without elevation oor Latyn

without elevation

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
This was a phrase which Augustus devised as a designation of supremacy, so that without assuming the name of king or dictator he might have some title to mark his elevation above all other authority.
Pompeius erat eo tempore in Candavia iterque ex Macedonia in hiberna Apolloniam Dyrrachiumque habebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In his thinking, the demands of reason and the power of faith found the most elevated synthesis ever attained by human thought, for he could defend the radical newness introduced by Revelation without ever demeaning the venture proper to reason.
Si quid ultra moliantur, inde iniuriam et culpam, hinc ultionem et deos fore.vatican.va vatican.va
I would not deny that my elevation was begun by Vespasian, augmented by Titus, and still further advanced by Domitian; but those who profess inviolable truthfulness must speak of all without partiality and without hatred.
neque tamen eloquentiam gratuito contingere: omitti curas familiaris ut quis se alienis negotiis intendat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When Scipio perceived the eagerness and alacrity of our troops to engage, suspecting that he should be obliged the next day, either to fight, against his inclination, or to incur great disgrace by keeping within his camp, though he had come with high expectation, yet by advancing rashly, made a shameful end; and at night crossed the river, without even giving the signal for breaking up the camp, and returned to the ground from which he came, and there encamped near the river, on an elevated situation.
Quibus mandatis acceptis Massilienses portas Caesari clauserant; Albicos, barbaros homines, qui in eorum fide antiquitus erant montesque supra Massiliam incolebant, ad se vocaverant; frumentum ex finitimis regionibus atque ex omnibus castellis in urbem convexerant; armorum officinas in urbe instituerant; muros portas classem reficiebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
4 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.