intelligent appreciation.
Quare interpres suum esse noverit, eorum et vestigia reverenter persequi et laboribus frui intelligenti delectu.vatican.va vatican.va
Human beings, endowed with intelligence and love, and drawn by the fullness of Christ, are called to lead all creatures back to their Creator.
Homini namque, intellectu et amore fruenti atque Christi plenitudine pellecto, munus imponitur omnes creaturas ad Creatorem perducendi.vatican.va vatican.va
The unanimous consent and judgment of men, which is the trusty voice of nature, recognizes this natural liberty in those only who are endowed with intelligence or reason; and it is by his use of this that man is rightly regarded as responsible for his actions.
Hanc quidem omnium iudicium sensusque communis, quae certissima naturae vox est in iis solum agnoscit, qui sint intelligentiae vel rationis compotes in eaque ipsa caussam inesse apparet, cur auctor eorum, quae ab eo aguntur, verissime habeatur homo.vatican.va vatican.va
This responsibility for God’s earth means that human beings, endowed with intelligence, must respect the laws of nature and the delicate equilibria existing between the creatures of this world, for “he commanded and they were created; and he established them for ever and ever; he fixed their bounds and he set a law which cannot pass away” (Ps 148:5b-6).
Coram terra, quae Dei est, responsalitas postulat ut homo, intellectu praeditus, observet naturae leges nec non subtiles inter huius mundi res aequabilitates, “quia ipse mandavit, et creata sunt; statuit ea in aeternum et in saeculum saeculi; praeceptum posuit, et non praeteribit” (Ps 148,5b-6).vatican.va vatican.va
Today as perhaps never before in history or in this field, wisdom shows itselt to be the only firm basis to salvation, in that persons engaged in scientific research and in its application are always to act with intelligence and love, that is, respecting, even remaining in veneration of, the inviolable dignity of the personhood of every human being, from the first moment of life's existence.
Fortasse numquam sicut hodie hoc in campo sapientia offertur veluti unica salutis ancora ut homo in scientificis investigationibus et in artificiis applicandis semper cum intellegentia et amore agere possit, nempe cum observantia, immo cum reverentia erga personalem dignitatem inviolabilem cuiusvis creaturae humanae ab ipsis eius exsistentiae primis momentis.vatican.va vatican.va
If human beings with their intelligence fail to recognize God as Creator of all, it is not because they lack the means to do so, but because their free will and their sinfulness place an impediment in the way.
Si porro intellectu suo non eo usque advenit homo ut Deum omnium Conditorem cognoscat, hoc non tam deficienti instrumento est tribuendum, quantum potius impedimento libera ipsius voluntate ac peccatis propriis interiecto.vatican.va vatican.va
In Holloway's view, our non-human ancestors, like those of modern chimpanzees and other primates, shared motor and sensory skills, curiosity, memory, and intelligence, with perhaps differences in degree.
Secundum Holloway, nostri parentes non humanis, sicut parentes hodiernarum simiarum et aliorum primatum, peritias motoricas sensilesque, noscendi studium, memoriam, et intellegentiam, fortasse cum variationes communiter habent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Upon which intelligence Cassius departed with his fleet from that coast.
Quibus rebus cognitis ex his locis Cassius cum classe discessit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Upon this intelligence, he marched up with his legion, armed and in order of battle.
Qua re cognita legionem armatam instructamque adducit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The same voices which during the Synod touched on this burning theme with zeal, intelligence and courage have, to our great joy, furnished the enlightening principles for a proper understanding of the importance and profound meaning of liberation, such as it was proclaimed and achieved by Jesus of Nazareth and such as it is preached by the Church.
Iamvero, eaedem voces, quae studiose sapienter et fortiter tractaverunt inter memoratam Synodum hoc gravissimum argumentum, Nobis laetantibus quidem subministraverunt lucida principia, ex quibus vis altaque significatio liberationis perciperetur, qualem Iesus Nazarenus nuntiavit et implevit, et qualem Ecclesia praedicat.vatican.va vatican.va
Their increasing number and growing presence in society and likewise the problems assailing them should awaken in every one the desire to offer them with zeal and intelligence the Gospel ideal as something to be known and lived.
Eorum auctus numerus eorumque percrebrescens in societate humana praesentia, quaestiones quibus sollicitantur, haec omnia excitare debent in omnibus curam porrigendi eis studiose ac sapienter exemplar evangelicum cognoscendum et colendum.vatican.va vatican.va
Indeed, just as man in exercising his dominion over the world shapes it in accordance with his own intelligence and will, so too in performing morally good acts, man strengthens, develops and consolidates within himself his likeness to God.
Nam, quemadmodum mundum regens homo ad suum intellectum voluntatemque eundem conformat, sic actus moraliter bonos agens homo confirmat, explicat et stabilit in semet ipso Dei similitudinem.vatican.va vatican.va
It was however in public that most alarm was felt; with every piece of intelligence that rumour brought, men changed their looks and spirits, anxious not to appear discouraged by unfavourable omens, or too little delighted by success.
sed plurimum trepidationis in publico, ut quemque nuntium fama attulisset, animum vultumque conversis, ne diffidere dubiis ac parum gaudere prosperis viderentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Consider, for example, the principles of non-contradiction, finality and causality, as well as the concept of the person as a free and intelligent subject, with the capacity to know God, truth and goodness. Consider as well certain fundamental moral norms which are shared by all.
Cogitentur verbi gratia, principia non contradictionis, finalitatis ac causalitatis nec non cogitatum personae veluti subiecti liberi et intellegentis eiusque facultas Deum veritatem bonumque cognoscendi; cogitentur pariter nonnullae normae morales praecipuae quae omnium item sunt communes.vatican.va vatican.va
He taught that life in Christ is the first and principal factor of development[6] and he entrusted us with the task of travelling the path of development with all our heart and all our intelligence[7], that is to say with the ardour of charity and the wisdom of truth.
Affirmavit ille Christi nuntium primum esse et praecipuum progressionis elementum [6] atque ipse monita nobis reliquit in progressionis semita toto corde intellectuque procedendi [7], id est cum caritatis ardore ac sapientia veritatis.vatican.va vatican.va
Upon this intelligence he set out by night with five cohorts of the twenty-first legion, and came up with them in the morning.
Cognita re noctu cum V cohortibus unetvicesimanorum egreditur, mane pervenit +noctu+.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The sanctity of their lives and the profundity of their doctrine make them perennially relevant: the grace of the Holy Spirit guided them to that experience of insight into divine revelation and intelligent dialogue with the world which constitutes the constant horizon of the Church’s life and activity.
[...] Sanctimonia vitae et altitudo doctrinae eos perenniter praesentes efficiunt: gratia Spiritus Sancti revera intulit eos in hanc experientiam comprehendendi divinam revelationem et cum hodierna societate intellegenter colloquendi, quae constituunt permanens spatium vitae et actionis Ecclesiae.vatican.va vatican.va
All intelligent men are agreed, and We Ourselves have with pleasure intimated it above, that America seems destined for greater things.
Consentiunt prudentes viri, quod Nosmetipsi paulo ante indicavimus, nec sane inviti, reservatam ad maiora Americam videri.vatican.va vatican.va
Endowed with a sound and ready intelligence, he received at home, from his tenderest years, a fine education and formation in Christian morality. He was later sent to the schools of the Society of Jesus, where he was remarkable for innocence of life and piety.
Bono ac prompto ingenio praeditus, postquam in ipso domestico convictu inde a tenella aetate recte educatus est christianisque moribus conformatus, ad scholas Societatis Iesu missus est, ubi vitae innocentia ac singulari pietate enituit.vatican.va vatican.va
It does this without fear but rather with enthusiasm, dedicating itself to every path of knowledge, aware of being preceded by him who is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life"(8), the Logos, whose Spirit of intelligence and love enables the human person with his or her own intelligence to find the ultimate reality of which he is the source and end and who alone is capable of giving fully that Wisdom without which the future of the world would be in danger.
Omni igitur submoto timore at potius cum ardore animi se illa dedit cunctis scientiae viis, sibi quae conscia sit Eum praecedere se qui “via, veritas et vita” est (Io. 14, 6), Logos, cuius Spiritus intellectus et amoris humanae tribuit personae ut suo ingenio extremam comperiat veritatem quae fons illorum ac finis est, unde solum eius Sapientiae donari potest plenitudo, qua dempta venturum mundi aevum periclitabitur omnino.vatican.va vatican.va
Every one passed on to others whom he met the intelligence, ill-authenticated as it was, and they again to many more, with joyous exaggeration.
statim credita, statim vulgata sunt: ut quisque obvius, quamvis leviter audita in alios atque illi in plures cumulata gaudio transferunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
(25) God gave man intelligence, sensitivity and the power of thought—tools with which to finish and perfect the work He began. Every worker is, to some extent, a creator—be he artist, craftsman, executive, laborer or farmer.
Deus, tum hominem intellectu, cogitatione atque sensibus ornavisset, instrumenta ei praebuit, quibus opus a se inchoatum veluti absolveret perficeretque: nam quicumque labore se exercet, sive artifex, sive opifex, sive operis conductor, sive operarius, sive agricola, quodammodo creat.vatican.va vatican.va
God of course asks us really to cooperate with his grace, and therefore invites us to invest all our resources of intelligence and energy in serving the cause of the Kingdom.
Adiutricem certe nostram operam Deus expetit suam ad gratiam proindeque nos monet ut in ministerio nostro pro Regno omnes nostras intellegentiae atque navitatis opes collocemus.vatican.va vatican.va
Caesar, having intelligence of this from a spy, drew out two legions, with a party of cavalry, at midnight, and sent them about ten miles off; whence they returned, loaded with corn to the camp.
Qua de re Caesar per indicem certior factus tertia vigilia legiones duas cum equitatu mittit a castris suis milia passuum X atque inde magno numero frumenti onustos recipit in castra.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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